Rating:  Summary: An innovative book which opens new questions Review: This book explains the scientific approach to mind and body relations. A good approach to understanding of holly spirit and basis of religions. In islamic religion holographic universe is explained as ALLAH which is the only being with different appearances according to your limited perceptions. This book should have been followed by others to help reach the relations between science and religion
Rating:  Summary: An elegant and compelling paradigm Review: As a student of personal development, I found the power of Mr. Talbot's book to be his ability to synthesize such a wide-range of unusual human experience into a compelling metaphor. Most personal development theories that I have studied involve visualizing the future as you want it to be, and associating strong emotions with your visualization. The Holographic Model provides an elegant explanation of why these success strategies work so well
Rating:  Summary: Talbots, "Mysticism and the New Physics" was much better. Review: While this book is interesting, I would strongly suggest reading Talbots earlier book, "Mysticism and the New Physics" which was right on target in my opinion. This book seems to have wandered a bit off course of the keen insight displayed in his previous books. I enjoyed "Beyond the Quantum" also, but have been unable to find a copy. I also have heard that Michael Talbot has since passed away. I regret that we will not be able to look forward to future books by him exploring this fascinating subject.
Galen Sharp
Rating:  Summary: A great mind-expanding metaphor of the universe. Review: Talbot presents a new, exciting and plausible paradigm of the mind and universe. His arguments are logical, well presented, and based on the very latest findings in science. Through many examples, he illustrates how what are considered inviolate laws of the universe are broken regularly. The reader is drawn to the conclusion that all things are possible, and limitaions are of our own making
Rating:  Summary: A bold and creative synthesis of the human condition Review: Michael Talbot challenges the reader to throw off his/er
convential assumptions about realily. Boldly presented,
this synethesis of science and spirituality presents a new
perspective that goes beyond the subjective/objective
duality. Michael Talbot's "omnijective" paradigm will be
the topic of discussion of physicists, philosophers and
psychologists for many years to come.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent resource Review: The Holographic Universe is by far one of the best books quantum physics I've read. This book clearly presents a unified view of both science and spirituality. Their are many mystical concepts that the author touches upon. The idea of a Collective Unconcious; that we all share a deeper racial memory is reminiscent of the later works of Carl Jung. In addition, there is a small but helpful chapter devoted to Multiplicity or multiple personalities. The author articulates a theory that multiples exist as a collection of individual souls that exist in parallel dimensions as well as our own. Physical differences are scientifically observed in different members of a multiple's system. A brain tumor is seen in the x-rays of a multiple patient. When the patient changes personalities, the brain tumor is no longer present. I found his theories to be helpful and well thought out. For any student of psychology or self discovery, these ideas are are insightful and creative. There is a great deal we don't know and may never know. This book allows the reader the opportunity to go beyond their limited understanding of how their universe may exist.
Rating:  Summary: A little too new age Review: This book is interesting but ultimately is attempting to justify new agey feel good connectedness with a little pseudo science. Its nothing new. People have been using the wierdness of quantum theory to justify wacky meta-physical ideas since its inception. The creditials of some of the thinkers doesn't cut it for me. Many brilliant scientists go non-linear as they get older trying to find some kind of spiritual meaning to existence. Not having traditional religion they create their own using questionable interpretations of modern physics. An excellent example of this is Tipler's 'The Physics of Immortality' where he invents his own heaven complete with all the trapping of eternal bliss in paradise. And he 'proves' it using modern cosmology. Wow. I only write this review to warn people that are looking for science not meta-physical speculation. I bought this book without a lot of checking and thought I was getting a discourse on the holographic model used in cosmology as an information theoretic approach to physics. See for example Lee Smolin 'The Three Roads to Quantum Gravity'. Instead I got a lot of wild speculation based on anecdotes of ESP,Coincidences and miracle healings. This just isn't science. To quote the late Carl Sagan. 'Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence'.
Rating:  Summary: It will change your life Review: It's nice to have someone who keeps up on a number of disciplines, connects the dots between them and shares it with the rest of the world. That is what Michael Talbot has done with The Holographic Universe. Well referenced, Michael directs you to sources where you can check things out for yourself. For those who have not read this book I have only one thing to say: "It will change your life".
Rating:  Summary: Mind is Matter Review: Michael Talbot's "The Holographic Universe" is in a word fascinating. Before reading this book I read and reread "Seth Speaks" by Jane Roberts. Speaking through channeler Jane Roberts, Seth an entity no longer inhabiting planet Earth explains the "Nature of Reality". There are many common denominators between the two books. Most importantly perhaps is that mind creates reality not vice versa. Both books also talk about the realities underlying our existence and how time and space is but an illusion, and that we live many lives and prepare for each life before we are born. Seth Speaks is more of a text book in that he gives detail in "lessons" while Talbots book gives instances and anecdotal evidence. It being the new year I think I'll resolve (yet again) to seek from within the secrets withheld from our conscious mind. Caveat Emptor, be prepared to meet some personal demons along the way. We are too focused in this world. Any new forays into the unknown can be frightening. Imagine finding onesself in the midst of an OBE (out of body experience) and not knowing if you'll make it back. If you're one who can remember dreams this book may make you want to seek a deeper understanding of your dreams. I have taken many trips in my dreams but it would be nice if I could take such journeys consciously. The conscious mind, however, likes to be in control and fears losing it, at least to me. Anyway, it's a fascinating book. I suggest you read both Seth Speaks and The Holographic Universe.
Rating:  Summary: Thought provoking Review: Michael Talbot takes us on a journey through quantum mechanics and its parallels with metaphysics. The theory that everything is interconnected at a fundamental level goes a long way towards rationalising the many strange aspects of our world. The book does have one minor flaw and that is the authors fallability regarding the Sai Baba Mystic - who is a proven fraud. Other than that, this book is an exceptional and insightful read.