Rating:  Summary: PAIN IS GONE!! Review: My pain is gone. I did this cleanse for 21-days and my pain disappeared. I had pain in my joints, and in my muscles. Before I started the cleanse I was taking 4 advil at a time. Doctors did not like that, but lower doses did not help me. When I started the cleanse, I stopped all caffeine, coffee, diet sodas, advil (by faith), and all OTC meds. Within a week, I was pain free and I am so amazed at the healing properties of this combination of ingredients. I recommend this for the many people who suffer with unexplainable pain in their bodies.I have been greatly helped/supported by the yahoo group "mastercleanse" while on this cleanse. I have done it twice now, and the group is so supportive and knowledgeable about this cleanse. Go check it out. I am no longer taking advil. I don't need it. YAY!!
Rating:  Summary: It's not as hard as you think.... Review: I started the diet one week ago today and I have to say that I am never hungry and I have lost weight. When I started the diet I was 221 now after just 7 days, I am 207. These are real results. When you take the Lemonade for whatever reason you just dont feel hungry. The first 3 days are the hardest but if you do everything right, It will work for you too.
Rating:  Summary: Extremely challenging, yet surpassingly rewarding Review: The Master Cleanser was my first fasting experience to date. My roomate was doing it at the time and after reading the book, decided to join him in the process. A few of my female friends said they tried it for 2-3days and it didn't work, but I didn't let that discourage me. I pulled off the 10days to my friends doubts. I even went out to a bar and drank water while my friends enjoyed their drinks. While fasting, I noticed that our society is soaked with food, the advertising is everywhere from the TV to every street corner. I feel for any American who wants to loose weight. It's not easy in this country. Since I don't eat 3 meals a day, it was a little easier for me to fast. I was only fatigued when I pushed myself in a physical way. After cleaning my system out, I have no fears of getting sick. My advice to the curious is; If you live with someone, do it together - If you eat a lot daily, cut back for a week before you start, that way the hunger pains won't be as bad - Avoid television, use the time to enlighten yourself with books or discussions - Understand that your body needs cleansing - And what anybody says about the hardships, ignore them and prove to yourself that you can do it. The first days are difficult and so are the last, but in the end you'll come away with a deep appreciation for the foods you eat. Your body will thank you!
Rating:  Summary: A great diet! (Note-I'm being sarcastic!) Review: Having the lemonade may be fine for people wanting to lose weight, but the diet the author recommends afterwards is horrible. To recap: NO meats, NO dairy, NO sugar, NO alcohol, NO processed foods (ie no candy, fast foods, potato chips, etc), and of course, no honey. That leaves fruits, vegetables and grains only. You have to freshly prepare everything you eat. Gee, sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe if I could afford a personal chef I would do it. But on my own it looks like a lot of work. I'd still have to resist all the fast food joints I pass on the road all the time, and if I have dinner at a friend's or relative's I'd have to remind them, "Oh by the way, I can't eat that, and that, and that...." Even if it made you live to 1000 it wouldn't be worth it. Even the people who really believe in the diet must stray from it every now and then.
Rating:  Summary: It works! Review: BUY THIS BOOK! I use this fast - it's the only way to fast! You have energy, vitality, and you are NOT HUNGRY, as long as you follow the instructions. The book contains answers to important questions. And the "Lemonade" tastes GREAT! My daughter calls it "tea". Visit mastercleanse at yahoogroups and join in the chat, and receive support. The book recommends you do this fast for a minimum of 10 days. Personally, I have found it quite easy to go 10 days, and even longer, with no problem at all. I have no cravings and no desire for food. I am completely satisfied.
Rating:  Summary: I was on it for 25 days and lost 21 pounds Review: I highly recommend this book and this cleanse. I did the master cleanse because all of sudden I began to have all kinds of little annoying symptoms. I read the entire book before starting the cleanse. I loved the lemonade drink and drank only when I got hungry. It completely satisfied my hunger. It was the easiest thing I have ever done with the best benefits I have ever gotten. I was constantly in awe of the fact that my body could go so long without food! My sugar craving has been eliminated. Oh, and I did H Clarks liver cleanse 3 days after coming off of the lemonade and passed stones as large as garbonzos. In addition to this book I would recommend doing some research on coming off of a fast so that your body adjusts to food in a way that is beneficial to your health and so that you keep the weight off. I have been off for 3 weeks and have only gained back 2 pounds (and we know what that is). P.S. I wouldn't recommend honey at all.
Rating:  Summary: Works for me but not for everyone Review: I've been doing the lemonaide fast for a couple of years, about twice a year. The longest was 21 days. If you want to lose weight, I have found that I lose about a pound a day BUT I expect to gain back about 5 pounds right away. Interestingly, I only go down to about 10 pounds below my "weight chart" weight, then don't lose any more. I think those charts are a little on the heavy side, don't you? For me, my energy lowers for about the first 3 or 4 days, then I feel good. I'm on the fast right now and am working on a fairly strenuous remodelling project. This fast is not for everyone. Most of the people who have asked me for the recipe and tried it didn't like it. I think it has to do with whether or not you really get hungry....my MOUTH is always hungry but I never feel hungry in my stomach. If you understand that distinction, then maybe you're like me and it will work for you. I have no will power so for me it's much easier just to quit eating altogether than to worry about what, when and how much to eat. I just don't eat and when I think I want to, I check out my feeling and notice that it's my mouth and not my stomach calling for food. If I feel a little weak, I drink some lemonaide. For me, this is much easier than watching what I eat, which then leaves me thinking about eating all the time. The book claims cures for everthing from ulcers to diabetes. Perhaps. For me, I know I feel a lot better during and after, especially the way my pants fit!
Rating:  Summary: I felt fantastic Review: I have been on this cleanse several times. The most recent was for 15 days. I lost 14.5 pounds and felt fantastic. No headaches, no major cravings. I had lots of energy and was not lethargic. I told myself each time I took a drink of the lemonade that it was delicious so that I would not weary of the taste of it. I couldn't take the cayenne in the drink (too wimpy), so I took capsules. I took a fiber blend mixed in water that I got from the health food store. I could not believe the junk that my body sluffed off. It was incredible. I gained back 4 pounds when I started eating, but have been able to maintain the 10 pound loss. My family could not believe I could go that long without eating, but it was not hard. The drink was very statisfying. I felt like a million dollars while on the cleanse. I'm anxious to go on it again. I don't agree with all of Burroughs opinions, but I took what worked for me and was impressed with the results. The only drawback for me was on day 10 I got a couple of cankers. I stuck with it for 5 more days, and quit because of the cankers.
Rating:  Summary: I agree with the premise, but not for me... Review: I agree with the premise of fasting for detoxifation and cleansing, especially in today's world of constant exposure to environmental pollutants in our air, water and food. But the Master Cleanser program just wasn't for me. I cannot do a diet in which I absolutely abhor the taste of the drink supplement. I don't think I ever want to taste maple syrup again! Bleck! I actually recommend the use of honey, as they do in Ayurvedic medicine, in combination with lime or lemon juice and warm water instead of the maple syrup. Even better and less shocking to the system is juice fasting (vegetable and fruit juices). I highly recommend looking into juice fasting as an alternative to this approach. If the taste of this concoction suits you, then go nuts. But if you're like me and wanted to gag every time you drank the stuff, try juice fasting instead. You'll achieve the same results.
Rating:  Summary: Lemon Aid? Review: I read the book. I tried the cleanse. I lasted five days, half of the requirement. All I could think about while on the diet was pigging out on junk food, and that's not something I ordinarily do. I was primarily interested in cleansing, not losing weight. (I have a little tummy bulge, otherwise I'm ok.) The so-called eliminations did not come that frequently, and when they did were quite painful to endure. I had already given up on milk and cut down on dairy, so perhaps the effects of the cleanse were not as great as they could have been. Some of the advice is a bit outdated, other passages seem contradictory. The author claims that the cleanse can rid you of any drug addictions you might have, yet I still find myself dependent on the anti-depressant I am taking. Although this book does contain snippets of sensible advice, I feel you should pick and choose what feels right for you rather than follow this book as the gospel truth.