Rating:  Summary: A mind bending expansion of your mind. Review: A 2000 page book, printed on biblical paper, thick, heavy and of wonderous mind bending reading. In fact one comes to the realization it must be studied.
Rating:  Summary: The Truth...Is it time? Review: The Urantia Book is very deep in the uniteing of the spirirtual world and the material world, the science world and religion. It lets us know the truth if we can handle it. The Urantia Book defines who we are and where we came from. After reading a few chapters you'll see that this book was responsible for the success of many famous story lines,ideas, and movies. By far it is the most dramatic book you can read because it's about us and everything we deal with. This is not by any chance a stupid cult, it's yours to take it or leave it.--Joe H.
Rating:  Summary: The most transformative and amazing book I have ever read. Review: Reading The Urantia Book brought about a permanent shift in my thinking about God, the cosmos, and humanity by logically explaining the origin, history, and destiny of each. The book claims to be a revelation to our world from those who govern the universe. It is without question, the most compelling evidence of extraterrestrial life that I have ever found. Its philosophy is ultimately wise and practical, its cosmology better than the best science fiction, and its teachings about deity are completely sublime. In fact, the exquisite way in which it integrates science, religion, and philosophy make it unparalleled in my opinion. I would highly recommend it to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Life changing, mind expanding revelation of truth. Review: "Evolutionary religion is sentimental, not logical. It is man's reaction to belief in a hypothetical ghost-spirit world--the human belief-reflex, excited by the realization and fear of the unknown. Revelatory religion is propounded by the real spiritual world; it is the response of the superintellectual cosmos to the mortal hunger to believe in, and depend upon, the universal Deities. Evolutionary religion pictures the circuitous gropings of humanity in quest of truth; revelatory religion is that very truth." The above quote is taken from The Urantia Book, which I believe is a book of revealed religion.
Rating:  Summary: Life-changing, mind-expanding, revelation of truth! Review: Best religious book ever! Answered my questions about God, Jesus, religion, the universe, and life after death, plus much more. It's a beautiful, intense, and inspiring book which I've been reading and re-reading for 25 years.
Rating:  Summary: They must be kidding. Review: In a word: bunk. At best, the Urantia Book regurgitates truths and beliefs that transcend all religions. There is nothing new here. On the other hand, most of the so-called "revelations" are not only unremarkable, but downright silly. "Channeled"? "Inspired by 'spirit beings'"? Aliens? No, more like a group of bored people, getting stoned over the course of several evenings and perpetrating a colossal joke. Unfortunately, it worked. Rather than being brainwashed by a charismatic loudmouth, thousands have been brainwashed by a BOOK. Sad.
Rating:  Summary: The Most important Book in the World:) and on Amazon.com too Review: Aloha! The Urantia Book is the most important book in the world. It contains truths that are eternal and much needed in this day of great confusion. I would say to anyone who wants to know the real deal about our lives and this world Urantia, buy it now:) And start living the way you always knew you should live, with LOVE:)
Rating:  Summary: The Urantia Books affirms your soul's ability to know truth Review: The Urantia Book is a destination of all spiritually-thinking and God-seeking humans. It is not only provocative and enlightening, but entertaining in it's honesty of delivery. It doesn't ask you to join anything. It doesn't ask for your donations. It doesn't require you to take part in any rituals. It doesn't demand anything other than consideration upon reading it. If the angels above decided to give us a book of spiritual truths I would only know it was for real if I read it. The book empowers you with the self-confidence of knowing that one's ability to recognize truth is evolving as we evolve as a race of humans, gaining an ability to discern truth through sincere contemplation and faith.
Rating:  Summary: Exercise tolerance for the many timid and fearful souls. Review: To read how other people (besides me) preceive the Urantia Book is interesting to say the least. I myself was where some of you are right now, at the beginning; saying who knows and what if? Always questioning, looking for the mistakes and loop holes. Just waiting for that "CULT" infulence to bring it's hidden agenda to my attention. But, to those of you, who are where I am in personal spiritual growth, know it just isn't there. In other words...KEEP READING! I can't urge you enough. "Always seek the truth and you shall find." Now, to those of us whom have read the book and re-read and study the book everyday and hold the knowledge of the truth within your being, know just like I do, that the dissemination of this book (world wide)is of the utmost importance.Within the pages of the Urantia Book holds the answers to the problems of society. (It is up to the forward looking men and women of the ages who dare to construct a new and appealing philosophy of living out of the enlared and exquisitely integrated modern concepts of cosmic truth, universal beauty and divine goodness. 43:3) This book is suppose to be looked at, scrutinized and compared, but never to be changed or tampered with in any way, for it is meant to with-stand the ages of time. For you know as well as I do, that you cannot tell another how to live or feel about something as diversified as religion. (Religion cannot be bestowed, received, loaned, learned or lost. It is a personal experience which grows proportionally to the growing quest for final values. 1,095:2) Therefore every being must find his own niche, so to speak, for you must live your own religion. The book of truth is to be offered freely to our brethren and only those who sincerely seek the truth will find it. For sadly, not every soul is ready to accept the truth. And Jesus said ("Behold, I stand at the door and knock and if any man will open I will come in." 1,765:4)
Rating:  Summary: A volume of cosmic reality that once read may open your eyes Review: I have read much over the years and never have I been able to find answers to my deeper spirititual questions. I have found answers beyond my wildest hopes and dreams. The book is appealing to me because it explains and teaches me on a very one on one basis. Most books are easily digested and explained but Urantia is beyond explanation and will unfortunately probably only be read by people that have a "fire" to UNDERSTAND as it is explained by the many personalities in the book. Parts of the book are very difficult to understand, but the essential parts are truly inspiring. Having read the entire volume I am totally convinced it is as it is portrayed and we are priveleged beyond measure to have this volume of truth and infinite wisdom given to us.