Rating:  Summary: Good Science- Questionable Theology Review: Creation Scientist Ross has become famous for his zealous attempts to show congruency between scientific discovery (well, actual scientific fact anyway)and the Bible book of Genesis. He deserves credit for helping many people think twice about giving up on the Bible. Misunderstandings of scripture and materialistic philosophy (combined with subjective scientific interpretation) has casued many to assume the Bible contradicts real science. Ross' chapters detailing the sequence of creation events backed up by scientific findings are very useful in clearing up the misunderstandings. That the 6 creation "days" of Genesis 1 are long periods of time (day age theory) rather than literal 24 hour days seems very reasonable and the most likely meaning of the Hebrew word for "days" (yohm). He does, however, give too much credence to dating methods used to determine the age of the earth. They are not perfect and are prone to great discrepancies. Then again, the earth may just be 6 billion years old. It really doesn't matter much to the "day age" theory of Genesis. I give this book only three stars because of some glaring fallacies in Ross' theology. For example: Ross says repeatedly he believes Satan and the demons sinned far ahead of God's creation of Adam and Eve. While the angel that became "satan" (meaning "resister") may have been developing a wicked inclination, there is no indication he had openly rebelled against God before he tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. The first sin occurred when Satan told Eve that God had lied to them. Satan, using the "serpent" as a mouthpiece, directly contradicted God's warning that Adam and Eve would "positively die" if they ate from the forbidden tree. (Genesis 3:1-5). Satan told them they would "positively NOT die". This was the first lie and thus Satan had become the "father of the lie" according to Jesus (John 8:44). Conversely, Ross believes that Satan and the demons had fallen and God went ahead with his creation of the physical universe (leading to Adam and Eve) to "do away with wickedness forever". This is false. Although God knew of the possibility of something going wrong when he gave spirit beings and man free will, it is unthinkable that he subjected the rest of creation to futility (Romans 8:20) so he could "do away with wickedness". God created merely out of love. He gave the gift of intelligent life to creatures that never before existed. Although God knew of the potential for problems with free will, it did not concern him because nothing could thwart his purposes from being fulfilled (Isaiah 55:11). After the sin in the Eden all creation was then sujected to futility because sin had now entered into the world. God purposes to "do away with wickedness forever" by means of the Messianic Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Adam and Eve would have lived forever in perfect health on a perfect earth had they not sinned. This purpose is still open to the rest of mankind. God's purpose has NOT been stopped by satan. There WILL be humans living forever on earth in a worldwide paradise just as God planned. (Genesis 1:28; Isaiah 45:18; Matthew 6:10; Psalm 37:29)
Rating:  Summary: The Bible and Science Agree Review: If you listen to fundamentalists on both sides - Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett for the Darwinians, John Morris and Duane Gish for the Seventh-Day Adventists and like-minded sects - you'd think that all of the discoveries of modern science were a threat to the Bible's claims. A few of you might decide that science is an evil conspiracy and join a fundamentalist church (King James Bible preferred, perhaps required); most of you would decide that the Bible is bunk. Dr. Hugh Ross is at the forefront of a recent movement on the part of Bible-believing Christians to clear away the misconceptions promulgated by both sides. As a result, we see that the Bible and science (facts, at least, if not the totality of theory) are in fundamental agreement. Are Ross's speculations perfect? Of course not. But Ross is clearly more correct than the "young earth creationists," some of whom have made a career out of attacking and slandering Christians who don't agree with them. (BTW, not one "young earth" reviewer on this site has even read the book, as far as I can tell. If you want to see how bankrupt and hollow - not to mention outright dishonest - young earth'ers are, read a book called "In 6 Days" where young earth'ers are pitted against proponents of other views in a fair debate.)
Rating:  Summary: Dull reading, but interesting Review: This was the most uninspired book that Dr. Ross has written yet, and I was so bored with it that it was difficult to read it all the way through, but I did read all of it, and learned a lot. I love every book that Dr. Ross has written, but this was more of a summary of his earlier books but with new information. The old story about Dr. Ross searching world religions for the "truth" is getting kind of old--heard his story in every book and audio tape so far, time to move on, Dr. Ross. What I DID find interesting about this book--and hence the 5 stars--is that he presents a lot of great information about key topics that are helpful when talking to others (particularly those who don't believe in God). I was fascinated by Ross' estimation of the age of human civilization, the research done on human DNA that proves there was a Flood (weird, huh? it's in our DNA. you don't believe...hmmm...guess you'll have to read the book. =). There was a lot of great stuff, but it was very difficult to read, very dull. I hope Dr. Ross picks up the pace and presents some new information in his next book, because everything in this book could have just been tacked on to a new edition of one of his earlier books. There was really very little new data here to warrant a whole book. Take out the repeat from his earlier books, and you have maybe 100 pages worth. But I love Dr. Ross' work, so I still recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent examination of the Genesis account. Review: I read this book after I read a book written against Creation Science by a staunch evolutionist. What I imagined I would find in this book was a defense of creation science by a Christian scientist arguing for a young earth, and against evolution. What I ended up discovering was shocking because this book was definitely not what I expected. Dr. Ross does a wonderful job of illustrating that the Biblical account of creation does indeed support and not contradict the latest scientific findings. Ross believes that the Universe is in fact billions of years old and that the earth is 4.5 billion years old. Dr. Ross agrees with the scientific establishment on the age of the earth, and because of this Creation Scientist will hate this book. Furthermore, Dr. Ross progresses verse by verse through the Genesis creation account and shows how each verse actually agrees with the scientific model. To get around the literal 6 problem, Ross argues that day in this instance is referring to an unknown and quite long period of time. Dr. Ross shows that the Hebrew word Yom, can have several meanings since the language is limited by a small vocabulary, and Yom is used to express a literal 24 hour day as well as a long period of time. I can't even begin to explain the scientific explanations laid down in this book, but Dr. Ross' arguments are convincing. He does point to the latest findings and argues from within an observable and experimental framework. He accepts all of the fossil evidence gathered by scientists, but does not believe in the evolutionary model. Instead, Dr. Ross understands God's creative work as a gradual process of making the earth inhabitable for humans. Instead of doing this miraculously and instantly, God did this over a long period of time, thus allowing time for all of the animals that are now extinct to have lived out their earthly existence. Finally, Dr. Ross does an excellent job of dispelling the traditional myths surrounding the Genesis account of creation. He sees the first few chapters of the Bible as the greatest stumbling block to individual conversion because many erroneously believe that the Bible contradicts science. For instance, Dr. Ross shows that Genesis 1 and 2 are not describing two creation narratives, but that Genesis 1 is a general creation account while Genesis 2 is focused on humanity and mankind's central role in God's plan. I could highlight many of the other arguments employed by Dr. Ross, but that would be unneccessary. Just read the book and keep and open mind in the process. Anyone who approaches this book with an open mind will see that the Bible does not contradict and stand opposed to science, but actually supports science.
Rating:  Summary: Just what I needed! Review: I can't tell you how many books I have bought to solve my inner science/faith contradictions, and have been left disappointed by them. This book was just what I needed! Science and faith CAN get along! I really thought Dr. Ross was clear and concise in his discriptions. I have also read Dr. Ross's book the Creator and the Cosmos - which requires a larger understanding of science concepts. I would highly recommend this book to any science thinking person who wants to know why they can proudly believe.
Rating:  Summary: a must for any humble seeker of truth Review: This book though not perfect, is a great start for anyone contemplating "this journey on which we have set sail" (Blaise Pascal). The book is definetly a catatlyst in encouraging more thought and places to start looking in to. It is very easy to understand but it doesn't get as in depth as some of his other books. What I also like about this book is that Dr. Ross for the most part avoids the name calling and arrogant approaches, that are so often use by the hard core cults of Christain fundamentalism and atheistic Darwianians that refuse to rely on any thing but there own presuppistions and understanding. I would also like to challenge both of these groups mentioned above break out of their self righteous dogmatism and turn some of that skeptism inward. I think the both groups have something good to say it just that there point gets lost in their emotions. Getting back to the issue at hand (speculation of origins). Dr. Ross points out that from a Christian prespective that God has left us two major data sources of his existence. The scientific relam and the spiritual realm (inspired scripture), which is a biblical view (see Romans 1:20 Psalm 104 & 19 Proverbs 25:2). This two witness approach (Matthew 18:16)challanges our exegesis of both natural and bilical issues. Dr. Ross does an excellent job utilizing both wittness in trying to understatnd the story we find ourselves in. Bravo Dr. Ross
Rating:  Summary: Read it! Review: This was one of the best books I've ever read! He does a great job of being objective about both science and creation.
Rating:  Summary: A great introduction to the concept of science apologetics Review: This book is a must-read for anyone who finds it difficult to reconcile science-faith issues, regardless of which side of the debate you fall on. Non-theists who approach with an open mind will find that perhaps the bible is not as scientifically absurd as they think it is, and conservative Christians can realize that science, when used to search for the truth, is not something to be feared. Personally, this book helped to clear up some of the troubling questions that I had based on my understanding of science and my conservative Christian upbringing. A fantastic tool for anyone searching for the truth!
Rating:  Summary: read carefully before bad-mouthing! Review: I am amazed at how quick some Christians can be to attack a man who A) seems to love God; B) simply brings up the well-known facts from science; C) is trying to understand the Universe God created; D) has good insights into the Bible. Anyway, I rate this reading as excellent because of the subject it addresses and the approach the author takes. Read it! And try to avoid "I know it all" attitude -- it hasn't done any good to anyone yet.
Rating:  Summary: The best discussion on Genesis' Accuracy in print today Review: While skeptics and naturalists continue to hold up the psuedoscience of young-earthism to discredit Chritianity and the bible, Dr. Ross has been leading the way in recent years by showing that not only do the Bible and science and agree, but that naturalism is wrong as well. I hope skeptics will read this book and seen the amazing accuracy of Genesis. I hope young-earth creationists will read this book, and "Creation and Time" and realize that their beliefs are neither accurate or literal. Young-earthism turns many people away, its time Christians return to their intellectual heritage and start testing what they are taught.