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20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

List Price: $48.00
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Teens Review
Review: If you are interested in Sci-Fiction, you will enjoy thisbook. I think it is a good book for people who want to take the timeand explore an underwater adventure. The author explains every situation in detail. It helps the reader understand what is happening. The reader can picture this adventure happening as if it actually happened. The climax of the book will keep you turning the pages. That is the best thing going for this book. The worst thing about the book is the length/number of pages. It contains 371 pages and if one is wanting to read something quickly this is definitely a book that will take some time. So plan ahead and take an exciting adventure.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fun, exciting, and adventurous!
Review: This book is a great joy to read. It's a wonderful exercise in imagination and visualizing everything inside my head. So many things in popular culture today have been influenced by what's in this book. Before I ever read this book, I was was primarily familiar with it because of the part with the giant squid. So imagine my surprise to find out that that part of the book was just a few pages long! But that's perfectly OK, because the rest of the book has plenty of things going for it. Jules Verne had a very good imagination. His depiction of the submarine turned out to be quite accurate with regards to what actually was turned into reality during the 20th century. This book is a lot of fun, and if you like it then I strongly recommend that you also read its sequel MYSTERIOUS ISLAND.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: An Under Water Adventure
Review: "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" is,I must say, one of the best novels written by Jules Verne. begins to wreck ships. Scientists believe its an aintient creature called a narwhale. It's a whale with a unicorn tusk. The narwhale turns out to be a submarine captained by Captain Nemo.Together Ned Land, Professor Arronax,and Conceil(the professor's servant)are trapped with the insane captain.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A underwater adventure
Review: 20,000 leagues under the sea is a ok book if you like to go into detail about every little thing. Well anyways, the Professor Annorax is telling the story and it is kind of weird at the begining. I though that it was the end of the book but it really was just the begining. The begining starts of slow but once you get into it, it gets pretty good. Well, everyone around the world is talking about this so called narwhale in the ocean destroying ships. It really isn't a narwhale, but I am not going to tell you because it ruins the story. Well the nautlis, is the submarine that goes underwater and explores the ocean underwater forests. It is really interesting, because it gets into detail about every little thing. Well the nautlis gets attackeed by this cetcean, its a kind of ocean animal. But they escape and another problem is in store for the nautlis and Captain Nemo.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: boring at first but gets more exciting every sec
Review: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is a great classic that everyone should read but give yourself plenty of time! It does take a while to let all the details soak in, details, details, details! There are plenty of them, so if you are a reader who doesn't quite understand every aspect of the book that you are reading pick up 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and have no fear! Get someone to read it with you so they can share the exciting and wonderful world of the ocean and all its parts in the eyes of Jules Verne. No one should go through life having never reading this wonderful classic by Jules Verne. His descriptive talents are absolutely wonderful and explain every subject in the book. I recommend this book to anyone in need of an adventure for the mind. Enjoy!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best!
Review: This is my all time favorite book. Every time I read it, it gets better. Undoubtedly his best work. The sequel is good too. (The Mysterious Island). I HIGHLY reccomend this to anyone who loves Sci-Fi!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is exciting
Review: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is a very eventful, detailed, and suspensful book. I couldn't put it down once I started to read it. The book was interesting and had been written in 1870 by Jules Verne. A professor was captured by captain Nemo. His submarine,the Nautilus, is attacked by a giant squid. The giant squid kills several men. The prisoners try to escape. I recommend this book to people who like action and suspense. It is kind of long but is a really good book.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Review: 20,000 Leagues was very good. In my opinion, the book was very good from the first sighting of the huge "monster" to when there was the first sighting of the underwater submarine. I especially liked when Captin Nemo went into the water to go hunting. I would recommend this book to all readers as long as they would be able to understand the words. I certainly loved the book and intend on reading it again sometime. That is why I rate it a five star.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: my review
Review: i read this book, and this is my second favorite book! my first is journey to the center of the earth

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: It's the Best!
Review: 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea is a good book. I like Captain Nemo and his huge ship. The best part is when they get trapped between the ice walls and use the water refresher to get out. This is a very good Sci-Fi book. This book is for any grade 3-5.

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