Rating:  Summary: a gnosticism rehash Review: Bramley has written a good book, but there is little that is original with this book. He makes the claim that aliens use us as pawns in some kind of cosmic chess game. According to this metaphysics, there is no God at least the way most religions understand this word. Rather there is eternal matter. In the universe then, there are more advanced races. So apparently these aliens came to earth, saw man in a primitive state, and decided to use him as slave labor to mine the earth for minerals they needed. Afterwards, they decided to have fun with the human race and invented wars, diseases, and confused people with all kinds of religions that they invented. This theme runs through his entire book. A writer called Dione wrote two book called "Is God Supernatural" and "God drives a flying saucer" in which he claims that flying saucers were behind the rise of Hitler and the apparitions of fatima, among other things. Unfortunately these two books are currently out of print. In gnosticism in which Bramley tells us little if anything, we find the key to what may really be going on. Gnostics believe that there is a God, but since he is eternal, he cannot be in time and cannot create anything. They believe that creation occured by one of seven "aeons" or archangels. One of these archangels created man and imprisioned his immortal spirit in a body of matter. This archangel gave himself the name Jehovah or the god of the old testement. Gnostics believe Jehovah is an evil being, since he trapped mans spirit in matter. When Lucifer tried to liberate man by having man disobey Jehovah, he actually freed man from Jehovahs clutches. Since man now died, he could free himself from Jehovah and if he was purified by meditation, magick, etc. after death he could return to God forever. This is gnosticism in a nutshell. In Bramleys work the evil Jehovah or the demiruge in gnosticism has now become an evil alien race, opposed of course by a good alien race. Sound familiar? It should. Because its the same theme played on throughout religious history ie: God and the devil, Buddha and Mara, the good god versus the evil god of zorastrianism etc. In truth, all there is, is reality itself. Reality by definition is everywhere, and so it is in you. This reality is called " the kingdom of God" "Buddha nature" etc. Its essence is mind or thought. All the evil Bramley accounts for has its origin in mans own mind. The Bible says as A man thinks, so is he. Although, the Bible may not be all true, this statement on thought is very true. Man himself is responsible for all the good and evil that happens to him, not aliens, etc. These are nothing more than projections of mans evil thoughts. Meditation, and other spiritual disciplines help man to still his thoughts and eventually overcome his bondage to his own thoughts, which take the form of evil aliens, illuminati and who knows what else. This in fact is the essence of all religions. So Bramleys book is good as far as it goes, but his research doesnt take us far enough to find the solution. The solution was found long ago.
Rating:  Summary: Tom Swift Meets Mulder Review: Bramley proves that 2 + 2 = 5. Non-fiction + space aliens = book sales. In my mind this book is representative of the worst kind of conspiracy theories - combining outer space alien theories with historical material (plague and dark ages stuff with added religion and politics) and est voila = fear and loathing in the middle kingdom. Food for spacemen + secret brotherhoods and assassination schools = Tom swift and his spectra-marine selector - A man with a plan from Planet XWhew . . . . What garbage !
Rating:  Summary: This is horrendous Review: This book is horrible. I did not find one kernal of solid evidence or anything even remotely speculative. He mostly steals from Zecharia Sitchin's hard work and research and comes off more pathetic than even Erik von Daniken. I love this TYPE of reading, but this is a horrible speciemen. The only thing even remotely interesting was his story about the Count of Saint Germain. I strongly advise anyone who is thinking about this purchase, to pick up Sitchin instead. Or even take your self out of the new age section and grab Graham Hancock. This is just silly.
Rating:  Summary: Fascinating Review: The author never states that the aliens are behind every war on the planet. I don't know where people get that idea. However, he does say that they might've been behind some of the pivotal moments in history, inlcluding events in the Old Testament, Islam, the Book of Mormon, and the pyramids in Egypt-- all of which are unexplained phenomena, unless you actually believe the myths people tell you. Moreover, isn't it odd that there weren't any inscriptions or mummies found inside the great pyramids, how can they be sure that they were actually built by the pharaohs then? Why should we believe that a bunch of people back then wasted their whole lives working on a pharaoh's tomb? When has a land of peasants ever had so much free time that they start building gigantic pyramids? How would they have acquired such knowledge in the first place, did they go study at Harvard? Maybe history is just wrong.
Rating:  Summary: A must have! Review: I read half this book in 1990, then I had to return it. I learned later that the original print was taken off the shelves, I guess some people got scared? I think this one is close to the original, it is amazing when you can find works dealing with the bible and the aliens. A must have for anyone believing in the supernatural, and who owns any book by the writers of Left Behind.
Rating:  Summary: We are who nourish the Gods:) Review: And The Gods said:" Let us make him who shall nourish and sustain us" this quote is from (Popol Vuh book) which is mentioned in page 175 from "The gods of Eden". The sentence "nourish us" caught my attention. are we here to feed or cook for the Gods or we are the food itself??? By reading " Flying Serpents and Dragons : The Story of Mankind's Reptillian Past" (by R. A. Boulay) you will find that the Gods always carrying with them the drink of immortality and by following up with sir Laurence Gardner's research about drinking Human blood (Dracula concept or dracu from Dragon) This blood can be the menstrual blood or blood of a fearful human being which contain high dose of Adrenaline hormone this wil explain the promotion of fear through wars, violence, money problems etc... How our Blood is collected?? Through Abduction, make no mistake abduction is an old phenomena.\ How to prevent that? Fear nothing, since they can smell your Yummy fearful blood also eat Garlic at night it seems the Gods don't like it. :)) for additional reading get "The Biggest Secret" (by David Icke)
Rating:  Summary: This book will really open your mind Review: I love this book because it opened my eyes to alot of things I was already aware of , but wasn't yet ready to face, I first saw the book the Gods of Eden at a book store in 1995 and turned it over and read the book jacket, I put the book back on the shelf, and picked it up again a year later and bought it, I was finally ready to read it, and it blew my mind, finally all the zig, zag peices of the puzzle was finally in order, I had all the peices all along but finally William Bramley gave me the tool to see the whole picture clearly, he also introduced me to Zecharia Stitchen's Earth Chronicle books, which I will forever be thankful for. I've read this book so many times I can't even count anymore. and each time I read it, I find something new to marvel at, This book is truly a gift, in many years to come I believe that people will astonished at the accuracy of what he has written
Rating:  Summary: He almost got it, but.... Review: The truth is we are simply a very large videogame to the people of other worlds. Wars are created to play a game--with humans as the game pieces. You are being manipulated to entertain creatures from other worlds that are far superior to you. To them, it's like a kid playing with an insect.
Rating:  Summary: 5* for making me think, 3* for convincing me Review: Bramley is the kind of person who seems to become my friend, time and time again. In a land full of prophets (Israel) in which I live, I am always surrounded by people who have a great theory that explains it all. They have published a book, or are writing one, and somehow I seem to encounter these people again and again. Bramley in "God of Eden" brings an interesting theory that we are exploited since the beginning of time by aliens, coming from other planets. These aliens present themselves quite often as gods, start new religions or doctrines and by doing this they create wars. These wars keep the humankind in its state of slavery to the outer forces that decide for us. Probably these aliens or gods are the one who started humankind by genetic engineering. How they do it? They do it through an international ring of secret societies. Some of them are more know than others like the freemasons or the Templars, others are more obscure. These societies supports aliens, by spreading apocalyptic messages (followed by a 1000 years of peace) and in their way of helping the aliens become rich and powerful. Yes, of course there is more to the book than that. You can expect more almost 500 pages. However, if you want to make such claims you need a lot of proof and Bramleys just proves in his books that it's only his idea and no proof is given to the reader of all this relationship. He is no doubt a great specialist in secret brotherhoods, and states this in more than 250 pages which are dedicated to freemasonry and other sects. It makes this book specially valuable for people interested in freemasonry, whether they believe in UFO's or not. I find it quite real that there are aliens and UFO's, and there is enough prove of it from ancient times to this day. But every word that Bramley uses in this book to prove that these aliens are bad and manipulative can be used as a proof of the opposite, they may as well be helping the humankind from time to time escape destruction. Bramley goes as far as stating that all the wars are caused by aliens. This raises the question of, why? if we are they slaves why they want us dead? Or, if they want us dead, how come we have multiplied to be 6 billion people on earth? and then comes the big question, what are the aliens getting from this planet? Maybe what they want is dead people, and they use their ashes as energy, or maybe they use our farts to keep themselves warm... I am taking this to the limit, since there is not even one hint of answer to it in this book. Even if his theory was true, we must be left with our head back to the wall. If these aliens, that are probably far superior technologically to anything we can imagine, are governing us so badly, then there is nothing we can do about it. Then maybe he is the ultimate apocalypse, there is no redemption possible, since all we are is some kind of energy to other entities. At the end of the book, Bramley tries to answer this question by offering the possibility of having peace talks with the aliens. Now, Mr. Bramley, whet will these aliens talk to us if they are exploiting us for thousands of years or more now? and as you say, they are doing it with such success. Bramley's gods have no compassion, on the contrary, they are only after our sweat and destruction. Isn't this again the most Calvinist thought you can imagine? Bramley has not convinced me that people and only people can't be responsible for the eruption of wars. And that this is made by a small elite, occult or not. Bramley also seems to give much more importance to secret cults than anyone has done before. They are not just a preparation for some leaders, according to Bramley they are the occult leaders of the world. Since secret orders are just that, secret by their own definition, anything and the opposite can be said about them, and since they are secret they won't stand and defend themselves. It's probable that some secret orders have influenced history or are still influencing some events in this world. But it's highly improbable that they decide everything. While all over the book there is a highly humanistic (and not secular, but catholic and religious humanism) view of the world, and Bramley firmly believes in the goodness of human kind, this books just can push most people to fear and despair. I think that many apocalyptic books will come out of his ideas, if they have not been published already. The good part of this book is that it made me think, as you can see, and raised may questions in my mind, major questions about humanity. And that is what a good book should do, raise questions and make people think. For it, I give him 4*.
Rating:  Summary: from One of your overlords Review: First,I have to mention I am one of the Custodians.One you should fearSecondly,for a race so old,it is pathetic that someone such as Mr.Bramley,should think he can overthrow us withonly a few years of rather poorly-researched work.The reason this book is so critisized and not more famous is that Mr.Bramley has figured us out,and we wish to desstroy all his subversive efforts. But if I can speak as if I were one of the slave-race.....Yes,this book SEEMS to be put together well because everything is made to fit Mr.Brumley's own personal cosmology.Anyone with a little intelligence can do /does do the same.And where does this "new"cosmology get us?No longer do we have to fear the structures of religion or goverment or work or diseae.No longer do we have to spend time tring to figure out history(it's been done for us).Now we can sit content with our superior Understanding,and just know that we are all eternal spirits(a belief Mr.Bramley seemed to like without any proof ,much reference,or any reason why that actually helps us(Without being rude-the fact that African-American slaves knew they were partly spiritual,without the comfort and guidance of a more expanded belief system,didn't help them out of slavery,so how does that help us under the slavery of our alien Custodians.It doen't.As for mr.Brumley"s "enlightenment" all we're left with ismasochistic,nihilistic(not as in Nietsche)paranoic,fear-mongering.Yes,the ideas presented here are threatening to status-quo perceptions of reality,which is a GOOD thing,but the reason is because history is re-interpreted so simplistically,and so life-denyingly that we're decieved into thinking it makes sense and that scares us.Why do aliens want us to fight each othert and be blinded to the "fact"that it's Them?And what do they need us to work for the?What are we giving them that they with their High technology can"t just take,or create for that matter?Yes,I believe in aliens.Yes,I believe thjey have power and knowledge in advance of ours.Yes,I believe ther"s truth under ancient religious beliefs.Yes,I think there are alot of conspiracies going on.But if EVERYTHING is a conspiracy ,then there is no conspiracy. I gave it one star because I couldn"t give any lower.And because ,it does at least hint at the most interesting things that have gone on in history,even if it totally renders their real significance just another reason we should"open our eyes and see what THEY are doing to us".WHATEVER!!!!!Mr.Bramley "s book is not a sourcebook on the path to any kind of liberation.It is the Bible of another Custodian though-those who ,without regard for humanity's real welfare,spout off simplistic Dogma to replace all others,at their personal convenience because it's what they are O.K. with I,myself, have divine comfirmation from my fellow custodians,that if we did exist in this rediculous capacity,this book would be vapourized alond with it's believers LONG ago.Fortunately for You,we don't Live long and prosper, Canadian Chapter of the Snake Treaders.