Rating:  Summary: A touching novel for every type of person Review: This book slowly caught my attention and it intrigued me into reading it more and more. I like how the author was able to talk about his soccer career. I enjoyed how the author was able to express and describe events with Millie. My favorite line in the book is," The problem was that Millie was just now touching what was between his legs and was was between his legs was growing to be a huge problem". That sentence sums up all of the male's mentality in this world. A good scene in the book was when you found the first poem you wrote in your father's wallet after the accident. I think it showed a lot about your father's love and care to be able to keep something like that for such a long time. Then you found the poem in his wallet. That is priceless to me. I love how the book ends. How you and Millie just take off to Florida. That shows that even thought it is the end of this book, it is the beginning of Attila and Millie's life of being together.Something that I disliked about the book is the fact that some of the information is fictional and non fictional. I had some trouble distinguishing between what parts of the book was fictional and non fictional. I rather you write either a totally fictional book or a totally non-fictional book. I think you should start off the book a bit differently. You should like start the book in the middle of your life as like a flashback and then the next chapter start from where you were little. I would try to start the book with a very suspenseful part, like where you were in the middle of the war and shooting is going on. That will be a very entertaining start to this book, which will help this book be more interesting. I am very honored to have been able to read your novel. I enjoyed it a lot.
Rating:  Summary: Our Love Story Too! Review: Peter Hargitai's novel, "Attila: A Barbarian's Love Story", is not only based on true accounts but written in such a way that the reader can relate to every situation that Attila goes through. When Attila laughed and cried, so did I, not to be corny. Attila's pursuit of life and love, takes readers on a journey of his (Attila) life. When Attila meets Millie, so do we (the readers). When Millie gets mad at Attila, so do we. It is one of those novels where you can relate to most of the main characters in your own way. There is a little of Attila in all of us, because we all long to experience life, love, and happiness, with those many bumps along the way.
Rating:  Summary: Breaking down Attila Review: Attila: A Barbarian's Love Story is a story about real life. It begins in the mid 1950s. Attila and his family are trying to escape Hungary. They were escaping from the Russian's which had occupied Hungary at the time. Most of Attila's family were Nazis, except for his uncle Viktor which was a communist. The escape is very dramatic. Peter Hargitai describes Attila's experience at the beginning of the story very well. Attila is a small boy during the escape. The boy is scared out of his mind and tries not to mess up during the escape because it can cost them their lives. We find out about Attila's aunt's obsession with him. The boy has feelings for his cousin with a heart condition which dies later on in the story. The beginning of the story is just to let the reader know what this boy has been through in his life and it might fit as an excuse for actions he takes later on in life. Attila and his family reach America. Attila feels out of place in America, however he gets used to it. This is when the story begins to pick up. Now we see the different struggles Attila goes through. His character is built up slowly throughout the story. Attila is a real adolescent boy with everyday problems. Peter Hargitai does not try to make his main character a perfect young man who meets the perfect girl and they have a perfect life together. Hargitai makes sure to pin point his character's flaws. When Attila meets Millie, he tries hard to be a nice guy, but after the dinner at Attila's house with his family, he sees her differently. The nice gentleman Millie met has becomes, "The Barbarian". Millie plays a big role in Attila's life, but problems emerge in the relationship. Attila's character has truly developed now. The scared little boy he was has transformed into a short tempered young man with nothing but uncertainty in his life. A Barbarian's Love Story is not like other novels out there. Other novels show how a couple met, how deeply they fell in love, and how perfect everything is. This novel is more life like. The main character gets out of line with his girlfriend at times. Even though his rage comes out, his sorrows do too. This book is full emotion, passion, intimacy, and it has a real life feel. The story reads at a fast pace and it gets better as you go along.
Rating:  Summary: Attila Review Review: Attila's story struggles with the issues that surrond his family and his own inner conflicts. He escaped the Hungarian Revolution with his family and then encountered an American life in the United States. The story conveys these endeavors, aspects of Hungarian culture and views, and a flourishing love story. Hargitai's style of writting encompasses these various topics which are discovered in the autobiography. The beginning seems scattered, contains flashbacks, and abruptly changes from scene to scene. On the other hand, the end of the story in which Attila has met Millie seems to flow more smoothly. This reflects Hargitai's ability to express the changes in his life throuhgh his writting.
Rating:  Summary: Attila: A Barbarian's Love Story Review: ATTILA: A BARBARIAN'S LOVE STORY The book's strongest aspect, in my opinion, was the honesty and your straight-forward approach. The reader could relate to the author's emotions and actually feel like they were beside him through his experiences. Although they have brought much debate, I felt like the flashbacks played a key role in the story. The story could not have successfully included the entire life affectively without including the flashbacks. I enjoyed how the author's thoughts progressed as he aged. The beginning of the book, childhood, contained somewhat broken thoughts and a small amount of confusion reflecting his actual thoughts at the time. Towards the end, Hargitai's thoughts became more developed as he second guessed himself and debated consequences- actions one would not take as a nine-year-old boy. At times the pace also reflected his feelings. The story was fast-paced during the exciting times and more drawn out during the less tense times. This could be a good thing, or perhaps bad. I know that this is the common in books but perhaps the more exciting things should be more drawn out because that is what is going to attract and keep the attention of the reader. If I could add one thing to the book, it would be pictures. I enjoy reading a book and being able to see the characters. I am not suggesting color animations on every page but maybe two or three pictures at different times in the author's life. More pictures of his wife would also be interesting. Especially in a true story, pictures are crucial. In addition, I would also adjust the epilogue. A half page epilogue for a 252-page true story simply does not suffice. The entire book was comprised of his life from about age nine to nineteen but a mere half of a page was allotted for everything else up to this point in his life! I realize that this time is not the focus of the book but perhaps he could have included something on how he patched things up with his family or when he saw them again after his trip to Florida.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting Review: Attila a Barbarian's Love Story is interesting from beginning to end. This book keeps you hooked on to it to see what happens next. This amazing story about a boy named Attila's struggle to survive and escape the Hungarian Revolution will amaze you. The things that Attila and his family go through really makes one glad to have been raised in a place where there is no struggle. This is a great book because it is very superior to any other at explaining the fight for survival at the time of the Hungarian Revolution. I would recommend this book to everyone specially those who feel that they are the only ones who have to go through life suffering.
Rating:  Summary: Who cares? Review: While reading Attila:A Barbarian's Love Story, it shows a young man who is seperated with choosing to be with someone that he cares about and deeply loves or dumping her like his parents suggest. Even though both sides of parents disapprove of this relationship the two teenagers let eachothers heart decide which is the right path, a decision that they would forever have to deal with. Marrying themselves without anyone knowing you hope to once see yourselves in their shoes. Growing up and taking charge of your own life. Not worried about who aproves or disapproves but just living it the way you want it to be. It's a great book and i loved reading it.
Rating:  Summary: The story was full of love, passion,sexuality and culture... Review: ATTILA A Barbarian's Love Story, was one of the most enjoyable pieces of literature that I have ever read. I really had a lot of fun reading your story, honestly, it made me think that I was reading the English version of Spanish literature all over again. The book was full of love, passion, sexuality and culture. I was amaze by the reality of each word, I felt like if I was in the roller coaster of Peter Hargitai reality of life. I could not stop reading and I was sorry that I did not read it before...
Rating:  Summary: Alex's reveiw Review: Atilla A Barbarians Love Story is simply amazing. The novel is about a young boy named Atilla and all that he goes through as he grows up. From his rough young childhood to his even rougher adolescents, the book kept me on the edge of my seat wondering what the next page will bring. In the book he meets his love Millie, and precisely writes about the complexities of his love life in the most intricate detail resulting in the most pleasant love story I have ever read. Truly a wonder to read, however, does have its bitter moments... Atilla made me realize how easy life is for me and not to take things for granted. Great book to read and recommended to everyone
Rating:  Summary: Attila: A Barbarian's Love Story Review: "Attila: A Barbarian's Love Story", is an intense story that makes you see life in a different way. This book shows Attila's ups and downs. Even though some people get an easier life, this book shows many problems you may never face. I thought the book was great, showing different sides, for instance how some people are cruel to others, making them feel bad or frustrated, but at the same time how they start growing and maturing. I think this is what I like the most about the book, at the beginning showing how Attila was a fearful boy and at the end rebelling going where he wanted it to go, getting things done his way. I really recommend this book to everyone.