Rating:  Summary: The very best! Not at all an compromise!! Review: Don't listen to the YEC propaganda! Dr. Ross shows how the old-earth is reality and is the LITERAL interpretation. He also shows how macroevolution is false! YECs don't even bother to study both sides and instead only listen to their "leaders" without testing them. Why does the Earth have to be young? It doesn't and isn't. The same science that makes this computer work shows the world is old. Is the computer also false? When will the YECs stop bringing embarassment to Christianty in their denial of science?Ironically they use "old-earth science" to show flaws in evolution and to show intelligent design. Even more ironic, their "global flood" theories require MACROevoltion at a level that orthodox evolutionists DON'T accept!! Dr. Ross is to be commended for his faithful efforts and careful literal interpretations in the face of the unchristian YEC emotional attacks. YEC "science" is utterly bankrupt of all reality: biblical and otherwise.
Rating:  Summary: We don't need more Compromise! Review: Ross's compromise is found in his approach and his assumptions. The bottom line is that he is falling into the trap that God warns about in Proverbs 26:4! Which reads: "Answer NOT a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him." and "Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit." God warns that we are NOT to answer the FOOL (an person that rejects God and/or His Word) according to their folly! However, in his "defense" of Genesis, he bases his arguments on the FOOL's own assumptions. In other word, he accepts & works from the fools own false presuppositions and unbiblical paradigm to base his answers. In so doing, he ends up with the same conclusions a the fools he is debating. The only difference is that he says there is God, and his opponents will either agree that there is a god or not. That is why he is "like unto them," and not giving a good apologetic for the faith.
Rating:  Summary: "Young Earth Creationists" are in an uproar Review: Dr. Ross has once again shown that he is not only a top scientist but also a very knowledgeable Christian. The "Young Earth Creationists" who regularly put Ross down every chance they get, are scrambling for a response of some kind, but they need not bother, Hugh Ross makes much more sense than any of them ever could. This is the kind of book that explains the Genesis account of Creation in terms that an average person can believe as opposed to one that just makes him/her shake their head in dis-belief.
Rating:  Summary: An Important Contribution to the Body of Christ Review: Congratulations are to be extended to Dr. Ross for another fine work. He performs a tremendous service to Christians everywhere by showing that science does not destroy the Genesis account, but rather lends support for it. He is careful not to marry current scientific data to the Biblical accounts, but does show that they can be harmonized and that many current discoveries dovetail nicely with the Genesis record. I was particularly intrigued with his account of the Flood as well as the possible means God used to limit our lifespans via a supernova. I encourage every thinking Christian to read this book carefully and pass it along to their friends (especially those subscribing to the Gish/Morris literal 6-day creation interpretation). Dr Ross' ministry is having a great effect on the scientific community by demonstrating that the idea of a Creator is one that needs to be taken seriously. He is also having a tremendous impact on the evangelical community by bringing so many out of the ghetto of the 6-day literalists camp. He does it by presenting a balanced view of science and faith without sacrificing either our intellect or our committment to the truth of Christianity. Again, thank you Dr. Ross. CPT Curby W. Graham 1-7 Division Cavalry Squadron Intelligence Officer
Rating:  Summary: Compelling Arguments Review: Dr. Ross raises an number of compelling arguments that I continue to mull over. I find it more than coincidental that the biblical creation order matches the scientific order . . . the only apparent disparity is in the length of time involved and Dr. Ross lays out a convincing argument that they are really in harmony as well. The anthropic principle is likewise a sobering reflection of the many delicate balances unique to the earth that sustain the diversity of life. Before reading the book, I read an Amazon.com review from another reader that was critical and dismissive. Now it's gone. What happened to it?
Rating:  Summary: Incredible, destroys young-earth creationist theories... Review: Contrary to YEC claims, Ross is not an evolutionist, and he does believe in the literal bible. YECs know this, but continue to say otherwise. Ross uses solid biblical theories and science to show that they don't contradict each other and help to understand each other. Young-earth creationists can do nothing but level emotional and bankrupt arguments at Ross, that is why their "cause" is dying.
Rating:  Summary: Great job integrating science with the Genesis account Review: This book is a treasure trove for those interested in the nuts and bolts of how the Genesis account squares with the very latest science. His points are well documented with 21 pages of references. He goes through Genesis 1 in detail, and includes a translation with Hebrew cross-refs in the back. He clears up seemingly out of order creation events compared to the fossil record with an examination of the Hebrew nouns and establishing the frame of reference. Being an astronomer/physicist, he correlates the Earth's initial conditions with those in Genesis. The best part of the book has to do with his explanation of the Genesis flood. He convincingly shows that a local flood(s) satisfies God's exacted punishment by exterminating all mankind, and the soulish animals affected by man's sin. He also has a fairly good chapter on dating the origin of humanity. He uses archaeological evidence for spirit expression and phylogenetic dna and mitochondrial analysis in his reasoning. My only critique would be that he could have gone farther is genetic analysis. For instance, fruit trees in Genesis 1 it could be argued are closer genetically to algae than fish, so one would expect fruit trees to appear before fish using naturalistic reasoning. The lack of fossil evidence for this is an argument from silence. Since birds were't around yet to spread the seed, they would have been sparse.
Rating:  Summary: One of the most important apolgetic books in years! Review: This detailed and up-to-date book shows how Genesis is compatible with science and that all the "questions" can be answered with careful study if the facts of science and the bible! This should be on everyone's shelf, anyone who has wondered about such things. If you think Genesis is full of fallacies, read this book and you'll see why that is untrue. A valuable resource, Ross' best and the result of over 2 decades of his studies and the latest in biblical and scientific studies.
Rating:  Summary: Makes Mincemeat of Genesis In Situ Review: When big-bangs tell the Bible what to say,
It shreds the Christian faith to ground filet.
Rating:  Summary: Follows in the footsteps of previous books Review: Like all of Dr Ross's books, this one gives a very good explanation of the cohesion between the Bible and Science. I recommend it as well as "Creation and Time" and "The Creator and the Cosmos".
P.S. If you'll notice, most of the anti-Young-Earth-Creationist reviews have been given "this review is not helpful" marks by many readers, and most of the pro-YEC reviews (and therefore anti-Dr-Ross reviews) have been given "this review is helpful" marks. Take those ratings with a pillar of salt (a-HA!) because it's a result of "stuffing the ballot box" by the pro-YEC crowd. (I expect this review to get a bunch of "not helpful" marks too...)