Rating:  Summary: My Childhood could have been so different, Had I Know! Review: This book was like reading about myself. My whole childhood was so confusing. After reading this, I started looking into my own baby medical records to find, I too had been altered at birth. Everyone needs to know what the medical professions has been hinding for years. "That because of Dr. John Money's lies, every year in this country, thousands of intersexed babies are to this day, butchered at birth, and they try to guess what gender that baby will be. They play GOD!" This book needs to be read by everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Skewed Sexual Research Review: This book is less about a man's horrible childhood as a result of a misguided sexual reassignment, than it is about how ego, arrogance, intimidation and fear can influence research in any field. You'll never look at the "exhaulted" results of a study or the research behind it quite the same again.
Rating:  Summary: Disturbing! Review: I am saddened by all of the mental and physical trauma thatDavid endured as a child. I know it affects him daily. This book Iread in one night. I wish there had been more pictures of David as Brenda, however. I was most disturbed by the so-called therapy sessions with Dr. Money where he made David (as Brenda) engage in sex play with the twin brother Brian, and then showed them pornographic photos. Why isn't Dr. Money in jail? If a parent had done that to her own children she would be locked up and the children taken away! It seems Dr. Money needs therapy worse than anyone in this book. I wish David all the best and am glad that he found a special woman to share his life with. This is a very good book and it will definitly make you realize that the medical profession is only as good as the current "thoughts" and theories of its researchers at that time. Before I actually read the book, I had a hard time understanding how a parent could believe that eliminating a boy's penis would automatically make him a girl! The book gave much insight into the theories at the time, but I still find it hard to believe that these "experts" were so ill-informed regarding genetics back then. Still, this a book worth buying. I hope David will have another book written that is strictly about him and from his point of view, one that leaves out information about the doctors. However,I believe this book had to go into detail about Dr. Money and Dr. Diamond to help us understand how in the world any of this could have ever transpired in the first place. you won't be disappointed with this book. END
Rating:  Summary: Wow. Review: Prepare to be outraged, saddened, horrified, and ultimately encouraged about humanity. David's story is inspiring, he having emerged from a Twilight Zone-like ordeal with his sanity -- and sense of humor -- mostly intact. The book is an easy read, and Colapinto tells the story compassionately and not sensationally. Blessings go out to you, David. May you rest easy. Your statement near the tale's end, about uncontrollable thoughts and memories still bothering you, brought to mind the S. Levine book "A Gradual Awakening," which offers specific ways of separating yourself from these emotions and thoughts. Get it, it's better than a shrink anyday.
Rating:  Summary: Truly amazing! Review: This book is a surprisingly easy and exciting read on a shocking and disturbing series of events. The overwhelming arrogance and self-absorption of John Money and the eagerness in which his lies were accepted in order to justify a radical psychological theory are extremely harrowing. Yet this book is a positive testament of the human spirit rather than a dissertation of outdated and malicious medical practices. Buy this book for the simple fact that it will support the victim, David, and maybe allow him some peace, which he truly deserves.
Rating:  Summary: Truth is stranger than fiction! Review: I read this book in a day! Very interesting subject matter. I can't believe that back only a decade or so, Dr. Money's ideas were accepted. (Some people accept them even today) That doctor appears to be a twisted pedophile to me.I liked that this book treated the boy's parents as good people, they made a mistake but they did what they thought best at the time. It was in his 'hardware' to be a boy. She would get in trouble for peeing standing up; that was just one of the examples how nature programmed him not nuture. He knew he was a boy even though everyone told her differently. It is facinating that this unfolded so recently in our history! Although I liked the subject matter, I would have liked even more on 'Brenda' growing up. It was about 1/2 about Brenda and 1/2 about Dr. Money. There were a few other case studies, I am sure the author had trouble getting people to discuss the matter, but would have liked a few more.
Rating:  Summary: Educating Review: I found this book a lot more interesting than I thought it would be. I could not put it down. I can't believe the things that they put David through in his life. It made me look at my life differently and appreciate what I have a lot more.
Rating:  Summary: A boy is a boy is a boy is a boy! Review: I saw this story (and the subjects of this experiment) on the OPRAH Winfrey show and I was horrified as a doctor, a scientist and as a mother of identical twins. My children have been through the time where it was decided that sex/gender was all in the mind and that girls only played with dolls because their mother told them to and I thought then as I think now about this episode, has everyone gone mad! Every little toenail clipping and every little hair on your head and every other cell in your body says XX or XY and none of them are undecided. This story is far more to the point than that of BRANDON TINA/TINA BRANDON, which is dangerous and misinformed. This story reminds me of the doctor who came to our hospital and "saved" a patient. However something he forgot to tell us was that he screwed up the medications and the treatment in the first place. There is nothing heroic in creating a disaster and then rushing in to try fix it up. Memories of Dr Mengler come rushing back to my mind. It did not seem to me that a man should or could really write this book.
Rating:  Summary: A great book Review: I first heard an interview on NPR with the subject and author and from the very start I was saddened but also very curious about David's story. I feel that John Money himself has very serious problems, and clearly unresolved issues with his father, who died when John was 8. He also clearly has a major fear of intimacy and frankly, doesn't seem able to have any kind of normal sexual relationship with anyone, regardless of gender. How unfortunate for David to have suffered through Money's sick brand of "therepy". God bless David and his family for living through the nightmare.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful book Review: This book gets every emotion in you building as you read. First the horrible fear of what the parents went through trying to make the best decision for their child. The shock and anger for a doctor that would not hear of anything else but the support of his THEORY. Compassion for a child trapped in confusion. The love felt by one doctor that made a difference to a child with difficult problem. And admiration for an adult man who knew that living as a woman was not right and dared to make his life right. This was a touching book that was hard to put down. It really challenges a reader about what they might do in a similar situation. It also shows that not everything is science and cut and dry... there really is something inborn that makes you one sex or another. I admire David for being brave enough to share his story and challenge the experts.