Rating:  Summary: The Genius of Zecharia Sitchen Review: Zecharia Sitchen is one of the greatest biblical scholars alive today, and his painstaking research over the years has led to one of the most thought- provoking and brilliant explanations for the true origins of mankind that has ever been written. Many qualified people have been pursuing similar theories, but few have put forth such an utterly believable and compelling explanation for almost everything from the true origins of language and humanity to the scientific purpose of the ancient pyramids. In The Twelfth Planet, Mr. Sitchen even has the temerity to challenge the most accepted biblical translations of the origins of God himself. This book is not only a carefully researched work of amazing scope and brilliance, but for any sceptics out there, one of the most fascinating works of "science fiction" you will ever read.
Rating:  Summary: the 12th planet Review: For anyone interested in some serious writing about the origen of mankind, and remarkable realistic scientific study that makes so much sense, try this easy to read book. Although its about 25 years old, it hits the bulls eye. Walter van Woudenberg
Rating:  Summary: Total Hogwash Review: Sitchin is my new god! Well, one of them anyway. This book is not the easiest read in the world because of the amount of material covered. Many of his contentions are well supported, some are not. For his theories to be plausible, a considerable deviation from conventional wisdom is necessary. That said, the story of our planet is probably told more accurately than the bible and more completely than modern science ever will. I heartily applaud Sitchin for his undying dedication to the presentation not just of his own work, but the many others who have come before him. It will take much more time and research for his work to be fully appreciated by the masses. I do not envy him as a bringer of truth in our arrogant, "high tech" society. Since this work was completed over twenty years ago, further evidence has been uncovered that supports Sitchin's theories. In our lifetime the ultimate proof of the validity of this book should appear to our astronomers, the twelfth planet itself! (Sumerian records count the sun and moon as planets). I would recommend reading the old testament of the Bible first, then reading this book, which tells many very similar stories that preceed it. The question of evolution versus creation is not answered, but many of the holes in each position are filled in or explained. The answer, it would appear, can not be found on earth.
Rating:  Summary: read it Review: i read this book over nine thousand times. i still dont know why my pants wont stay up without a belt or suspenders
Rating:  Summary: Questions, Questions, Questions Review: I have not yet reaad this book, although I am interested in doing so. About ten years ago, I read Colony: Earth (Richard E Mooney) and found it to be a most rivetting read. More recently, I have been exposed to new ideas about ancient civilisations (the pyramid builder) and the formation of the moon - the so-called Orpheus theory. Regardless of whether one author or another makes "quantum" logical leaps, I think that a few fundamental questions remain: 1. How come there are so many parallels between eastern (Hindu) and western (Inca/Mayan) cultures when they are so very far apart. Only in the last five hundred years did the europeans discover the <now> United States. 2. Study of some ancient Mayan cities are based on work that placed these cities at about 500 A.D. (by someone who never even went there!) when in truth, more in-depth research (astronomical alignment) based on fifty years of accurate measurement (in-situ) place these cities at closer to 12-15,000 years old. 3. Flying machines and astronauts; No one can dispute cave drawings and ancient texts depicting human-like beings riding in what can only be described as aircraft. This is also supported in the book of Job where he describes "wheels within wheels" (sounds like a Pratt & Whitney to me). If ancient man was unable to make sense of what he saw and only described it given his limited frame of reference, could it be that to a lesser extent, these authors are doing the same thing now. However, at least there on the right track! This, and many other books like it are merely a reflection of the authors opinions - at the end of the day, the facts speak largely for themselves in as much as they alone indicate that there are no answers, just more questions. Where the hell did we come from. Personally, I reject the christian creation theory (as it is currently taught), but then I reject modern orthodox christianity anyway. If Jesus was born in the middle east, why is he depicted as a caucasian? I also reject Darwins theory of evolution, at least how it relates to man. We are an inherently intolerant species. The slightest deviation from "normal" would cause that person to become a social outcast. At best, they would only survive one generation. There are many races on this planet, even in modern times we are either intolerant or indifferent towards them/each other - and we are supposed to be intelligent! More of this sort of stuff please. And if anybody does have the answers, you win the bet, now put us all out of our misery and reveal the truth!
Rating:  Summary: For Non-Critical Thinkers Everywhere... Review: Sitchin's whole series of books on the 12th Planet/Ancient Aliens idea is a perfect example of someone who comes up with an outrageous theory, then works backwards to make the facts fit. Particularly amusing are the moments when he falls into the "if it looks like a space helmet, it must be a space helmet" trap (the Chariots of the Gods delusion) and Sitchin does it constantly. Many of the fans of the book who've raved about it here have used phrases like "if you have an open mind." Well, being open minded is one thing. Being utterly gullible is another. Sitchin is aiming at the gullible, with whom he seems to be hitting bullseyes. I would recommend this book, however, as a good study in learning critical thinking -- that is, read it carefully, asking yourself every step of the way: Has Sitchin proven his theory here? Where is his logic faulty and where has he made enormous logical leaps without the evidence to back them up? And, how does he discount or distort evidence that doesn't fit or contradicts his pre-proven theory? This is the proper use of the book; that, or as a doorstop; but if you thought you'd get anything resembling science, scholarship, insight or truth here, you'd be sadly mistaken. All you'll get is the usual "ET Lives" line of BS that gets swallowed whole by far too many people. Yes, there probably is alien life out there, but if they did or do ever arrive, we'd know it.
Rating:  Summary: Yeah . . . Review: It's sad that anyone would ever take this seriously
Rating:  Summary: Compelling, only time will tell Review: I have always searched for the "holes" in both religious text on our history and in Science's theory of evolution. This book claims to have the answers and offers historical records of several different human civilizations to make it's case. With our modern technology we can certainly witness that genetic materials can be manipulated through cloning and hybridization; and that reproduction can be achieved through a variety of techniques not involving sexual contact. We can also see that interplanetary space travel is indeed a reality that we will achieve in the near future. I guess that when the time comes for the "Twelvefth Planet" to approach it's near orbit, we will know if Sitchin is right.
Rating:  Summary: Enlightening Review: If you have ever been one to see the inconsistancies in religious, educational and popular media contentions -- this book is for you. In this book you will be enlightened to more ancient "truths" that predate the Bible and other recorded history. The author is a tremendous interpreter of ancient texts and has a convincing logic as to the evolution/relationships of terminolgy and words. The book is all about the origins of our the universe, the earth, mankind and mankinds history as known/taught by the most anciently known culture of mankind -- the Sumerians. The Sumerians clearly had equal and even superior knowledge to present day. According to Sumerians, there were 12 celestial Bodies in our solar system -- counting the sun and the moon. Thus, the name of the book, the 12th Planet (or 10th planet if you do not count the sun and moon). This planet is said to be huge and has a 3,600 year orbit around the sun. It is populated by our alien ancestors/progenators. If you keep up with the science news, you know that scientists have recently discovered a very large moving dark object in our solar system. I belive it is the 12th planet once again approaching our area in it's long orbit.
Rating:  Summary: Credible research but lacks perception found in genetics Review: Mr Sitchin's research is comprehensive and I respect that he is entitled to draw whatever conclusions he likes, but I feel that a much more genetically sound theory for the origins of our civilization are found with Daniel Quinn and The Ishmael series. If there was an alien race they were called the Takers, and we are now them!