Rating:  Summary: Okay, but not great Review: Early part of the book, giving a lot of history, is interesting, but once zero makes it to Europe, the author basically proposes that zero is the reason for everything that follows historically, from the toppling of Aristole's view the universe to the Reformation. A little over the top, to say the least. Last half of the book gets a wee bit too mathematical, as zero then is the reason for quantum mechanics, relativity, etc. Seife may be correct is part, but his claims come across as being a little too energetic and too short on proof.
Rating:  Summary: Zero is fundamental Review: Entertaining book for students of philosophy, historians, and math neophytes, but Seife's simple-minded application of the principle of the conservation of energy to the quantum electrodynamic sea of spacetimemassenergy, i.e. the "zero point field," among other things, reveals him to be among the least imaginitive of physicists. His dismissive proposition that "nothing can come from nothing," overlooks the very simple fact that the QED sea of energy is hardly "nothing," otherwise there would be no such thing as Brownian motion or the Casimir Effect, not to mention the space, time, mass, and energy of our universe. Hal Puthoff claims that a cupful of this so called "vacuum energy" could boil away the oceans of our planet. (The most intriguing concept of "zero" is that promulageted by today's heretics such as Tom Bearden.) Presumably, however, Seife's math and philosophical history of zero is accurate. Before reading this book, this reader had known very little of it, and it was this part that he found quite enjoyable.
Rating:  Summary: A good summary Review: Despite the abstract nature of it's subject matter, this book is a surprisingly breezy and informative read about the history of zero and it's value in the mathematics (and scientific) revolutions of the 1600s and still today. It's part history, part math primer, and part practical guide, with the later chapters focussing on how the zero is used in physics and astronomy. Seiff has an engaging style and he doesn't talk down or talk above the reader. Although Seiff obviously is an expert in difficult math, he doesn't overwhelm you with equations or get too abstract. Even sections on trig and calculus are written in everyday language that you can easily follow. The book does begin to trail off at Chapter 7-8, from here much of the book seems like filler. I preferred "The Nothing That Is" (also about the zero number) a little because I was more interested in the history and that book covers it more, but Seiff still does a fine job here with history of zero, and his book is probably more useful for students trying to know how to use the zero and it's concepts for their math classes, especially figuring out the limit and other calculations.
Rating:  Summary: NO ( know "0") Review: If you think Zero is nothing then you might be right till you understand that nothing took centuries for man to discover and more centuries will go before we completly understand it. This book is a great work from Charles which goes from 300 BC to big bang and "Black Holes". I believe his great work could have been extended to ohter sides of zero like why is zero written as "O' ... why are heavenly bodies round and why mathematically area of circle is greater than Square which is greater than a triangle while the circumfrence of circle could be equal to parameter of Square which could be equal to parameter of a triangle.... as we know this is because the figure with highest number of sides will have maximum area and in case of circle the number of sides is infinite ... nothing has infinity inside !! The spiritual aspect too of zero needs more investigation ... All the best to the readers of this book for it has so many thought provoking information.. enjoy "Zero" and you might discover nothing with infinite hue of colors...
Rating:  Summary: Life, the Universe, and Nothing Review: ZERO: THE BIOGRAPHY OF A DANGEROUS IDEA is a book about literally nothing (thankfully, no Seinfeld references). It's a non-fiction book dealing with some concepts that the layman may find difficult. However, it's told with enough clarity and wit that the reader should never feel overwhelmed by the mathematical and scientific terminology. Charles Seife does a fine job of balancing the explanations with the investigations.
I really enjoyed reading this book, though I should point out that I already liked mathematical topics beforehand. Not that I was particularly gifted in mathematics in school, but the fun thing about reading books like this is that one can still think about and ponder the concepts without having to spend several hours a day doing repetitive busywork.
Seife delves deep into the origins of zero. I found it fascinating to see exactly how some cultures simply had no need of zero and how others came to the idea with much resistance. The religious, philosophical, mathematical and scientific ramifications of this discovery are discussed and never fail to be intriguing.
Although zero is what got on the cover and in the title, infinity plays a large part too. The book goes on a short history of major paradigm changes in philosophy, math and physics, pointing out where zero and infinity played major roles in tearing down old schools of thought and building new ones. Zero and infinity complement each other, and the history of zero would be incomplete without demonstrating how contemporaneous theories of infinity influenced it.
I should also mention the book's tone. Although most people wouldn't think of a math text as a jolly read, this one would defy those expectations. You have to admire any book that includes the sentence: "See appendix A for a proof that Winston Churchill was a carrot."
Of course, humor and the whimsical flavor are only the icing. I'll remember a lot of the pure information presented. Some of it is meticulously analyzed, while some facts are just casually offered. Although this is a relatively small book, it feels very dense (in the best possible way). There's a lot here.
I applaud Seife's research and presentation. While it would probably be difficult to make such interesting concepts boring, the writing here is anything but dry. This is the perfect gift for those of us with an interest in math, but without the intense background needed to survive a more mathematician-focused tome.
Rating:  Summary: A most engaging of books Review: Charles Seife has written an excellent book on the concept of zero. An idea that had been taken for granted for years. No one really understand the meaning of the value of the concept of zero at first, but once contemplated, the concept is quite ingenious.
I thought Seife did a very admirable job introducing the concept, following along on the chronology and explaining why it was such a devious and subversive concept to the church and to philosophy in general. I found his explanations lucid and clear and the history is quite interesting. The chapter on projective geometry was particularly enlightening.
Where he really shines is when he coupled zero with infinity. I have always had a real problem with the relativity concept, even when I was studying physics. But Seife does an excellent job explaining all of the ideas. Where he falters is where he tries to make the connection between the numbers with the theories of modern physics, perhaps it is the problem with the concept of superstrings that bogs the narrative down into the morass of incomprehention, but the narrative does bog down when it enters this section. Since Brian Green has written a much bigger and thicker book on the subject of superstrings, I would hazard to guess that the fault does not lie with Seife but with the subject, which is, by the way, a sub-area of the book, so I wouldn't worry about it. Even if no one understands the connection between modern physics and zero, the book is a rewarding read.
Rating:  Summary: Jumbled mess of ideas Review: A very interesting book. The Author shows how mindsets, philosophies and cultures had to change to enable the Zero to be accepted. The West overlooked then resisted the idea of zero. When the zero idea took hold and was finally accepted it affected everything from Aristoteloism, to commerce, to Art. Even the biblical creation stories took on a different light. Art in the West during the Renaissance gained a major improvement as the sense of perspective was developed. This vanishing point within a painting is the equivalnt of the introduction of Zero into the art world . I would read other books by this author, interesting history, The book moves right along, I like the Author's style, plenty of background, but always stayed the coure. I believe an audio book is probably not the correct format for this information. I would have liked to have seen the test portraying some of the equtions.
Rating:  Summary: A very engaging, interesting, and enlightening read Review: The title of this book is "Zero: the Biography of a Dangerous Idea." Certainly, what Charles Seife wrote does not disappoint: it IS a biography of zero. It starts from its conception in early history, and progresses to outline its development in history through the branches of mathematics, physics, art, and even philosophy. A previous reader was disappointed that the book took time to focus on physics and philosophy, but keep in mind that zero is not limited only to the mathematical realm. Indeed, it is pervasive in society, and it has affected the way we view the world. So to talk about zero yet disregard its important contributions to fields other than mathematics would be a travesty. Seife's book is a very engaging and enlightening read. Seife looks at how zero has become: the foundation for calculus (taking limits to zero), a revolutionary idea in art (3d drawings have a point of infinity to give depth perception...and infinity and zero are just different sides of the same coin), an important concept of the numberline, and many other places. Indeed, I have read this book many times, sometimes for a quick browse and sometimes for an indepth read, and it has always been a pleasure to read. Moreover, Seife is very knowledgeable in what he writes, and he brings a sense of humor as well--if you have ever read his article about the debate on cold fusion in 'Science' or 'Scientific American' (it was one or the other, its been a while since that article was published in the early 90s I believe) you'll see his sense of humor in his concluding paragraph (cold fusion or confusion anyone?). And in response to another review earlier, the reader said that in the appendix there was a proof where a=1 and b=1, and from the equation a^2 - b^2 = a^2 - ab it can be found that 1=0 by factoring the difference of squares and dividing by (a-b). The reader commented that this is dividing by 0, that such an operation violates a fundamental law of algebra (cannot divide by zero), and that an editor should have caught it. The point is that Seife is showing WHY you cannot divide by 0, that the result is 1=0 and that logic and mathematics would be invalid. He is showing why zero may be a 'dangerous idea'! In conclusion, this book is superb in its writing and content. It lives up to what it was meant to do, to show the development of zero through history. It is clear, concise, and witty. You will not be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Zero by charles Seife Review: The work is perfect for student projects in mathematics or science. Many popular theories of the number zero are described in great detail. The study of zero has fascinated thinkers from Ancient Rome to the Americas. Zero did not fit into the Pythagorean framework. Saint Augustine defined it as formlessness without definition. The number has a role in the quadratic formula. The work contains many possible interpretations of the number zero in philosophy, mathematics and academe. It is highly recommended for a wide constituency of readers. The number zero is popular in arriving at limits in calculus . It has many uses in linear algebra ; such as, the zero matrix, row reduction methods in linear programming and determinant theory. The work could serve as a springboard for a doctoral dissertation.