Rating:  Summary: An incredible book! Review: This is one of the more remarkable books I've ever read. The author describes -- in often disturbing detail -- the damage that we're doing to planet earth and the consequences. If you have children, you must read this book!
Rating:  Summary: New and updated edition Review: When Harmony bought Last Hours from Mythical to release in hardcover, they asked me to extensively revise and update the book. All the statistics are now current as of May, 1999, and the "solutions" chapters have been significantly expanded. Also, Harmony added an index, making the book much more useful as a reference. I realize the hardcover is more expensive that the now-out-of-print paperback was, but it's also now a much better product, and the hardcover publication allows the book access to the mainstream of the publishing and book-sales world. If we're to challenge the "future eaters" of our world with this book's message about how we can create a world that works for us and our children, I felt this was an important step. I hope you agree!
Rating:  Summary: Truly a MUST read for those with hearts of love. Review: The first thing I did after finishing "The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight" was turn back to page 1 and read it again! This is an extraordinary, in depth look at the shocking realities associated with living a group consciousness devoid of accurate information beyond the fiscal quarterly statement. Mr. Hartmann does not simply point fingers at corporate excess or the massive unconsciousness lived by most of the world's population. He traces the roots of our growing predicament back 7,000 years and follows its horrifyingly logical path from one inaccurate building block of city/state living to the next. There is no bad guy yet you will likely find yourself nearer to a trembling terror than you've experienced since childhood fantasies gave free reign to demons of darkest motives. With skills uncanny in their focus and accuracy Mr. Hartmann takes us on a journey of discovery into why and how our "ancient sunlight" (fossil fuel) is nearly exhausted yet a world bent on "success" knows nothing of the coming peril. A large mirror is surgically scrubbed for us casting a brilliant reflection of a world moving rapidly toward unparalleled calamite as so many find their consciousness filled to overflow with what looks, from an introspective eye, like the realities a "thinking man" would concern himself with while insidiously the very foundations of biological life crumble away in every direction beyond his laser like tunnel vision. One of the most shocking arenas for me was learning that some contemporary world leaders make policy and law of global consequences based on their own religious beliefs that Armageddon is coming anyway and we wouldn't want to disappoint god's emissary with a world not fully depleted of all her resources left specifically for our use when He returns. In other words, inhabitancy of the entire planet is being knowingly compromised due to the religious thought forms of individuals raised in a country supposedly founded by people fleeing narrow and harmful religious persecution. Hummmm. As an airline pilot I'm blessed with the unique perspective of associating daily with some of the most highly compensated individuals on the planet with some of the most awesome working conditions imaginable. In over two decades in this profession I have heard from the vast majority of my colleagues how poorly they have it. How they are over worked and underpaid. I listen to them deride public persons in CNN's current spotlight for actions they themselves participate in nearly every night they find themselves in Bangkok, 7000 miles from their loved ones. I only highlight these thoughts and actions to demonstrate the reality of how far "thinking people" of highest formal education have narrowed their perceptions of truth. These thoughts are simply symptoms of a disease spreading rampantly across the population. My most heartfelt thanks goes to Mr. Hartmann for his nearly hundred page conclusion that there is much the individual can do and great reason for the highest hope for our future if one will simply expand her viewpoint beyond the knowledge base contained in the 5 o'clock evening news. The healing starts within each individual heart and you will find a great wave of vastly expanded consciousness is already in progress. A healing based in compassion has manifest in communities whose numbers swell in every moment. You are shown methods to assist in a return to sustainable life for Earth's population by casting your focus on the much larger picture of reality you will contain after reading this incredible book. You will see choices you can make in your moment by moment life either alone, with a friend or among the many groups forming as the truths around the myths are illuminated in blinding light by this visionary, Thom Hartmann.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best books I've ever read. Review: Thom Harmann's two books The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight and The Prophet's Way were two books I couldn't put down and transformed how I see the world and my role in it, both on spiritual and practical levels. Last Hours is more of an objective analysis of the problems we face on a global level whereas Propeht's Way is a very personal account of Hartmann's own fascinating path to enlightenment. Thom Hartman is a true master of the human spirit and his message, if heard, may well play a critical role in the salvation of humanity.
Rating:  Summary: THE MOST IMPORTANT BOOK OF THE CENTURY! Review: Thom Hartmann's "The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight" is probably the most informative and important book of this century. If you have children, if you love any children, if you love anyone at all I implore you to read this book from beginning to end ... and then read it once more. It is of my humblest opinion that anyone who would give this book any sort of rude or negative review is a money groping, non-recycling pig. But pigs respect this planet, it's mankind and our ridiculous culture who doesn't. Thom Hartmann has brought this fact to all of our attention, including the people who don't want to hear it. Thom's book proposes the greatest question of all: When we die what do we leave behind besides what we've flushed down a toilet? Are we truly superior beings or only parasites infested like rats upon the earth? Some people want comfortable answers to this question. They want Thom to tell us to put our cans into a yellow bin and everything will be fine. Thom won't do that. Instead he has given us a guideline to a new way of life. A new beginning and a new respect for this world we live in. His propositions are realistic, rational and full of love. The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, The Austin Chronicle and The Orlando Sentinel all boast that Daniel Quinn's novel, "Ishmael" offers a new hope and a new way of life for the residents of planet earth. Daniel Quinn's solution in "Ishmael" mirror's Thom Hartmann's solution. I agree with this solution and I believe you will too when you have finished the last pages of this shocking, fast paced, eye opener. His words race like rapids over a dangerous river unveiling truth after truth till we all stand naked with only one solution .... Change.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing, amazing, amazing Review: This book, and The Prophets Way (also by Hartmann and available on amazon.com) are two of the most amazing books written in the past 20 years. Buy it, read it, and (as Neale Walsch said) share it with ten friends! This book will brighten your future and change your life!
Rating:  Summary: Important Book For Our Times and Times To Come Review: "The Last Hour Of Ancient Sunlight" is the type of book that some, perhaps many will want to label as "new age quackery." In doing so, it will probably be an attempt to marginalize a book that does not appeal to the status quo, the rich and powerful or those who most benefit from "the dominator" culture..... and it will probably receive such a response from some PRECEISELY BECAUSE WE DO LIVE IN A DOMINATOR CULTURAL MILIEU that marginalizes everything that does not conform to its worldview. That being said, I am happy Thom Hartmann did not succumb to those forces and instead presented us with a book that helps legitimize those people, the gender, those cultures, those living organisms and paradigms that are written off by (my opinion) far too many. It is clear to anyone who attempts to be honest with themselves that much that we do in this world culture simply is not working, given what we all verbally say we want to achieve, mainly a safe, stable, comfortable life for all. If these are qualities we truly desire then this book provides one blueprint. No, it is not the only blueprint out there but then it never claims to be.
Rating:  Summary: New, updated version of Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight Review: I wrote the Mythical Books edition of Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight back in 1996/7, and it was published in 1998. When Harmony/Crown books bought the book from Mythical in early 1999, they asked me to go through and update it thoroughly. I've re-written many of the chapters, added new material, and updated most of the statistics and data. We've also added an index. I hope you find this new version an improvement over the previous one, and enjoy and discover value in this book. Thanks!
Rating:  Summary: from a 'new' vegetarian as recently as 2 years ago, I can Review: truthfully say, this is MUST read material. Though my 'reformed' thought was due to my love for animals; reading this book, made me realize the deeper importance of our dwindling resouces. It's a true 'wake up' call for humanity. I invite my brothers and sisters to "think" about every 'throw away' item we waste. READ the book!
Rating:  Summary: powerful ... we need to face the music Review: I just want to disagree with the negative review by winter2. I have read this book, and that review is way off. Not only does it disagree with almost all the other reviews; if you read his/her review you can see why. It's just not good thinking. S/he says "poor old Thom" and speaks as if s/he's got all the important thoughts sorted out. But the wording... how can you trust the thoughts of someone who says "oddacity" when the word is "audacity," or "succeed from the Union" when s/he means "secede from"? Someone who quotes Einstein, to seem knowledgeable, while accidentally saying "pasted away" instead of "passed away"? I have seen Thom Hartmann speak; have you, Winter2? If you have, you know it's wrong to suggest that he can't draw a single breath in peace. He is a wise, peaceful man, and this book is sincere and carefully thought out. Please be more careful before passing judgment. This is a great book, fully deserving of the recognition it's received, including being endorsed in Walsch's latest "Conversations With God" book.