Rating:  Summary: Don't Sit Your Gut On the Fence! Review: So you've just popped your head in here to see what everyone's talking about You may be wondering what SCD is all about and whether you should move to it from the diet you or your autistic child currently follows Well in my opinion, it's a "must buy."! The book includes history, research, outlines the diet, provides resources, recipes and a comprehensive chapter telling "The Celiac Story".Fifty years of research authenticates the protocols outlined and makes makes for exciting reading if you have a troubled tummy. The SCD book "Breaking the Vicious Cycle"(BTVC) is a regular bible for the bowel, a gift to the gut a boon to the brain! The wonders of the brain-gut connection unfold and the book explains how the right food can heal. You'll probably wear out your copy of BTVC in the months following it's purchase. And if you decide as Oprah always says, to "get with the program" you can also be strongly supported online by experienced people now including parents of autistic children. The parents are very excited about positive behavorial changes in their children. Elaine Gottschall the scientist and mother who researched for 45 years, wrote the book and has dedicated herself to taking the diet to those who need it. I've read Internet stories by adults on the diet but it is those from the parents of autistic children in particular which brought tears of hope and happiness to my eyes. a child talking to her doll for the first time, making coherent sentences, developing an appetite and passing healthy stools. You will be embarking on a life changing experience for yourself and your family. and surely embrace this as a personal bible of help to deal effectively with Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and Celiac Disease as well as other gastric diseases. Carol F. Celiac Disease well managed and greatly improved after two years on SCD
Rating:  Summary: The diet that gave me back my life Review: A year ago and two weeks ago, I was admitted to the ER with an acute case of Crohn's colitis. I weighed 90 lbs., was running multiple fevers in excess of 104 degrees F, had diarrhea to the tune of 32x/day, had lost two pints of blood and could barely walk. After eleven days in the hospital, they gave me a choice: I could stay and receive more aggressive drug therapies (the 60mg of IV prednisone they had me on wasn't making a dent); or I could go home and "see what happened". I went home. The next day, I talked my friend through Whole Foods on his cell phone, making him read me every label on the items I needed to begin the Specific Carbohydrate Diet as outlined by Elaine Gottschall in her book, Breaking the Vicious Cycle. With the last of my strength, I made the soup and some homemade gelatin that form the mainstay of the 2-5 day "starter diet". And each subsequent day, I built on the little ground I had already gained until two weeks later, I was able to go to my doctor without lining my pockets with weights to cover the weight loss. Within one month, I was able to do my laundry by myself again. Within three months, I was able to get back to work. Within five months, I was off all of my medications. In the past year, I have had one flare, brought on by hormonal birth control. I went on all my meds again, but this time I was able to wean myself off of them in a mere four weeks--I was now that healthy. I fought my doctor all the way on this diet. Even with proof of my healing in the form of loss of symptoms, weight normalization and a clean colonoscopy (no pun intended), he, like most doctors of Western medicine, refuse to believe that diet has anything to do with illness or health. The diet is simple in theory, if somewhat difficult in practice. The idea behind it is to exclude the foods that disease-creating bacteria feed on in the gut so that these bacteria die off and allow the gut to heal itself. Unfortunately for those of us accustomed to the Standard American Diet (or S.A.D.) of highly processed, starchy and sugary foods, this means an exclusion of all di- and polysaccharides: in other words, no refined sugar and no starch of any kind. No pasta, no bread, no chocolate, no potatoes, no sugar. And that includes "hidden" sugar that shows up in virtually all processed foods, even if it's not listed on the label. Bye-bye, convenience foods. So long, thank-you-drive-thru. The list of unacceptable foods is daunting and seems unmanageable at first (and eating out remains a challenge), but it gets easier with time. So now, a year later, I still can't eat raw fruit with abandon but I can travel and not get sick. I haven't had bread or pasta or any other "illegal" but I can work, socialize and sleep through the night. My world of acceptable restaurants has shrunk even as my ability to be out and about with seemingly boundless energy has increased. I've accomplished things I never dreamed I could twelve months ago. I've helped friends, acquaintances and total strangers find this diet and changed their lives, too. (If you have ulcerative colitis or Crohn's and write me, I'll most likely help you, too.) I've learned patience (oh, boy, have I learned patience) and as a result, am more tolerant of quirks in myself and others. This diet didn't just give me back my life; it gave me a totally new one, richer than I ever could have imagined. So when people tell me how hard it must be to be on this diet with all of its restrictions, I smile and think to myself, "What restrictions?" I've never been freer in my life.
Rating:  Summary: SEIZURE CONTROL on SCD! Review: Our daughter's first seizure came at the age of 17 days. Later we learned she had a congenital brain defect. Various anti-epileptic medications were tried over the next four years. None were successful. One was downright disastrous and caused a dangerous reaction and a nearly fatal status seizure. A new neurologist suggested the Ketogenic diet, which gave us a full year virtually seizure free. The second year of Keto found us frustrated, with seizures creeping back. Her ability to tolerate the diet was changing and it just stopped working. After two years and three months, we stopped the diet in January of 2003 but stuck to a wholesome, healthy diet without sugar or white flour..... never returning to a "typical" American diet. Seizure-wise, she was the same...a few every month. Another parent told me about SCD and the fact that they were getting seizure control on this diet, and resolving some digestive issues. Not wanting to return to more drugs, I immediately bought the book and started Katera on the SCD (April '03). By week four, completely seizure free, I knew we were on to something. It has now been 8 months and Katera has had only four seizures in all that time. We had an unbelievable 5 month stretch where we saw none at all, though a recent viral illness triggered a couple. We manage these when necessary with emergency meds. SCD is a wonderful change from the previous diet, although I still firmly believe that the Ketogenic diet is a miracle for many kids. She has never had any intestinal problems that we know of... and yet this diet works for her. Who knew that the gut was so strongly linked to brain function? Apparently, none of our doctors did, but they are amazed at her progress and want us to keep her on SCD. She is healthy and thriving...and we plan on continuing the diet indefinitely. We have found wonderful support at the Yahoo list for families using SCD for children: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pecanbread
Rating:  Summary: This diet saved my daughter's quality of life. Review: Anyone with Crohn's Colitus or another Intestinal disease.. or actually any other autoimmune condition owes it to themselves to read this book and give this diet a try. There are apparently no other options when it comes to effectively controling debilitating symptoms without drugs with their own side effects.I hear that the diet works in 80 percent of cases. It did in ours. My daugher was on the road to recovery within days. Within weeks, her blood tests became normal. In years to come I am certain that this will be the routine treatment but until then, you need to supplement your more than likely disbelieving doctor's advice with this healthy diet and in time, you will may not need meds. There are also many websites offering support. The author has dedicated her life to making this diet known after her own daughter was cured, with health repaired by this same diet, developed by a deceased MD.
Rating:  Summary: Hope for ASD Kids Review: After trying the GFCF diet for our 2 year old son w/ autism spectrum disorder for 6 months with no results and no change in his yeast problems or gut dysbiosis, we have implemented the SCD diet. The ONLY WAY to understand the science behind this diet and why it can help not only those with Crohns, etc is to read this wonderful book and many times over. If you have a child on the autism spectrum it is worth your time to get this book and really think about what it says. Then take a look at your child's current diet and probable cupboard full of supplements. Then read the book again. Elaine is saving 1 child at a time with her book--it's up to all of us to spread the word. There is another and more nutritionally-sound world for our precious angels--who by the way are the most selective eaters on the planet. Buy this book and you won't be sorry you did!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Not for everybody Review: When I came down with acid reflux (GERD), I bought this book because I was desperate to find a cure. The idea of being on pills for the rest of my life was apalling, and I was convinced that there was something in my diet that was causing the problem. In addition to this book, I also ordered books on Celiac Sprue, and several holistic-healing type books. While on Elaine's diet, I found that life was absolutely miserable. The dietary restrictions were so severe that there was very little that I could eat. I can't stand preparing my own foods, and I was skinny to begin with. My main problem is that I was allergic to nuts, and couldn't tolerate much dairy, so that didn't leave much (many of the recipes used nut flour and yoghurt). I participated in the email list, and even exchanged messages with Elaine herself. That was pretty cool. But when I asked if perhaps using enzyme supplements to break down the carbs would be satisfactory, they were quick to call that "cheating". Apparently, Elaine's followers are so convinced that a radical diet such as this will make your life better, and that anyone who doesn't believe so is naive. In my case, I found no relief from the diet, did lots of research on the internet, and finally determined that I just needed the right kinds of medications, and needed to cut back (but not eliminate) certain kinds of foods from my diet. My quality of life is now excellent, and I can enjoy good foods again. I gave the book 3 stars because it is obviously good for some people, particularly people with IBS, Crohns, and similar ailments. But if you don't have any of these, then you probably shouldn't waste your money on this book.
Rating:  Summary: No More Suffering! Review: Nine months ago I purchased the book, Breaking the Vicious Cycle, by Elaine Gottschall. At that time, my son was considering intestinal surgery for Crohn's Disease. Even on numerous medications and after a ten day hospital stay he continued to lose weight and experience pain. However, within a few days of beginning the Specific Carbohydrate Diet he improved dramatically. He, currently, has no symptoms of Crohn's Disease, is off all medications and has gained 25 pounds. All his lab results have also returned to normal. These include electrolytes, cholesterol, LDL (was low), HDL (above average), iron and C-reactive protein (a marker of systemic inflammation). This book and the Specific Carbohydrate Diet is a necessity for anyone with intestinal or autoimmune disease and/or autism. The results speak for themselves! The above review was written almost 4 months ago. However, since there has been further improvement in my son's condition I am adding a few more lines. Another SCD miracle has occurred! Today, August 12, 2003, my son had an Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and Colonoscopy and the gastroenterologist found NO evidence of Crohn's Disease or any other inflamation including his fistula. He is so impressed with this diet that he has begun recommending it to all his patients - some of whom have already improved. Thanks, Elaine Gottschall, for being who you are - a loving, caring woman who has devoted her life to helping others.
Rating:  Summary: Worth A Try Review: See your doctor first. This is an easy to read book, with real practical suggestions. It will not work for everyone, but it is surely worth a try. In fact, I lost weight (that's good) on this diet by eliminating all of the junk carbs from my diet. Turns out I do not have IBD/IBS, but this diet can do no harm, and it may do you some good.
Rating:  Summary: John Paul Review: John Paul was diagnosed with UC at 2 years 3 months old. that was in june of 2000. he took pentasa over the summer while i researched over the summer to find a natural remedy. i have UC and am familiar with the intense meds they prescribe for IBD. I did not want him to be on meds. On labor day of 2000 i find out about this book from a search on the internet. we started the diet immediately and he had a reduction in symptoms right away. he had some setbacks but has been in remission now for over a year. I am currently following the diet also. It is a change of lifestyle but a great one! I am finally in control of what I'm eating instead of the food controlling me... I am truly greatful to Elaine for making curing people with IBD her life's goal! My son is greatful too! Thank you Elaine!!!
Rating:  Summary: Just do it! Your health - in your hands. Review: I had UC for 9 years untill recently. Following this diet from Aug 2002. Simptoms free, thanks to Elaine that she shared her wisdom in this book. Doctors only think medications or surgery, we (patients) are like lab mice for them; At least they can diagnose successfuly sometimes. If you not sure, get this book from library.