Rating:  Summary: Fellow Roswell Believers Warning! DISINFORMATION! Review: 1st let me just say I firmly believe in the Roswell coverup. However, this book was an unbelievable disappointment.I would rate it negative 5 stars if I could!The author is either delusional/insane or purposely spreading disinformation for the government! While on the surface first things appear good and the author gives many names and has done his homework on Roswell, Tesla, HARP and many other controversial issues..He rapidly discredits himself as taking person credit for just about every signifcant event in history for the last 50 years throughout the book. And I am not talking about Roswell secrets that destroys his credibility. But he claims to be the sole creator of just about all history in the last 50 years non Roswell as well. In fact, after reading the book I'm not sure there is a single invention, or political event in history in the last 50 years, legend or Fact Alien, Non Alien, political or otherwise that Corso doesn't personaly take credit for as being his originial idea and using his charisma to change the world. Which is extraodinary considering the fact according to him nobody ever knows he has the Roswell Secrets. So to the government agencies he is a run of the mill Leutinent colonel. In addition to claiming to being the keeper of some Roswell artifacts and sending it out to contractors, He goes on and actually takes credit for personally determining their use , envisioning their future applications and directly the scientists ..all out of his pentagon office out of a 2 door file cabinet.. While I can buy the idea of an office with roswell secret and covertly giving it it to scientists. I cannot buy one man looking through crash scraps in a file cabinet and scribbled notes, and successfully without any lab or real scientists helping him, reverse engineering all the secret artifacts and their alien function and then solely himself inventing new technology and applications for EVERYTHING??? PLEASE! It seems we don't have any scientists examining the roswell artifcats to thank for the marvels of the Computer, Laser, Star wars,night vison, thought projection, Stealth bomber, kevlar...It's all Corso's who he himself who comes up with all the ideas and directs the scientists on what to build what he determines..If thats not enough to convince you, he then takes credit for advising the Kennedy's, Hoover and a couple other presidents on many political matters that are totally NOT UFO related," remember nobody knows of his roswell involvement, he is just a paper pusher at the pentagon. Then Corso claims to be soley responsible for giving the idea to Kennedy for putting the man on the moon, personally creating the Cuban Missle crisis by obtaining the photos and leaking them himself, and advising on Italy for the post war european rebuild of the economy. to add to these remarkable acheivements although no one knows he is the Roswell guy, everybody thinks he is some flunky lientent colonel. On several occassions Corco brags about walking in the front door challenging the head of the CIA, the ARPA organization, the Senate, Congress, all about NON-Alien issues! and winning everytime. It seems Corso can overrun any anybody organization in the US government..and remember all while nobody knows he is anything more than a lientent colonel..He doesn't even have the weight of the Roswell secrets known to this organization to back him up, Oh yes lets not forget he knows all about the CIA and they know nothing about him, and oh yeah I forgot it wasn't the CIA but Corso himself was also single handliy responsible for identifying the KGB infilitration in the CIA that needed to be cleaned up.Oh yeah Lets not forget his personal moon base project that got cancelled, How he was at texas when they stored the Alien bodies after the crash and accidently stumbled upon them, how he had the secret Telsa files, has all the details on HARP, the Kenndy assassianation "but won't go inot that darkness" etc.. the book goes on and on it seems Corso has the answer to every mystery in one book and if that's not enough to swallow Guess what he was responsible for ALL of it! Oh yes and he only had the Roswell secrets for 3 years..This is obviously either authorized disinformation, or an individual fantasy... either way it's a joke and insult to any reader with a below average intelligence or better.. I was serously waiting fro Corso to announce he was secretly God as well. Remember I firmly believe in the Roswell crash it's just this book was so over the top ridculous of tall tales than never end.. I was upset I wasted my time... Corso has got to be the most unreliable Roswell writer ever and his writing is wild BS..who knows maybe the roswell details or others are part true. in the book since he goes so far as to discredit himself with the other BS and we may have a classic case of crediable information coming from a discredibile source... Either Corso A. was order to produce this...to try and discredit proving the roswell crash, B. he knows nothing about Roswell and is borderline insane. C. He knows something about Roswell and is borderline insane. Either way I wouldn't read this book looking to find anything new on roswell thats even remotely reliable. If this is the best the government to come up with disinformation recently I have strong confidence we are close proving the Roswell coverup..really Corso and his book are a joke!
Rating:  Summary: Hmmm....... Review: I read the other online reviews and decided to spring for the book. While well written, some things jump right out at me. Corso was a career 'militarian' so his opinions appear to come from one angle. What raised doubts in my mind with regards to this book is that there is indeed so much 'dis'-information out there that you don't know who to trust anymore. I can't visualize the wimpy guy in the picture walking into the office of a CIA officer and mkaing threats. Corso insists that visitors mean us(U.S & the world) harm. Yet, in all his wisdom, fails to realize that harm could very well have been done when we were not in a position to defend ourselves. Any rational mind should come to this conclusion, no matter how long one has been fighting wars. Read Alien Agenda. The section on Remote Viewing is very interesting.
Rating:  Summary: The Day After Roswell Review: My interest in reading this book had little or nothing to do with UFOs or ETs (EBEs as Col. Corso calls them. I served a 2 year stint in the Army Medical Corps as a physcian at White Sands Proving Ground from 1955 to 1957. I visited Roswell a few times there.The rumors of UFOs having landed there were looked upon as far as I was concerned at the time.I did develop an intense interest in rocketry and space exploration as a result of my activities at White Sands.To this day, I am convinced that Space IS truly the new frontier of humanity. Col. Corso's well written book only further convinces me of this conviction. I read this book as a "textbook". It certainly is credible. Even if is simply and extension of the governments "cover-up" to further confuse the public or our earthly enemies, this book gives food for thought. We would be foolish to cast it aside as an udated "Buck Rogers fairy tale".There are too many "coincidences" noted in this book that link "fantasy" with modern hi-tech reality in the world today, to debunk what the book portrays. Electromagnetic energy is ubiquitous throughout socity today not only in our homes and industry, but especially in the healthcare professions as well. It will someday (soon I hope!) replace our dependence upon fossil fuels in the transportation industry. Whether this "new" energy source emantes from "EBE" technology is not for me to debate, but I certainly to do not discount its veracity as a possibility. Space travel not only will open up vast new frontiers, it could shed new insight into matters of spirituality and where we "humanoids" fit in the universe. I found this book very intriguing even if it could have been a huge figment of Col. Corso's vivid imagination.
Rating:  Summary: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Review: During the years of 1994 through 1999 I worked, as a civillian, on a classified project funded through The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). I learned enough to be convinced many technology advances have a higher probability of being derived through some external source than through the normal progression of technology. "Successful" leaps of technology without underlying research and development are VERY unusual. Let's just say, "Beyond Belief"!
Rating:  Summary: Too many unanswered questions Review: "The Day After Roswell" by Philip Corso is either one of the most significant books of the 20th century or a complete waste of time. Corso, a former high-ranking military officer, claims that he spearheaded the government's supersecret effort to analyze the wreckage of an alien spacecraft and apply the extraterrestrial technology to US industry. Among other items, fiber optics and integrated circuit chips are allegedly the fruits of Corso's efforts. Corso's account is meticulous but leaves many questions unanswered. The author verifies the existence of the infamous, oft-doubted MJ-12 working group and offers the possibility that the "aliens" found at Roswell were in fact time travelers from Earth's own future, raising some bizarre questions: if the "aliens" came to 1947 using technology which we in turn injected into contemporary industry, then where--or, more accurately, when--did the technology come from in the first place?
Rating:  Summary: Actually read the book before you comment! Review: I just finished reading the book and found it very interesting. Yes, he could have elaborated on several topics, but he is still a credible military officer. If you read the book for what it is you will get the understanding that it probably did happened. With his credentials and other details in the book it JUST MAKES SENSE! There is nothing in the book of technologies that don't exist today. It is understandable that a career military officer wouldn't publish CLASSIFIED material in a book. That just ads credibility to the book. Some of these posts were right on that fact... Obviously some people didn't read the book before commenting. We were already looking at some of the technologies before Roswell, we just didn't know where to begin. The book says that Corso went out and found reputable scientists already working on the technologies (Night Vision, Integrated Circuits, Laser, et.) and "helped them along." This makes total sense! Look at how far we have come in just 20 years! Add 10 years to that and you get the time it took for the military to refine it. Corso NEVER said that the "aliens" were sole proprietors of the above technologies. How else could we have advanced so fast in the past 30 years than the previous 100? Like I said, it just makes sense. Here are some other facts: 1. Astronauts & pilots HAVE said they have seed alien spacecraft 2. He NEVER said that the aliens were lying on the ground for 4 hours, and then ran off...besides he said he wasn't there! This book was written about the alien technologies he researched which we now see in everyday use, especially the military (10 years later) Very good book!!! Read it and you be the judge!
Rating:  Summary: Must Read! Review: One of the best UFO books period. This is the book that I recommend to non-believers in the UFO phenomenon. Although the book is full of important information, I get the feeling Corso was holding back. I think he knew more than he wrote in this book. One also has to wonder what physical material was retained by USAF when it was seperated from the Army. If the Army's foriegn technology department retained a portion of the material then what did the Air Force manage to hide away? Without a doubt this book is a must read for anyone even remotely interested in this subject.
Rating:  Summary: No proof, deceptive Review: Senator Strom Thurmond wrote the original forward to The Day After Roswell-- only to have it removed. Thurmond was under the impression that Corso's book was autobiographical. The book was supposed to be titled "I Walked With Giants: My Career in Military Intelligence". Which is certainly not the same as Roswell. This seemed like a ploy by Corso or Birnes to make the story seem authentic. (Disinformation?) Very slick. However, the UFO community mainly dismisses Corso as a fraud... for too many reasons I won't go into. A better account is "The Roswell UFO Crash: What They Don't Want You to Know" by Kal Korff.
Rating:  Summary: An unbelievable story about the use of Roswell technology. Review: I have long believed that something happened in Roswell, NM on the night of July 4, 1947 that was much different from the official story of a weather balloon crash released by the army. In this book, Col. Corso describes how alien technology recovered from Roswell was integrated into the development of new, advanced products in America, such as lasers, circuits, and much more. He focuses only briefly on the actual crash of the alien ship and the EBEs (extraterristral biological entities) which were found at the site, as he was not present for this and did not become inimately involved in Roswell until 14 years later. His detailed story of the many people who were aware of the Roswell incident yet participated in the massive coverup is incredible. Although his version of events is difficult to believe, Col. Corso is convincing enough that you are forced to conclude he is either telling the truth, is a magnificent liar, or is downright crazy. Whichever conclusion you come to for yourself, this is a fascinating and engaging story.
Rating:  Summary: Do We Really Know History- Should We Believe The Government? Review: This is the best UFO book I have read to date. It puts the entire government conspiracy into perspective with the cold war and the U.S. fear of communist takeover. If you ask yourself who invented the cotton gin, you probably know. But, the greatest inventions of our time such as silicon based computer chips and fiber optics, as well as lasers are not attributed to inventors. That is because, as Corso so generously enlightens us, we stole the technology from aliens... Having read a number of UFO books, my favorites are 'Alien Rapture,' 'Unconventional Flying Objects, and 'Alien Agenda,' I was drawn to this book because the Roswell crash was never really explained in any great detail. This book does just that and plenty more. This book re-writes history in relation to the cold war, the development of the US as a superpower and its ultimate victory in the cold war. If you only read one book about UFO's or as Corso calls them EBE's this is the one. It gets you right inside the secrets held by the US military and the way the roswell crash helped to develop new technologies from laser beams to bullet proof jackets. In comparison, I noticed in 'Alien Rapture' and from his web page that Mr. Fouche copyrighted and disclosed much of the information that Mr. Corso talks about in this book, before Mr. Corso came out with his book. Check out this other book for balance and read up on fouchemedia.com/arap/ I highly recommend this book to any reader.