Rating:  Summary: Patch of Blue Review: A Patch of Blue is an excellent book. I really like the story. At first I thought it was going to be a sad story. It turned out to be a love story. It is set in 1960's when race was a problem,when white and black people did not get along. I did not like the ending because they did not get together.
Rating:  Summary: A Blue patch Review from Mike Review: A Patch of Blue Review: Reviewer: A reader from SouthBend, Indiana. I thoght the book was great because it shows a love to races. It proves the world is not in darkness after all. All people can get along if they chose to. The book has a good meaning and it has a realistic outlook to it. It would seem to give people a certain feeling of goodness that they would carry with them wherever they go. It shows that racism is a bad thing which is good to know. When I read the book I actually felt a new life spark into me and I feel like I changed somehow. I look at life differently now. And like they say, life is not fair but in the end it can turn out to be.
Rating:  Summary: A Blue patch Review from Mike Review: A Patch of Blue Review: Reviewer: A reader from SouthBend, Indiana. I thoght the book was great because it shows a love to races. It proves the world is not in darkness after all. All people can get along if they chose to. The book has a good meaning and it has a realistic outlook to it. It would seem to give people a certain feeling of goodness that they would carry with them wherever they go. It shows that racism is a bad thing which is good to know. When I read the book I actually felt a new life spark into me and I feel like I changed somehow. I look at life differently now. And like they say, life is not fair but in the end it can turn out to be.
Rating:  Summary: PATCH OF BLUE Review: I don't like this book because I felt like it was missing apart. It never told how Gordon felt in the end and what all the people did. With they gathered around Selina. How did Ole pa react to it? Do Rose ann and Ole pa ever find out about Gordon? The book never told if she went to the school or not and if she met Alice. The book was not long enough for me. It could of use one more setting. That's why I don't like this book.
Rating:  Summary: Patch of Blue Review: I like the book because it shows how people were back then.They were very racist then.Some people didn't like black at all.At first i thought it was going to be a sad story.But it turned out to be a nice and love story.Rose-ann couldn't accepted who selina was giong out with. This book sent very good messages to young people,to let them know what was going on then. It teaches that beig evil and mean won't get you anywhere. It also teaches us religion shouldn't be a problem and it shouldn't matter what color you are.You're supposed to accepted any person for who he\she is ,not for their color or because they look better than that or this person.
Rating:  Summary: A Blue patch Review: I think that this book was one of the best books I have ever read. Now let me tell you why, it showed how it was in that time and age. One thing that I like is that it shows you how it doesn't matter what color you are its how you act and what you do.
Rating:  Summary: Patch of Blue Review: I though that the Patch of Blue was an exiting book becacuse, the fact that the characters of different backgrounds came together with great love despite the fact of the racial factors going on at the time. I'm a person who is in favor of this book greatly, this book has a great plot and the ending is some what shocking!!! If you are a reader who likes books of real life settings then this would be a book for you.
Rating:  Summary: A Patch of Blue from Mike Review: I thought the book was great because is shows a love to all kinds of people. It proves the world is not in darkness after all. All people can get along if they cose to. The book has a good meaning and it also has a realistic outlook to it. It would make people have a feeling of goodness. Show them that racism is bad which is a good thing to know. When I read the book a new life sparked in me and now I look at life differently. I have a change in me. And like they say, life is not fair, but in the end it can be.
Rating:  Summary: Colors Review: Since I am black this book The Patch Of Blue was very interesting. I liked the book. It was a love story about a blind white girl that was in love with a black guy who she never knew was black. I hated the fact that Ole Pa and Roseanne taught her to be racist and that Rosseanne mistreated Selina. I recommend tihs book to those who are in Selina's situation to let them know life is not about color.
Rating:  Summary: blue is a patch Review: The book is original because it has it a meaning of the time it is written (1961.) It had a great plot. The mood of the book doesn't change fast ,but moved in slow and could be felt.Also, it was important to show how blind people can be to think if they don't learn to live with what is around them and in their enviroment.The book is clear and has many different way it can be felt.Finally, in the end it shows how good always triumphs over evil.