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20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

List Price: $48.00
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Five Stars For Verne!!
Review: Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, is a great book packed with adventure and suspense. In 1866, there is a mission to kill a giant cetacean out at sea. A group of men go out to kill the strange creature, which turns out to be something unexpected. The men are taken prisoners of the strange creature and have to find a way to escape! Jule Verne was a great author born in Naotes, France in 1828. He always was fascinated by science, which inspired him to write about submarines, television, atomic bombs, and automobiles even before they were invented! Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is fantastic!! Read it!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is a very exciting and competitive book
Review: This is one of my favorite novels of all.it is about two men almost drowwn when they see a sub and jump into it and become sort of prisoners.they are traveling all over the sea as they face many dangers.Such as squid and traped in an ice cave under water.I recomend this book for any body!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It was great! I loved it!
Review: I loved this book and I would recommend this book to anyone. I think you should read this book before you leave High School. On a scale of one to five, one being the worst and five being the best. I would give it a five. I really enjoyed this book. The characters were very realistic and had life and emotion so you could relate to the characters their fear their joy and their sadness. They are three-dimensional characters. Not some flat two-dimensional characters who not feel and just act. It's easy to see why it's a classic. The book has a lot of action and adventure and even some mystery and lots of suspense. If you love any of these things, you should read this book. I found the way Conseil talks strange. Talking always in the third person I mean. Who actually goes around calling themselves by their first name? Looking up all the different animal and plant names that appear in this story must have taken forever as well as knowing where all these places were. He amazing he can fit all this information into one book an make it interesting. From reading this book, it refreshed my memory of the places in the world. The time from they were captured until they escaped only lasted six months. It seems to see all that they did see would have taken over a year. They did travel 60,000 miles. 1 leauge = 3 miles. Over all a great book and I loved it and you will to. Its a good sized book but don't be intimidated by it once you start its hard to stop.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Captain Nemo..................period.
Review: This is one of my all-time favorite novels. I really like this book because of its descriptive ideas and interesting plot. Captain Nemo IS the best villian ever created. He draws you into the story by his intelect, then slams the door in your face with is rediculous temper. The many trips taken by the characters are a vivid trip through the underwater heavens below us. READ THIS BOOK!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the all time greatest works of science fiction.
Review: This book set the standard for all pieces of poop

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I thought it was good and bad.
Review: I liked the book because the idea was excellant, it had very cool adventures, and the idea of a submarine like that in Verne's time was in the future. My favorite part is when Ned saved Captain Nemo from the shark. I didn't like the idea that the submarine sank ships because Captain Nemo is one of my favorite characters.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great description+plot
Review: I think that this book had great characters with awsome personalitites and description. I loved how the story changed from a college like setting in a university to an adventures setting in the middle of the fiery ocean. The book ended great satisfying the reader(me). I would reccomend this book for anyone ages 10 and up.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I liked this book from cover to cover!
Review: I found this book to very descriptive, and full of adventures it has a very good begging, and then It kind of fades off to not very well in the middle and the end. I was still pleased at all of the adventures that were going on while I have been reading it. I was very interested in it even though it was dull at parts, but in other parts I found it was very exciting, from the hunting in the ocean to the giant squid. Which attacked them. The author was very good at detail and I was able to see what the author was talking about in all of the different parts of the oceans, and the ship, which they worked and slept, and ate in. I would refer this book to others if they like adventures of underwater and the unknown. On a fiction side.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 20,000 Leagues
Review: M. Arronax and his two companions, Ned Land and Conceil, are taken captive on board the Nautalis. They see many magnificent sites. These sites include the lost contanent of Atlantis, huge clams and pearls, sunken ships, the inside of a volcano, and much more.They also hve many adventures. I'd recommend this book to anyone who likes sci-fi and adventure stories. I do recommend reading it when you are in high school. Read it and Check it out!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: 3 men who are in a sub and tour the world.
Review: This book was VERY BAD. I HATED it. It is a big book with lots of words. Take my advice and STAY AWAY. I would give this book 0 stars but the minimum they let is 1.

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