Rating:  Summary: A provocative new theory of man's history Review: This is the first book in Sitchin's monumental Earth Chronicles series. It is important to remember that fact because there is necessarily a lot of introductory material to be presented here in order to lay the foundation for what is to come. In other words, most of the really interesting stuff comes later in the series--Ancient Egypt, MesoAmerica, etc. Parts of this first book are somewhat dry and hard to get through. As one gets into the latter half, though, some pretty amazing arguments are made. If you read this book and no other, you may well have a hard time even sanctioning the kinds of ideas Sitchen presents, let alone believing them. When you read the rest of the series, though, the arguments are threshed out much more thoroughly and should at least lend an idea of possiblity to objective readers. The idea that "ancient astronauts" (a term I dislike) had a hand in Man's creation and evolution is not new. Sitchin goes far beyond the normal arguments, however. He argues that there is an undiscovered planet in our own solar system upon which life developed and evolved millions of years before life on earth, a planet that seeded earth with its earliest life forms millions of years ago when this undiscovered planet entered our solar system and essentially crashed into a large planet between Mars and Jupiter--the planet in question was broken up into two parts, one eventually forming Earth and the other the asteroid belt. The 12th planet (counting the sun and moon as planets) he calls Nibiru; it is a planet with an eccentric orbit carrying it well past the other nine planets thousands of years at a time. Here life developed and advanced at a very early period. Needing resources, particularly gold, the planet sent forth emissaries to earth. In order to free themselves of the hard labor of mining, these aliens, the Nefilim, created Man by combining their genes with those of the ape men then on earth, a procedure made possible by the fact that the two races were in fact genetic cousins. Thus, the Nefilim became early man's gods, and their stories were told in the artifacts of the ancient Sumerians and of the kingdoms that came after them. Sitchin makes a determined effort to tie Christianity and the Bible to the tale he unfolds. He effectively, and with good evidence, shows that the early stories in the Bible are based largely on older manuscripts from Sumeria. He explains many of the mysterious passages in the Bible by tying the stories to more complete Sumerian tales--the Elohim, the plural Deity mentioned in the Creation story, the great flood, the Tower of Babel, and others. In this endeavor, he is very successful. While one may not be convinced of his story of life on Earth, one cannot doubt the fact that the early books of the Bible are basically a condensed version of former manuscripts. He makes a convincing argument for his theories, but one will not be and should not be convinced based on this one book. Much supporting evidence is to be found in the later books in the series, where a far richer version of man's history is presented by the author. As unbelievable as many of his ideas sound, Sitchin actually does an effective job of answering many of the big questions that scientists and theologians have been unable to answer about life on earth, the most important of which is an explanation of why home sapiens developed so suddenly and miraculously 300,000 years ago. Right or wrong, his ideas answer a lot of questions and deserve serious study. Sitchin's knowledge of ancient civilizations is immense, and his judgments cannot be dismissed without serious attention paid to them.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Crazy. Review: To accept Stichin's theory, you have to buy in totally to what he says. There is little middle ground here. This is easy in the beginning because a lot of space is devoted to showing the similarities in Sumerian, Greek, and Akkadian pantheons. However, the book quickly moves into alternate interpretations of ancient texts that indicate the gods were really from a "12th planet" that orbits the sun every 3600 earth years. Oh, and these gods created mankind to work in African mines for gold (after the gods got tired of doing it themselves.) I'm not sure you can be critical of this book without going back to the source documents because Stichin freely admits that his interpretations are not always what other scholars believe. As fiction, the book stands on its own. As a serious work, it lacks in scientific proof. Take it as you see fit.
Rating:  Summary: If true, WOW! Review: This is a very good book to read. This book is Sitchin's interpretations of ancient Sumerarian writings.These writtings talk about how an extraterrestrial race from a planet from our own solor system called Niburu came to Earth and created humans as a slave race. Sitchin links the Annunaki with the Biblical Nephilim. This is an exciting book to read, maybe his interpretions are correct, if correct then the humaan race has a lot too think about.
Rating:  Summary: JUNK Review: Indefensible and laughable nonsense by an alledgedly acredited scholar. (...) Sorry, but humans were created by a slow but inevitable process of natural selection, not by a god or aliens!! And there is absolutley no evidence in the historical record to prove otherwise!!! The amzing thing is, Sitchin actually has a group of fanatical followers and believers, not unlike the followers of L. Ron Hubbard, whose ideas are very similar to Sitchin’s. This is a great disservice to the real scholars of ancient history. Readers need look elsewhere for real historial perspectives on the ancients and their beliefs, unless they are looking for bad science fiction. . .
Rating:  Summary: Sitchin leads the way to examine truth Review: Sitchin's content and ideas are incredible and profound. When he began his quest over thirty years ago to decipher the meaning of the mysterious reference to a people called the "Nephilim" in the bible, he led the way for others to ponder the question of human origins. We are lucky that Sitchin has written for the public, for he could have chosen to keep this secretive information to himself and small, knowing circles. If you can read this book with a degree of patience, and listen carefully to the case he presents -- that the ancient Sumerians claim to have received their astronomical knowledge and elements of civilization from visiting extraterrestrials, then it will be hard to return to any preconceived notion you had about the limitations of ancient cultures. This is valuable information, difficult for many to accept.
Rating:  Summary: searching for the truth? Review: Zecharia Sitchin has some interesting interpretation's of how mankind has originated. If anyone is interested in finding out where we came from, why we're here, and what the purpose of our existence is, I recommend Kabbalah for Beginners, by Michael Laitman...it can guide you to our true origin.
Rating:  Summary: analytical or research thru mediums Review: i've read several of sitchin books, genesis revisited is a good follow up book after reading the 12th planet. what surprises the above ordinary reader is that sitchin is overwhelmed by his own writings. they are sketches of scenarios of past events. he is unable to distinguish if there ever was a god on this planet before the arrival of beings from the "nibiru" planet. he does not see a clash between whom he call gods of the "human" species and of the maybe existing gods or dieties of this planet. the symbol of the american medical association is symbol from histories past. likewise there are such symbols in other industries. no specific connection is mentioned of the communication with beings of other planets thru the cosmic serpent. there is a book titled "the sacred design", which does an excellent exposition of humans past history. there is lack of mathematical relation in sitchins books, comparatively. research thru mediums, could possibly be misleading, since there is a structure in the spirit realm. the extensive research sitchin claims to have done in other countries apart from the mediteranean, shows consistently that sitchin is zeroing in on the theme between to commanders enki and enlil. he cant expand further, it could be that he is tuning in to those two dieites only!! i do recommend his books, however i do suggest that they read this review first, because i dont want his readers to think they have been enlightened, as it is only a stepping stone for developing further. sitchin should write a new book but this time he should be brave enough to go further than his two heroes.
Rating:  Summary: 100bc answer?? Review: Great book it has too many answers and great concepts to be made up by one man. If only 5% of this book is true then that still makes this fantastic information. But I do think sitchin has hit this one right on the head. One other review asked where were the nibiru in 100bc. That was a good question and that really made me think. I work for NASA so I want to give a explantion below as to why nibiru did not affect us in 100bc. One of the answers is It depends on nibiru's orbit and the obit of the earth. When Nibiru entered our solar system in 100bc the earth could have be a whole solar system away. From just a minor observation Nibiru would only be in our solar system for 2-3 years at the most. We do not know how fast their spaceships are. We may not have been in a very catch able orbit. For example It takes us 6 month to travel to mars, (12 months round trip with no on surface time) we don't even think of man exploration beyond that due to the distance (there is a moon around jupiter which looks good and has an atmosphere). Nibiru's oribit would fall in between mars and jupiter. So in my opinon Nibiru's orbit and earth's oribt would have to be idea for interaction with nibiru. As in other nibiru flyby's our orbits could have lined up and they may have actually shadowed our orbit for the entire 2-3 years that they were in our solar system. This would also explain why the gravitational affects of nibiru were null at that date (100bc). Where as in other years it would have been greater and their landings would have been possible. Another possible answer is that maybe the nibiru politics have changed and they are less intervention, or their need for raw ore has subsided or, or, or. Let us all open our minds... Another great book which speaks to our alien past is "the monuments of mars"...
Rating:  Summary: Mind-boggling! Paradigm-shattering! Indispensable! Review: You've read the orthodox, conventional, sanitized view of the past. Now read linguist and scholar Zecharia Sitchin for the rest of the story. Only he provides a framework in which all becomes intelligible.
Rating:  Summary: Fundamentalists: Be not afraid Review: Just in case a true Bible Believer should get this far into the reviews, I feel that a person who believes in the creation story as presented in Genesis, should not have that difficult of a time inculcating Mr. Sitchin's ideas into their 'the Bible is correct in each and every word that it presents' belief structure. Mr. Sitchin's work effectively explains 'The son's of God saw the daughters of men and found them desireable and went into them...' phrases. After all, who were these son's of God that Genesis author speaks about? And don't start telling me about angels...the book says 'son's of God'. After all, if every word is correct, then every word is correct. Interpretation is not allowed in any other part of the bible, except of course, what it says about divorce...'What God hath brought together..etc'. I know that that part of the bible is interpretated about a 1,000 ways to get around exactly what it says. Sitchin's work does not rule out God, it just places replaces the God of Jesus with a 'god' coming out of the heavens, who brought a lot of good stuff with him...especially DNA. Jesus' words deal solely with the spiritual and don't conflict with anything Sitchin proposes. I will state that it is disconcerting to think about a planet that revolves around the sun once every 3,600 years or so, it sure must be cold on that lump of ice, but who knows, maybe it came here from some other system due to a cataclysm and some beings were able to escape/exist due to an advanced technology...what do we know exactly about this anyway? Otherwise, the whole notion that Mr. Sitchin presents of folks from far away getting our race kick-started is very interesting, believable, possible and mostly probable. You can read it and not lose any religious/spiritual force in your life, anymore than you will lose after reading the God Part of the Brain. The theory's and the spiritual side of life can co-exist. Fear not, read it, don't burn it. Besides, God doesn't give you a brain so you can stop thinking about other possibilities...otherwise, your brain would be a waste, and that is not what God is about...right?