Rating:  Summary: "Amalgam Illness" saves your money, health... and your life. Review: "Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment" by Andrew Hall Cutler, PhD, PEThis book is indispensable. Within it lies crucial medical information that can prevent people exposed to toxic heavy metals from sliding inexorably into premature disability and death. Cutler doesn't just say WHAT will fix a problem, he also explains the biochemical reasons WHY the problem started. He facilitates the paradigm shift a reader must assimilate in order to restore autonomy over their healthcare decisions. No physician has ever provided me with so much scientific explanation for illness, and no amount of my own research could match Cutler's knowledge and experience as a chemist. Reading "Amalgam Illness" gave me that climactic "aha!" moment -- the realization and relief that finally I had the answer to a variety of multigenerational chronic physical and mental health issues. All of my seven middle-aged siblings with mercury dental fillings have at least one ailment mentioned in Cutler's book; my mother with dentures has none. My 5-year-old son has mercury poisoning; this diagnosis was missed by his neurologist and pediatrician. I would never have tested for mercury were it not for Andrew Hall Cutler's advocacy on the Yahoo! Autism-Mercury listserv. Now with medical treatment my son's teachers say next year he will no longer attend a special education class. I eagerly await his next book, "How To Interpret A Hair Test." "Amalgam Illness" necessarily covers a wide range of subject matter, stepping through the kinetics of biochemistry involving heavy metals, hormones, the Krebs cycle, amino and fatty acids, liver, adrenals, etc. Consumers will appreciate learning how proper nutrition and chelation can reduce and/or eliminate dependence on expensive prescription medications that merely mask symptoms. As a medical and chemistry primer aimed a varied target audience, Cutler's writing style deftly balances professional distance with touches of humor, dry wit and social commentary. The technical terminology may prompt a below-average reader to reach for the dictionary. One caveat: People suffering from mercury-induced "brain fog" would benefit from more checklists summarizing courses of treatment; however, if a patient is too disabled mentally to comprehend the material, s/he should bring the book to his/her personal physician. Given the massive amount of bioaccumulative mercury entering our environment each day from coal-fired power plant emissions, this book should sit atop the prescient doctor's desk next to the Physician's Desk Reference. The book's spare look would benefit from a graphic designer. However where one's health is concerned, substance must trump style. Thousands of glossy paperbacks with inflammatory headlines and anecdotes about New-Age fads promise rejuvenation, but "Amalgam Illness" by Andrew Hall Cutler is one of the few treatment books that actually delivers.
Rating:  Summary: Good enough to recommend to my family Review: Although I had already recovered from my amalgam-related illness when Andrew Cutler wrote this book, I learned of his book through participation on internet discussion groups, and from direct correspondence with the author. When someone in my close family in the USA became incapacitated I suspected it was at least partially due to damage caused by mercury from amalgam, and I bought this book as a gift for them. I haven't regretted that purchase. If I hadn't already put my amalgam illness behind me, I would certainly invest in this book for myself as well.
Rating:  Summary: Essential knowledge Review: Amalgam Illness explained to me what many doctors were unable to about my failing health. These doctors had failed me miserably with only a grim diagnosis and no cause or cure. Andy Cutler's book convinced me of something I had suspected: that my silver amalgams in my mouth were making me sick. His description of symptoms of mercury toxicity are thorough and were overwhelmingly familiar to me. His understanding of this devastating condition could only be this clear to someone who has lived this nightmare. With his knowledge of body chemistry, he is able to tell the reader how to diagnose a mercury problem and what to do to get well. After 15 years of chronic pain and illness, I now have the information I need to be proactive in getting well. I have recently had all the amalgam from my teeth safely removed. I have already seen improvements in several areas concerning my health. These improvements have come without even beginning the detox procedure. I know that I will see more improvements as I begin that process. This book has put my body and brain back on the road to good health.
Rating:  Summary: Amalgam Illness - a review Review: Amalgam Illness explained to me what many doctors were unable to about my failing health. These doctors had failed me miserably with only a grim diagnosis and no cause or cure. Andy Cutler's book convinced me of something I had suspected: that my silver amalgams in my mouth were making me sick. His description of symptoms of mercury toxicity are thorough and were overwhelmingly familiar to me. His understanding of this devastating condition could only be this clear to someone who has lived this nightmare. With his knowledge of body chemistry, he is able to tell the reader how to diagnose a mercury problem and what to do to get well. After 15 years of chronic pain and illness, I now have the information I need to be proactive in getting well. I have recently had all the amalgam from my teeth safely removed. I have already seen improvements in several areas concerning my health. These improvements have come without even beginning the detox procedure. I know that I will see more improvements as I begin that process. This book has put my body and brain back on the road to good health.
Rating:  Summary: Amalgam Illness:Everything you need to know Review: Amalgam Illness, Diagnosis and Treatment by Andrew Cutler is by far and away the best book on this subject I have read. It not only directs one in making this difficult diagnosis but clearly explains how mercury causes multiple abnormalities in the chemistry of the body. I especially liked the coverage of the effects of mercury on the endocrine system. Mercury's multiple deleterious effects on the body are covered here as are the means to treat this condition. Dr. Cutler explains which treatment strategies are likely to work and which could make the patient worse. The supplements and medications likely to be helpful in treating amalgam illness are clearly enunciated as are the steps those poisoned with mercury need to take to retake control of their lives. At a time when so many people suffer from fatigue, malaise, depression, and diseases of unknown origin for which no specific cause can be pinpointed, the possibility that heavy metal poisoning may be related to their medical conditions needs consideration. With the controversy regarding mercury effects on health coming to the forefront, Dr. Cutler's clear and concise book on the adverse effects of mercury is especially timely. It has detailed descriptions of chemistry and physiology making it valuable reading for the clinician and layman alike. It is well-referenced with excellent diagrams. I would highly recommend it to anyone trying to gain an understanding of the far reaching effects of mercury on the human body.
Rating:  Summary: The number one authority for mercury detox. Review: Amalgam Illness, Diagnosis and Treatment, by Andrew Hall Cutler gives the most complete and detailed information regarding ridding the body of the deadly element, mercury. The book provides a thorough and complete report of the aspects of mercury illness. It offers the most precise and factual information to begin the detox and healing process. With references and recommendations throughout the book the mercury detox course of treatment is easily attainable.
Rating:  Summary: This is the book you need! Review: Andrew Cutler has written an exceptional and enlightening book on the devastating health affects caused by amalgam fillings in your teeth. No one ever speaks as knowingly as those with experience. The author, himself a victim of mercury poisoning and a respected research scientist offers a clear, concise description of the physical and neurological destruction mercury causes in the human body. Clearly explained in language the patient can understand, yet the book is medically and scientifically detailed enough to belong in every physician's library. Do you know that dental amalgams - commonly referred to as silver fillings - are composed of 50% mercury? Despite what you may have been told, the mercury is not safely locked into the filling once it hardens. Mercury migrates from the tooth into your body and brain via several pathways, which are thoroughly explained in this book. If you have amalgam fillings in your teeth and find yourself plagued with a host of illnesses or symptoms your physician cannot resolve this book is a must read. Dr. Cutler has created a much needed and valuable resource for the victims of mercury poisoning. Finding a doctor knowledgeable on chronic mercury poisoning from amalgams is very difficult if not next to impossible. This book will arm you with the knowledge and information you need to make sure your doctor is following a protocol that will help you recover, rather than one that might harm your health even further. This book will also enlighten the medical and dental professions; and of even more importance to you personally, it will put you on the path to recovering your health. As a recovering victim of mercury poisoning myself, I have read many books on this subject. Not having a background in medicine or biology some of them were next to impossible for me to wade through as I searched for a cause of my illness; Dr. Cutler's book is straightforward and to the point. Some books were easy to understand, but did not offer the depth of scientific information presented by Dr. Cutler. I am deeply indebted to Dr. Cutler for providing such a candid, well researched, enlightening, and thoroughly comprehensive resource. I have had the pleasure of referring this book to many other victims of this most preventable illness; all agree this book is the most helpful resource available. My doctor was so impressed with this book she ordered it before I left her office. Doctors are as much in the dark about this illness as are we, the victims of chronic mercury poisoning. This book is a real eye opener and will save you years of trudging from doctor to doctor as I did in search of the cause of my failing health. When all the while the cause of my illness was truly just beneath my nose. If you have amalgam fillings in your teeth and are plagued with chronic health problems you will find the solution in the scientific research and unriddling answers found in this book. Mr. Cutler has definitively revealed the mystery behind a host of illnesses caused by amalgam, along with invaluable knowledge on how you can recover. In gratitude for this great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime, And, departing leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time. Andrew Cutler left one giant footprint in his stride, offering help and hope to those of us suffering the devastating effects of chronic mercury poisoning. Thank you for this book, Andy.
Rating:  Summary: Nursing Veteran finally gets help Review: Andy Cutler and his book Amalgam Illness Diagnosis and Treatment have saved my life. Working in mainstream medicine for 20 years conventional medicine let me down. Not until discovering Andy has my health improved. With 17 mercury fillings in my mouth and a load of Hg from vaccinations and working in hopsitals for so many years, my body was very toxic from mercury. The effects are insidious. I worked and lived a full life but was plagued with candida, chronic fatigue, chemical sensitivities etc.. Something was wrong but it seemed impossible getting to the bottom of it. It was determined from my own research (finishing up a Master's degree on the subject) that my body was Hg poisoned but still was not guided on the right road to recovery. In fact the regime that was being followed was making me worse. Andy Cutler is truly my savior!! Not the physicians I have worked side by side with for years. Finally on the road to recovery. No more candida what so ever and with each round of chelation therapy my health is improving. Next year my hope is to conceive a crystal clear healthy baby. This would never have happened if it wasn't for the knowledge and guidance from Andy. The book and consults with Andy are highly recommended.They make perfect sense. In my opinion many people suffer as a result of amalgam illness from mercury poisoning. My hope is that in the future,included as part of a head to toe physical assessment, will be to examine someone's mouth to determine how many amalgam fillings they have? Don't waste precious time. Read amalgam Illness and you can honestly look forward to restoring your health safely and permanently. Yours, Nancy Dawson, R.N.
Rating:  Summary: Essential knowledge Review: As so many have eloquently stated in their reviews, I, too, have found this book to be a literal life saver. I've had it since it first came out, and have given it to at least five medical doctors/health practitioners and recommended it to a number of others. I regret not having been one of the first to recommend it; however, I can now relate that I use it as a reference over and over, deepening my understanding of the many aspects of the mercury problems. This knowledge is key to my healing. The first thing I learned from Andy was to stand my ground with top allopathic and complementary physicians regarding my need for both Armour thyroid, and hydrocortisone, due to the mercury related pituitary problem, (despite their "tests"). So much of his protocol has been so helpful. I deeply appreciate Andy's generosity of time and effort, to share his knowledge through the book.
Rating:  Summary: A Gold Mine of Useful Information That Works!!! Review: Based on results, this book is the best help you will find today. Here are the answers to all the questions that come to mind. I appreciated the explanation of exactly what was occurring in my body. It helped me understand what was causing the myriad of seemingly unrelated symptoms I had suffered with for 30 years. Following the recommendations resulted in immediate and dramatic results for me. Andy is brilliant in discovering that the timing of chelating agents is critical to getting well or getting worse. I already had my fillings removed and had chelated for a year before finding this book. But, after following other advice on detoxification, I developed constant migraines, depression with suicidal urges and was so sick that I could barely take care of personal hygiene. I could not function in any way. After using Andrew Cutler's protocol, my whole life has changed. My headaches and depression quickly resolved and I have had a great increase in energy and cognitive function. Now I am able to enjoy a normal life again. This is a book you will keep handy and refer to many times. When you are sick of being sick, tired of doctors with no answers and have suffered too many years - this is the place to start.