Rating:  Summary: A beautiful look at what may be the ultimate reality Review: "Only human beings have come to the point where they no longer know why they exist..."-The Lakota shaman Lame Deer, as quoted by Michael Talbot "...The idea that the universe began in a single primordial explosion, or Big Bang, is accepted without question by most scientists. And this is odd because, although there are compelling reasons to believe that this is true, no one has ever proved this is true. On the other hand, if a near- death psychologist were to flatly state that the realm [Near Death Experience]-ers travel to during their experiences is an actual other level of reality, the psychologist wouldbe attacked for making a statement that cannot be proved. And this is odd, for there are equally compelling reasons to believe this is true. In other words, science already accepts what is probable about very important matters IF those matters fall into the category of *fashionable things to believe*, but not if they fall into the category of *unfashionable things to believe*. This double standard must be eliminated before science can begin to make significant inroads into the study of both psychic and spiritual phenomena..." -Page 297 Talbot gives us more than a love letter to man and the universe in this painstakingly and exhaustively researched book, covering far- reaching and far-ranging subjects from parapsychology to cultural anthropology, to psychoneuroimmunology, to philosophy, to comparitive mythology and religion, to the sociology of scientific and medical communities, returning always to the central themes of quantum physics--and the unexpected way in which they ALL converge on singularly thematic and primal ideas. Talbot gives us the gift of infinity. Talbot has created a bridge with this book: a bridge to connect the mind to the heart; the intellect to the intuition; the psychology to the soul; scientific theory to cultural experience; the individual rational mind to the collective consciousness; the enlightment of mystics, shamans and prophets of ancient times to the quantum cosmological discoveries and cutting edge theorists of today--bookending, with intellectual rigor and fortitude, the reaffirmations of the unitary voice of the human spirit, and the human heart. This book must be experienced for its effect to be fully understood. Micheal Talbot, with this book, does exactly what he set out to do: change the way one sees oneself, and the world, forever. It is profoundly lucid, masterfully written, unapologetically challenging and revolutionary, always erudite... and just plain beautful.
Rating:  Summary: Just another part of the one Universe Review: I am researching LSD and its essential outgivings of the human psyche and why we release such thoughts the way we do under the influence of the chemical.Through my previos experience I exploited many astonishing findings that involved stretching out the senses. The state of mind I've put my self in through my sessions is one of a high faithful optimistic researcher. In with the "solution" (otherwise known to all as LSD)I discovered that at times the visual you project out of your mind is coming directly from the expiramenter. The powers of the astonishing wave moments come through with this particular solution from strong imaginative emotions. As with the explicate order, here in this other realm we are taught that the powers of the mind are so potenent that they are capable of projecting and materializing anything and shutting out the principles of science and how matter works. Gravity is a formal pull, and as we are told of psychokenesis, we may be able to even move gravity out of our way and float away like a feather in space. To make this theory clearer we must give ourselves the understanding that the energy field and particles making up gravity posses a certain kind of consciousness that we as human beings in our normal state of mind, cannot comprehend. Through inside the implicate with the solution we can somehow place ourselves in gravity's place putting ourselves vulnerable and capable of being gravity itself and literally possesing its traits. If an interconnection is installed through such an exercise the expectations should be classified as "Limitless" and "Unpredictable" leading to many phenomenal occurences such as an outer-body experience or a "New emotion-finding". When under the influence of LSD we give out so many different emotions through us. I believe these hard built emotions are emotions we probably once had in another life or maybe an emotion we posses through our unconcious selves. When touched through by LSD our brain functions at the equivalence of our dream like state clinically proving us unconcious or sometimes by these raging critics, "Insane". What's being projected out of our mind through the experience is whatever we profoundly percieve to be there or whatever we're thinking, and even what our "Focal Point" reminds us of. The focal point in an LSD session is simply where you're setting your stable sight on. For example,picture yourself looking at a sink and its faucet;depending on how strong you mind works and how strong your visual aids are will be the results of your "Out total projected image" that shocks you. It should not only be the image through your sight that is so shocking,but all those other senses should be shocked also. The shock should be composed either by a theory of that faucet's past, present, or future, or even how that faucet feels about everything.Many times I find myself not being able to project what an object feels about everything. So instead I simply find out how it physically feels. This itself "For now" is a brilliant data to my collection for my spirit and its skills. Skills are formatted by beliefs and faith. If you believe it can, then it will under the proper circumstances and under the right process taken.
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful look at perhaps the ultimate reality Review: "Sit down before fact like a child, and be prepared to give up every preconceived notion, follow humbly wherever and to whatever abyss Nature leads, or you shall learn nothing." -T.H. Huxley, as quoted by Michael Talbot "...don't be afraid. Once you have overcome your 'fear of the water', I think you'll find swimming among quantum physics' strange and fascinating ideas much easier than you thought. I think you'll also find that pondering a few of these ideas might even change the way you look at the world..." -page 8, Introduction "Miracles happen, not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature." -St. Augustine, as quoted by Michael Talbot, page 119 "The idea that the universe began in a single primordial explosion, or Big Bang, is accepted without question by most scientists. And this is odd because, although there are compelling reasons to believe that this is true, no one has ever proved that it is true. On the other hand, if a near death psychologist were to state flatly that the realm of light NDE-ers travel to during their experiences is an actual other level of reality, the psychologist would be attacked for making a statement that cannot be proved. And this is odd, for there are equally compelling reasons to believe this is true. In other words, science already accepts what is probable about very important matters IF those matters fall into the category of 'fashionable things to believe', but not if they fall into the category of 'unfashionable things to believe'. This double standard must be eliminated before science can begin to make significant inroads into the study of both psychic and spiritual phenomena... ...We are, as the aborigines say, just learning how to survive in infinity." -Michael Talbot, THE HOLOGRAPHIC UNIVERSE This book is so exahustively researched, so well thought out, so cleary elucidated and full of points clearly delinated such that practically anyone with any level of familiarity with the scientific ideas presented (including none whatsoever) will walk away from it having at the very least a cursory, metaphor-producing understanding... all on the most provocative and most important subjects mankind could ever talk about in this new century. If ever you questioned if we are living in transformative, paradigmatic, *apocalyptic* times the likes of which have not been experienced on earth before--with simliar ideas changing the world only centuries ago-- this book will confirm it for you. Michael Talbot's holonomic and holistic approach to this fundamental shift in our understanding of the known universe, and what its implications are, will resonate in your heart, more than your mind. This book is a bridge to higher learning--of both a scientifc and a spiritual nature. It bridges the intuitive and the intellectual, the creative and the scientific; the scientific, spiritual, cultural, and creative persepctives on the universe into one all encompassing whole. I highly recommend it. It is absolutely wonderful.
Rating:  Summary: On Second Thought ... Review: I originally posted a 2-star review of this book in February of 2001. I found it too far out to be taken seriously. Since then, I've read a great deal on the evidence for paranormal phenomena, and my thinking on the subject has changed a lot. Rereading "The Holographic Universe" recently, I found that many of my earlier objections had melted away. Talbot still relies on some dubious examples - as another reader points out, the Indian mystic Sai Baba has been thoroughly discredited, yet Talbot takes him quite seriously. Talbot also shares some of his personal experiences, which can be pretty hard to swallow. Nevertheless, much of what he discusses is based on solid research in areas like out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, and so forth. Talbot's integration of this material with the Pribam model of a holographic mind and the Bohm model of an implicate order is fresh, original, and provocative. His book is consistently well written, and he summarizes a great deal of information in a clear, concise way, while making some complex scientific concepts easily understandable. Don't be too put off by the scoffing skeptics. There's some neat stuff in here.
Rating:  Summary: Bridging the gap betweeen Science and Religion Review: I'll make this short. Michael Talbot does a credible job of drawing parallels between religious concepts from different traditions and some of the basic ideas proposed by the field of quantum physics. The provocative nature of his subject matter is a call for us all to go deeper into an inquiry about what it truly means to be human. We are also well advised to explore more deeply what our responsiblities are as caretakers of this planet. The author seems to suggest that our best hope for survival lies in the development of our faculties of visualization. Not only is Talbot's conclusion about this comforting; it also cries out for further exploration by anyone who thinks and occupies a physical body. Skeptics and zealots may balk, but the fact remains that creativity flows most freely from an open mind. If this book can inspire even a single person open up to greater possiblities, then this author and others need to keep generating a steady stream of this kind of material (especially since Talbot researched his information so meticulously).
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding Review: One of the top three non-fiction books I have read. This book is clear, concise, and to the point. Regretably, it ends. This book altered my conception of reality nearly to the extent of a controlled LSD experiment. Talbot's explanation of the universe resonates with a subconcious level of awareness just below our mundane perception. There are occurences in this book (yes, they are documented) that stagger the the human imagination. May you R.I.P. David.
Rating:  Summary: so its all a long dream after all................. Review: Have you ever had a dream where everything in the dream was 'real' when you were in it? You could feel the touch of things and even smell things? Well it seemed too real UNTIL you woke up. Now it seems LIFE could be the same case too! It is as if this universe is just a thought or a dream. This book gives examples of experiments in Quantum Science that show the universe is too strange and sometimes seems 'illogical' to our reasoning. And we know time is a relative human construct, since the real 'time' is ALWAYS "NOW" in the present. This book is truly great.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent and makes you rethink your view of reality! Review: This is definitely a must read for anyone who ever pondered the meaning of reality or the universe. It puts together a big picture of all kinds of phenomenon and how they exist. So many things about our mind, our world, and our universe are explained if we adopt a holographic paradigm. There is convincing scientific evidence to support this too, such as the 1982 Alan Aspect experiment that showed that there was no locality between the twin particles. This book is not some wacky theory, because it contains quotes and studies from credible people and sources. In addition, the holographic theory is consistent with the view of reality by mystics and the idea that we are all connected and one, which is why love is so important because it brings unity. The only unanswered question I have that this book didn't seem to answer is this: If the universe is a hologram, then how is it that matter is solid to the touch? Why does my hand not pass through this table in front of me if it is a hologram? Upon reading the first 2 chapters closely, it appears that the answer to my question is that since our hands and our bodies are PART of the hologram of the universe, it would "feel" that other objects are solid too. I am not sure of this though, but that is my interpretation of it. If anyone else who has read the book knows the answer to my question, feel free to let me know. My email address is WWu777@aol.com Thanks, Winston
Rating:  Summary: Timeless: The old becomes new again Review: The first words after the title, on the book's front cover "A remarkable new theory of reality that explains:" blah blah blah, aborts the message of this timeless classic. The information presented here is not new, nor does Mr. Talbot take credit for presenting any revolutionary new theory. What Mr. Talbot does do, is bring together a compendium of the vast resources of our past and current cultures and present the distillation of those views in a highly readable and easily digestable manner. This book cannot help but to change the life of the reader if they have even an iota of receptiveness. The only readers who will walk away unmoved by this work are those who lack the capacity to assimilate ideas new to them or those who believe they already have. For all the others, I highly praise this book.
Rating:  Summary: From linear to holographic Review: As a student of ACIM(r), I found this a wonderful read. It is written brilliantly, and easily guides one with an open mind from the concept of linearity, to the concept of holograms and holographic time. Written with common sense examples, and clarity of thought.