Rating:  Summary: Nice Concept; Doesn't Pan Out Review: An interesting little collection of stories and puzzles, alleged to be told by the travelling companion of the Man Who Counted, one Beremiz Samir. Many of the puzzles have been set in other circumstances, other fables. The interest here, such as it is, is the weaving together of the whole tale in the city of Baghdad in the thirteenth century. The trappings of Islam are heavy, not always necessary, and occasionally a positive intrusion. Samir seems to go through life ~ at least that part of it reported to us ~ moving from one mathematical challenge to another, and triumphing over all. One sympathises with the posers of the puzzles; it would be a pleasure at times to see him tripped. If one can fight through the extraneous material of the tale, the Islamic tapestries which cover all, the mathematical puzzles themselves are interesting. It's quite a job, though, to dig them out.
Rating:  Summary: A Math book can be amazingly beautiful. A real shock! Review: I can be counted in the number of those who learned to fear and hate Math from the deep of their hearts. I read this book six months ago and I come back to it again and again ever since. It's first class literature, too. All I have to say is 'more from Tahan, please!'
Rating:  Summary: Good Book, but Not for School Use Review: I enjoyed reading this book, but would not use it in my middle-school classroom because of the overt religion in it, and the lack of cohesion for specific subjects. I guess I was just expecting something different.
Rating:  Summary: Opens your heart and mind to the beauty of mathematics Review: I first read this book in the original Portuguese many years ago, when I was still in grade school. Imagine my surprise when I found a copy in English! This is a truly marvelous book. It recounts the life of a humble, but wise sheep herder in ancient Arabia who through the power and beauty of mathematics and logic lives the greatest adventures.It tackles in beautiful form some basic principles of mathematics, and teaches the reader the power of logical thinking. A book for all ages, highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Opens your heart and mind to the beauty of mathematics Review: I first read this book in the original Portuguese many years ago, when I was still in grade school. Imagine my surprise when I found a copy in English! This is a truly marvelous book. It recounts the life of a humble, but wise sheep herder in ancient Arabia who through the power and beauty of mathematics and logic lives the greatest adventures. It tackles in beautiful form some basic principles of mathematics, and teaches the reader the power of logical thinking. A book for all ages, highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: It's a wonderful history Review: I had read both editions (spanish and english). I think that is a wonderful book and history, but is better in spanish than english, this because I found several differences between these edition: i.e. Chapther V, in the english edition is omited a part related to the sharpness in calculus and a tale related with the king artajerjes and hiprocates of cos. Chapter VII, en the spanish edition the autor offers an alternate solution and gave a tale about al-hossein this tale was changed in the english edition by the solution of a lose coin. Chapter XVIII, several comments about lilavati was suppresed in the english edition. Chapter XXIV, in the spanish edition related golden ratios was omited in the english edition Chapter XXIV in the english edition is the XXV in the spanish edition. Chapter XXIV, the english edition have several verses that the spanish edition doesn't have. Chapter XXVI, in the spanish edition the blue rug doesn't exist. Chapter XXXII, in the spanish edition appear a tale about 40 thieves in the english edition appears a tale about the lightest pearl, both with the same message. Chapter XXXII, the english edition omited all the explanation related with the classics troubles. Chapter XXXV, the english edition doesn't tell us nothing about the catholicim convertion of the muslims involved in the book. I think that this differeces are minimal, but is better in spanish.
Rating:  Summary: beautiful Review: I was 13 when I read it. I can still remember the high brought on by a book that vigorously exercised my mind and imagination.
Rating:  Summary: Good Stories Review: The math is everywhere , this is a great book to read , it's easy to follow the math he uses in order to solve others problems , they are very impresive
Rating:  Summary: Give this to a student you really like Review: This great adventure story is an excellent gift for any student who likes math at all. This is definitely not the math treatment they are getting in their public (or private) high school, although it should be. Further, this is better writing than they are getting in anything they are reading in their English class. You will be hard pressed to find a more subtle statement of the absolute beauty of math.
Rating:  Summary: Mathmagic. Simply the best! Review: What can mathematics do for you? Read this pearl and you will find it.It's not just about math: it's about life!The Man Who Counted also taught, thought, loved, lived! The adventures are great! It seems mathmagic! This book changed my life, and will change yours!