Rating:  Summary: terrified me, i mean *really* terrified me! Review: If you would like to loose sleep and loose your perception of your reality and gain someone else's this is the book for you. It shocked me so much that I threw it away in the trash out of immense fear. I regret it now because I know the author is right. Please read this book regarding wars, humanity, aliens and religious history. It is brilliantly researched and wise. When you finish it, post your reply here so I may see if you've had the same reaction. The reaction that terrified you!
Rating:  Summary: "Spiritual wickedness in high places." Review: William Bramley is an intelligent writer, and he has a very logical mind. His book is well-written, well-researched, and extremely thought-provoking. In it he sets out to offer an unorthodox reading of history, and to describe the true nature of human beings and our predicament.Bramley's reading of history, predictably, is very unsettling to those who prefer to continue to believe the sanitized version they were taught in grade school. There are many such persons in society today, people who have never had an unconventional thought themselves and who strongly disapprove of anyone who has. Suffice to say that Bramley's reading of history has much to commend it. As for Bramley's view of the human being as a soul or spirit or "unit of awareness" that has become trapped in a physical body and is being manipulated, this view too is highly unwelcome to all those True Believers and worshippers at the shrine of a reductionist and materialistic science which denies the existence of spirit. But spirit does exist, and, as Bramley realizes, it is primary. To explain how we, as spiritual beings, ended up thinking that we are nothing more than "meat and electricity," Bramley uses an interesting analogy: "Spiritual beings may become fixated in [a solid-seeming universe] like cameras anchored in a dense rain forest; the cameras are unable to perceive beyond the foliage in front of them. After staring at the foliage for a long enough time, the cameras may begin to believe that they, too, are nothing but foliage and they forget that they are cameras" (pp.439-440). The problem, as he sees it, is that we need to develop a genuine science of the spirit that would restore us to our "true self-identities" as "units of awareness," and that would give us "the ability to come and go from the rain forest [i.e. the material universe] at will" (p.440). Although Bramley nowhere mentions it, the beginnings of such a science, a 'Science of the 1st Person,' have already been worked out by an Englishman called Douglas Harding. His method, that of 'reversing the arrow of attention,' can be learned easily from any of his books, and can be practised by anyone, anywhere, at any time. It will very quickly show you what you really are, and that you are not what you have been told you are. Unfortunately we still await (at least in the West) the benefactor who will teach us, once having learned what we are, how to awaken and use our dormant powers. My advice to the open-minded and objective reader would be to ignore the True Believers, Nay-sayers and Chanters of the Mantra of Denial - "I wasn't taught this in grade school and so it can't be true!" - and to read both Bramley and Harding. There is much that is of real value and interest in both of these writers, and both of them are considerably more intelligent than at least some of their critics.
Rating:  Summary: "Aliens Made Me Do It!" Review: Bramley contends in his book, The Gods of Eden, that aliens, via their elite and ultra-secret Brotherhood organizations, are the source of all human conflict. If one really thinks about this, it sounds suspiciously like that old refrain children use when they have done something bad- "the devil made me do it!". Nonetheless, this book includes everything from New Age interpretations of the Bible, the political intrigues of various monarchies and dynasties all over the world, to a wide variety of conspiracy theories on everything from the Black Death of the Middle Ages, the motives behind the First and Second World Wars, and the link between the CIA and the JFK assassination. Literally, no stone, or shall we say, no major event in world history, is left un-turned. Still, those who are curious enough to read this book completely will know exactly where various plot elements from hit Sci-Fi shows such as the X-files and Dark Skies, as well as many books based on the 'Aliens Are Among Us' theme, came from. For example, fans of John Doherty's Area 51 novel series can see how his story line literally comes from Bramley's work word for word- especially Doherty's plot element regarding alien involvement in the Black Death which pops up in a couple of his novels. Furthermore, Bramley's work is closely akin to the scholarly works of Zecharia Sitchin, the sensationalist accounts of Erich von Daniken and Jim Marrs, and the New Age interpretations of Graham Hancock and Rand Flem-Ath. However, the book does have its good points. First, it does a very good job of outlining the link between economics and war. Second, it presents the reader with a very thorough and detailed explanation of the world monetary system, how it works, and raises the interesting question of who really controls nations- the elected leaders or the money-men. Finally, not only do the contents of the book serve as good fodder for an alien novel or a conspiracy yarn, the book itself can be read and enjoyed as a grand historical conspiracy with colorful alien ( I am thinking of Count St. Germain) and human characters- both good and evil. Yet, there is one very disturbing element to this book. By saying that all human suffering is caused by aliens, either directly, or via their various Brotherhood organizations such as the Freemasons, the Knights Templar, or the Islamic Assassins, it seems to me that Bramley is absolving the human race of all wrong-doing. True or not, aliens or extraterrestrials, be they 'Custodians', 'Alien earth owners', or 'Caretakers', may very well be instigating conflict within the human race, but it is humanity that pulls the trigger or drops the bombs, nonetheless. By way of analogy, if one of the zealous members of the Third Reich had told the judges at the Nuremberg trials that it was Hitler and the SS that ran everything, and that he or she was just an errand boy simply 'following orders', would that absolve him or her for their crimes against humanity? Machievellian involvement of extraterrestrials in human affairs aside, this reviewer firmly believes that ultimately, we humans are responsible to ourselves, and others, for our own actions.
Rating:  Summary: An unbalanced book. Review: The beginning and end of this book are alright, however, the middle and last chapters are crap. Bramley's hypothesis on the nature of a "Supreme Being" are pretty stupid, to say the least. And isn't it funny how he uses one story from the Bible to discredit another story from the Bible? Who's to judge which source of information is accurate anyway? But that doesn't stop Bramley from using anything he sees fit, just as long as it fits into his giant jigsaw puzzle of alien stewardship. Lastly, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that absolute power corrupts absolutely. The idea that "elite" groups of people are pawns to some alien force is pretty dumb when you consider that there's been probably millions of wars/battles on this planet since the dawn of time. Now, are you gonna tell me that aliens are behind all of this? It can't be because people are greedy or defending themselves from invaders, but it has to be that aliens are behind everything. Personally I have to agree with Carl Sagan on this one... the issue of religion I mean. UFO's, now that's a different story.
Rating:  Summary: confusing, dis-jointed, poorly referenced... Review: and not even entertaining as fiction. The basic premise, that humanity is in one way or another influenced by another sophisticated, if elusive, Intelligence, seems sound to me. And there is an abundance of circumstantial evidence for such an idea, (though I personally tend to veer away from the Spirit World explanation and ET explanation and am much more fascinated by the "Ultraterrestrial" theories of John Keel, among others.) But this book doesn't put forth any clear theory and follow through with it. It's as if the author was hoping that if he threw enough gunk on the wall, some of it might stick. All the reader gets, however, is a confusing gunked-up wall...Some pretty wild stuff gets thrown out, (for example, Jesus was fair-skinned and red-haired...?...), and most frustrating of all, almost NO substantiation for the claims being made, (the bibliography looks like the author went to nearest New Age bookstore, scooped up a handful of books from the bestseller shelf, and took his ideas from that...why do I get the feeling that's EXACTLY what happened?) And, last but not least, we are treated to the Masonic-Secret Society-Brotherhood theory of the Wooly-Boogers who supposedly are behind the scenes pulling all the strings, I guess at the behest of the Alien bad guys. Even if there was a shred of truth to this, and I mean this sincerely, who gives a flying leap? Most of us live quite well day-to-day, thank you, without the benefit of Big Brother, or Who/What-ever; so if a bunch of adolescent-minded Bilderbergers or what want to get together, practice their secret handshakes and other James Bond games, fine with me. Who cares? Premise is fascinating. But this book does nothing with it. Save your money.
Rating:  Summary: Alas, a refreshing perspective! Review: I had read this book awhile ago but I am due for another reading. What an interesting perspective and delightful compilation through the years of our history. After reading some of the reviews I think it may be important to point out the main purpose that this book was probably written. It is not to sway or impress upon humankind about Mr. Bramley's findings but it exists for us to keep an open mind and not to believe everything we see or hear and yes, even read. There are many perspectives and Mr. Bramley presents us with another angle of the prism. Keep an open thought in everything that you see or read, believe everything but do not accept nothing as Truth until you have successfully proven it to yourself.
Rating:  Summary: A True Account Of Earth's History. Review: For quite a few months I was trying to put together pieces that would explain our planet's history and it's undeniable connection to extra-terrestrial influences. The hardest thing about this was putting it all together in cronological order. A website recommended that this book be read by anyone who was interesting in gaining a different view on the world so I purchased it. WOW !! The first fiew chapters answered many questions I had had about egyptian cultures and their advanced mathematical and architectural skills. I was able to grasp Bramley's explanations with ease and underderstanding. When I approached the chapter on The Black Death, my stomach turned. I felt like closing the book never to open it again as the truth disgusted me, but I was unable to stop thinking about. So, I spent a day in tears and turmoil, pulled myself back together again and read on. This book is no science fiction novel. It explains absoloutely everything you could ever want to know about the history of this planet, infact I will go so far as saying this book is the only book I consider to be a true account of our history. Bramley's beliefs are so profound that you have no choice but to stop and truly think about it. It will provoke your memory and eventually you will realise, as painful as it all may be, that our D.N.A was infact tampered with by E.T. geneticists who wanted to hinder our spriritual evolution to make homo-sapien sapiens pawns in their game of slavery chess. I recommend this book to everyone, if you dimiss his theories then perhaps you are not ready for the truth, nonetheless read it anyway. The most important thing I this book will teach you is that although we have been used by E.T's all our lives, it doesn't mean we cannot make a change for the better now. Even if the only change you make is in your beliefs of our history, the liberation you will feel will give you freedom. "...And the truth shall set you free."
Rating:  Summary: My new bible! Review: This book is the most remarkable book i've EVER read! Bramley brings up facts about the past that people gracefully skip over as if they don't matter. It also shows you that humans are being controlled and believe only what aliens want them to believe! It shows you that you've been taken for an idiot....that you're really not who you think you are. It helps you grasp on to new ideas and open your mind up to reality. I think people that gave this book a bad rating were either close-minded or so scared about that fact that most of the stuff in the book is actually true! I have always been interested in conspiracy theorys, and now that i've read this book....I need nothing more to back up my beliefs! Please, take the time to read this book and other books that deal with what Bramley talks about. I highly recommend Erich Von Danichan as well! WOW, a belief that actually makes sense! I rate this book 5 stars for it's all around EXCELLENT research and reasoning!
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining if nothing else... Review: I bought this book in a used book store on one of my recent adventures and read it on my way home via Greyhound Bus. It's one of those books that throws a lot of information at the reader very quickly, and it's information that I wasn't familiar with at all...but it made me think. What was Buddha's real teaching? Who was Jesus? Was Ahura Mazda (Zoroastrian) really an E.T. in a space-suit? Those questions interest me since I study religion, but there are also questions dealing with ancient Egypt all the way through modern America. If mind-bending questions interest you, you might just want to pick this one up.
Rating:  Summary: great book!!!! Review: I saw this book at Waldans bookstore bought it and read it all I can saw is WHAT A GREAT BOOK!!!! all the stuff about aliens creating us and using us as a slave race was interesting I've all ways beileved in UFO'S and ailens and figured they might have more to do with are history than the Goverment wants us to believe. Bramley relly paints a brutal and harsh history of our lives and how we may have come here plus what we thought was the truth may or may not be true. I highly recommened this book interested in our history and how aliens played a part in our history.