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Yesterday And Forever (Harlequin Presents, No 2186)

Yesterday And Forever (Harlequin Presents, No 2186)

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Indecent Proposal!
Review: Daniel Thorpe walked into an empty art studio and sees Miranda Stuart naked! He assumes that she's the mistress of the person who owns the studio and he can't be farther from the truth! It turns out that Miranda was posing to get some extra money and the owner was late but Daniel doesn't listen to this. Daniel drags her off to a restaurant to feed her when Miranda was about to faint from starvation and during her meal, Daniel looks down on her on her supposed profession as being a prostitute. Then he proposes that she become his Aunt Sylvia's companion. She agrees only when he blackmails her through her friends. Daniel takes Miranda to Paris and Miranda starts to worry because besides being Sylvia's companion, he plans to sleep with her!

I found YESTERDAY AND FOREVER to be a good read. Damiel has his problems and he could be very overbearing but I guess the hero can't be perfect. Miranda has spirit and it shows when she slaps him and in her drawings. I found myself hooked in the beginning when they first met and I got a little bit turned off when Daniel seems to turn hot and cold sometimes, especially when he seems to win against Miranda in every little way. But YESTERDAY AND FOREVER is a good read.

^_^ ~ Izzy

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I read it in 2 hours and couldn't put the book down. I was hooked. I was sympathetic to Daniel's and Miranda's plights - and Sophie was a riot. At one point I nearly cried. You have a knack of getting your characters to show their true selves with words and deeds. Keep writing those wonderful books. They are great reads and I often read them again and again.

Sincerely, Toni Kroening

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Yesterday and Forever
Review: I read it in 2 hours and couldn't put the book down. I was hooked. I was sympathetic to Daniel's and Miranda's plights-and Sophie was a riot. At one point I nearly cried. You(Sandra)have a knack of getting your characters to show their true selves with words and deeds. Keep writing! Reading your books are great inspiration. Keep writing those wonderful books. They are great reads and I often read them again and again.

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