Rating:  Summary: Breaking The Vicious Cycle" WORKS" read my story Review: Hi, My name is Colleen and about 1 year ago I bought the book. I was soooo sick. I have Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticulosis, and IBS. Wow! was I lucky! I read the book about 4 times to begin with so I could understand it all. I still pull it out today and refer to it. I went on the sc diet and like I said its about a year and I am completely well! I don't know what you call it, remission, gone, whatever. Today I have no symptoms of UC, Diver, or IBS. Because of this I am opening up a Vitamin and Herb store call the "The Vitamin Hut" in Reno, Nv. and I am going to sell this book in my store along with Lucy's Cookbook. I don't know what would have happened to me if I had not found this book. Elaine, from the bottom of my heart "Thank You". Now the second part of my story. My daughter has suffered from IBS for 16 years. Her doctor told her that her body was shutting down and they didn't think it could be reversed. The doctor also told her it was all in her head and if she would "chant" over her food she would be able to eat and this fear of food would go away. We finally got a doctor at stanford to see her and he diagnoised her as Crohns Disease. She at this time weight 95 lbs. She is 5'6" tall. After that, we agreed we would do Elaine's sc diet together. She went on the SC diet immediately. Here we are about 8 months later and she is completely well too!!! This is the reason I am opening the store. There are millions of us and if it helps one person like it did me and my daughter, well, enough said. Again, I thank Elaine for this book, she saved our lifes.......God Bless You Elaine.......
Rating:  Summary: This book saved my young daughter's health ! Review: When my daughter was diagnosed with a severe case of Crohn's disease at the age of only 11, doctors told us that the only way to wrest control of this inflammatory bowel disease was to put her on large doses of steroids and immune-suppressing drugs. Knowing that steroids can cause children's bones to thin and their growth to be delayed (as well as weight gain and other unpleasant and dangerous side effects), my husband and I were determined, if possible, to find another way to help our child back to health. What we found was "Breaking the Vicious Cycle,"a wonderful, easy-to-read and to understand book whose eating plan has literally saved our daughter's health.Using the book's informational sections as background and its recipes as marching orders, we completely changed the way our family was eating. Out went anything with sugar, grains, additives, colorings, preservatives and lactose; in came fresh and cooked fruits and vegetables, wonderful, homemade yogurt and frozen yogurt; lean fish, foul, pork and red meat; nuts; seeds; butter and honey. Within two weeks, our daughter -- formerly too sick to attend school and bleeding internally -- began to feel better. Within a month, she was almost symptom-free. Today -- six months later -- she hardly remembers she has Crohn's. To say that our family is grateful to Elaine Gottschall for writing this book is a vast understatement. I urge anyone suffering from Crohn's or other IBD to buy the book , to study its premise, and to put it into action. The life you save may be your own -- or your child's!
Rating:  Summary: Breaking the Vicious Cycle Review: This is one book you should not hesitate to read! After you've seen your doctor, and after you've tried the pills, try this book. When all else simply doesn't work and you've given up - there is hope. I read this on a two hour flight recently and am relearning how and what to eat to stay healthy. I highly recommend it. Don't continue to live with pain and panic - learn to rethink what you are eating and how it affects you! I've been pain free - no more attacks!
Rating:  Summary: It is worth reading! Review: I will make this very short: 1. It is a must read - 2. It is worth trying - 3. There will be setbacks and tough times but the rewards are worth it. do not think to much, just do it!
Rating:  Summary: Not that difficult to follow Review: I have been following a diet very similar to this off and on for almost 3 years (low carb diet). For me this was not such a big leap, and in fact I think a low carb diet is even more restrictive than this diet is. When I was on the low carb diet I had little to no symptoms (I have IBS), when I go off it and eat like most typical Americans, the symptoms return full force. For the few people that say this diet is impossible - well sorry, but you're either too lazy or not suffering enough to want to do this. It is a leap at first, but does not take very long to get used to. Almost any traditional recipe can be converted with a little imagination. Eating out can be a challenge, but far from impossible. If you're suffering with any GI disorder, give this a shot. It can't hurt and can certainly help.
Rating:  Summary: Thanks to Elaine, I'm symptom free and off meds!!! Review: This book is truly a miracle for anyone suffering from Crohn's, UC, or other intestinal diseases. When I first started I was taking 11 dangerous prescription pills a day, suffering bad side effects and still not symptom free. I found this diet on the internet and started it right away. It takes a lot of commitment, but it is most assuredly worth it! Almost 9 months later, I am down to 1/2 a pill a day and I have never felt better! When I follow the diet to the letter, I experience no symptoms and have more energy than ever. I also sleep better than I ever have. Thanks to this diet I fully expect to be off all prescription medication within a few more months. I am truly amazed and very grateful to Elaine Gottschall for her tireless dedication and commitment to helping people regain their health. Thank you Elaine!....
Rating:  Summary: Elaine Gottschall's work is a Godsend!! Review: This book and the corresponding Specific Carbohydrate Diet it advocates saved my life! I had suffered with Crohn's Disease for three years with no relief. I had seen three separate G.I. specialists in the Southeastern part of the USA and received no relief. All of my physicians prescribed numerous medications they believed would help. None did. I went from 160lbs to 118lbs in just over a year. My only option was to have surgery. Then the miracle happened. I came across Elaine's wonderful book and I followed the diet exactly as she prescribed. The results were immediate and exact. Within a week I felt improvement. Within two months my bloodwork was normal for the first time in years. Within three months I was prescription medication free and gaining weight. I am currently five months into the diet and feel awesome. The book is well written and extremely informative. The recipes are easy to follow and delicious. This book is nothing short of miraculous! If you are suffering with any intestinal dysfunction, this book will invariably help. It is the answer and the way to regaining control of your life! Thank you Elaine.
Rating:  Summary: Coping with Celiac? Review: After having been on antibiotics for over six years, I found that my health began to slowly deteriorate. Incomprehensible symtoms, like bloating, intestinal pain, were among the milder ones. Most food began to make me nauseated, and I started to do research. A few years on a "celiac diet" where I mostly ate rice, didn't help. In fact, things got worse. More research led me to Elaine Gottschall's book. In this well-researched and straightforward book, Elaine has provided an extraordinary approach to healing many types of IBD. Those with Crohns, celiac, IBS, candida will find that the diet, which eliminates specific carbohydrates, leads to improvement within weeks - for some, within days. It is filled with clear explanations, pictures and wonderful recipes. A little sceptical, I first took it out of the library, not sure if this was the approach which addresses root causes of celiac disease. Within one week on the diet, some of my milder symptoms disappeared. Within two weeks, I had regained mental clarity and energy. Within a month I felt almost as good as I did before my downward spiral and returned to "nearly normal" intestinal health. After renewing the book three times, I realized that this was the right approach for me. I bought the book, and it is my major reference source for foods to eat or avoid, a fabulous almond-flour bread (and those of you who have to avoid wheat, etc know how important a GOOD slice of bread is!!), and much more. I strongly recommend this book and its suggested approach to good health. If nothing else, you will have improved your diet over 99.9% of all other North Americans!!
Rating:  Summary: Please add 75 more stars to my above rating. Review: Two years ago my son was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis at the age of two and a half years. The doctor explained it and all the info I could get pointed to a bleek, BLEEK future for him and my wife and I. This diet has provided the cornerstone of our sanity as it has virtually ended the symptoms of this truly wretched disease and he is growing wonderfully and is a truly beautiful sight to see. I have spent so many hours in so many books over the last two years I feel like I have been to UC college. It never seases to amaze me how corrupted our food supply is with sugar and additives (both of which set my son off). Just try and buy food without them. Even the salt we used had sugar. Mrs. Gottshall is a true heroin to me. Her book brings home the power of truth. I am not anyone special in society and information of this power being available to me gives me hope and a even greater respect for the old saying "information is power". Sincerely, Joe Higgs
Rating:  Summary: Not for vegans Review: Though this is a clearly written and informative book, it is not appropriate for vegans. The author does suggest that vegetarians can alter the plan to fit there needs there are no details to do so.