Rating:  Summary: Pride and Prejudice- Ganesha High - Wade's class Review: My favorite chapter was chapter eleven in volume two because I found it amusing that Elizabeth turned down Mr. Darcy's proposal. I think that Elizabeth's own prejudice against Darcy didn't allow her to see his affections for her. Darcy accuses Elizabeth of having too much pride, and she accuses him of prejudice, when in both cases they both show pride and prejudice. I think this book is appropriate for students in high school because it is not complicated to read and therefore they should be able to read it. I like the fact that the author uses a lot of dialogue to reveal ideas and personalities of different characters. In my opinion dialogue is very important because sometimes it helps me understand what the characters are like, or it can reveal a character's look, and that helps me develop a picture of that one character. I like this book because it wasn't as hard to read as I thought it was going to be. One thing that I learned was that you should carefully read the story because sometimes you might miss the important parts.
Rating:  Summary: Simple thoughts from a simple mind. Review: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is one of the best books I've ever read. The intricate style Jane Austen used to write this love story made it so the reader was sucked into it in every turn of the page. The way all the characters interact and the vivid picture the book gives on every person helps the reader understand the contents of the story and the reason the main characters act in the manner that they do. Apart from love, this book also has mystery and suspense. The novel never takes the reader to a dead end, but instead takes him/her to a sort of maze where anything can happen. This book is full of twists and turns that keep the reader on his toes and because of its contents dealing with society and its morals on being prejudiced, it is appropriate and a must read for any age group. In "Pride and Prejudice" the chapter that interested me the most was chapter 8. In this chapter Elizabeth is taking care of her ill sister when she joins Miss Bingley, Darcy, and Mrs. Hurst and the topic of an acomplished woman arose. In this little dispute of the upper class, a vivid description of an accomplished woman is given where a woman is accomplished when she has mastered all of the fine arts and has read many books. This was my favorite chapter because it gives an insight into the prejudiced mind of the upper class. To them an accomplished woman is one who has mastered the fine arts, but the only people in the 19th century that could afford the classes that helped a woman master anything were the upper class families. In laymens terms the only way for a woman to be considered accomplished was if she was rich and famous. The fine arts that were considered refined were the ones that could not be studied by just anyone and those were the art the upper class studied to feel superior. What made this my favorite chapter was the way Elizabeth reacted during the dispute. Even though she was being put down, she did not say a word to fight back. All she did was listen and let the birds chirp. Her pride was too great to let anyone tell her differently and that's exactly what I liked. Even though she was lower class, she had more respect and pride than the ones that were believed to be high and mighty. This book is appropriate for people of all ages. As long as the person reading understands the meaning of big words, this is a great book for them. This is so because of the morals of the story, and the connection you can make with the present time. This book shows you how and why some people feel superior to others and how in the end, the people they looked down upon ended up being the greatest people they've ever met. As you read this book, you come to realize that what you are learning is priceless and meaningful. "Pride and Prejudice" gives you an insight into a problem facing every average person and, if read right, the solution to being prejudiced. If you haven't read this book, read it, and if you have already read it and understood it, read it to some one who hasn't, or give your book to someone you like or appreciate.
Rating:  Summary: Amazingly Original Review: Pride and Prejudice is the original and most amazing novel of all of Jane Austen novels. The most wonderful chapter is chapter eight where Elizabeth Bennet shows off her witty and exhilarating character. She is very beautiful and has a shining personality. This novel has amazing, fantastic wording as well as chapters. The appropriate age for this novel to be read would most likely be from 16 years of age and up because younger readers aren't mature or they don't have the knowledge that has to be applied to read this novel. Jane Austen beautifully brings out irony of fate; everything is expected to go one way but ends up another. For example, when the Bennet family thought that Wickham took Lydia to London to elope. The family thought the worse. They kept in mind that Wickham could possibly try to bed Lydia and not consider that he would propose to her. They were scared for Lydia and Wickham. At last they were found and brought back to Longbourn estate and surprisingly they were safe and engaged. This has been the best novel I have ever read in my life. I have never indulged in a novel like Pride and Prejudice. I adored the truth and reality that it holds.
Rating:  Summary: pride and prejudice Review: My favorite chapter in the novel Pride and Prejudice is chapter 16 of volume III (or chapter 58) because Elizabeth finally accepts Darcy's marriage proposal. It amazed me how she was still able to say yes after she was insulted in every way possible especially after disliking him so much in the beginning of the novel. This book is appropriate for anyone who is able to appreciate well-written literature. Anyone would enjoy reading this book, from teenagers to adults. One literary device I appreciated was epigram, which is a brief, clever, and usually memorable statement. An example of this would be "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in wants of a wife" which is found on the first page of the novel. The entire novel was based on this quote. Mrs. Bennet wanted to get all five of her daughters married before her husband died. I liked the novel. I found Elizabeth's romance with Darcy intriguing. It was interesting how in the beginning she rejected his proposal and disliked him, and at the end she marries him.
Rating:  Summary: A Timeless Classic Review: Pride and Prejudice is a very well written book. It's very detailed and it's a very easy to comprehend and read. When you read this book you will have a better vision of the women in the 19th century had to live. It also talked about entailment, which means that after the father dies , the next male heir takes over the property and females are not able to inherit. The novel is not your usual love story because in the beginning of this story the two characters who treat each other as if they were the devil end up falling for each other; although, in the beginning of the story you get a sense of who the characters are going to end up with, except one or two couples. My favorite chapter in this novel is the first chapter because it deals with pride and prejudice, exactly the title of the novel. In the first chapter you see that Darcy has a lot of pride and Elizabeth's prejudice towards Darcy. I like Jane Austen's use of dramatic irony because we as the readers know what's going to happen before the characters, like as the story goes on we know that Darcy will ended up with Elizabeth by the way they treat each other. I would recommend people of 16 and up to read this book because this novel does not make you want to go to sleep. It makes you want to keep reading.
Rating:  Summary: Pride and Prejudice Review Review: Chapter 12 is my favorite chapter because it talks about what happens around the lives of the family, like when Elizabeth is alone with her sister, and her mother is in another place. The appropriate age for this book is 15 years up because it has words that are difficult to pronounce and comprehend.The literacy device, which l most appreciate, is characteristic because it is the way to know more about the character. This book l like because it is well written and lets you know about how entailing affected the family in those days, which means the women could not inherit property only the male or brother of them. As a consequence the daughters marry someone they don't like so their husbands could inherit the property.
Rating:  Summary: my view Review: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is a romantic novel which I absolutely recommend to readers. If one is able to comprehend a 19th century woman's role and priorities, entailment, and discover insights on characters within letters and situations, you will surely appreciate this novel. I would mostly recommend it to readers ages 16 and up. One of my favorite chapters was chapter 34. In this chapter Darcy declares to Elizabeth his love for her and proposes matrimony to her. He does this when his love for her is at a stage where he disregards all obstacles that kept him from doing this earlier. He also does it at a point where Elizabeth's anger towards him is at a crucial point. One of literary devices that I mostly appreciate was irony. For example, in chapter 34 Darcy accuses Elizabeth of being prideful while Elizabeth accuses Darcy of being prejudiced. Even though both characters have fault in pride and prejudice, I found it quite ironic how the reader may think that Darcy symbolizes pride while Elizabeth symbolizes prejudice. Yet these two characters are viewed in the opposite way, where Darcy symbolizes prejudice and Elizabeth pride. I really did like this book, mostly because it did not bore me. I hope other readers appreciate this novel as much as I did.
Rating:  Summary: My comments on Pride and Prejudice Review: I believe that this is an appropriate book for any age group. I recommend this book to whoever is interested in reading it. There is no violence, or any misconduct. The only thing mainly talked about was of love and the social class differences in the 19th century. One literary device that I appreciated is called allegory. Allegory is a story in which the characters, settings, and events stand for abstract and moral concepts. An example of this is the distinction people made in social classes. We can see this clearly in the way Mrs. Bennet desperately wanted her daugters to marry rich men, but Elizabeth wanted to marry for love. This moral concept shows readers that money, even though it has a great effect on many people, does not buy true love. I believe it has been one of the best books I have read so far. It was a beautiful, yet confusing love story. My favorite chapter was Chapter 18 from Volume 3. In this chapter Elizabeth and Darcy resolve the unanswered question of their relationship. Darcy had come with Bingley to Longbourn to see if he could make Elizabeth love him, and he knew from Lady De Bourgh's lecture to him about Elizabeth's evilness, that Elizabeth must have cared for him. Elizabeth insists that he only came to love her because she did not try to please him. She tells him "You were disgusted with the women who were always speaking and looking, and thinking for your approbation alone. I roused, and interested you, because I was so unlike them." She is still embarrassed by the way that she misjudged him from the beginning. He is just as embarrased of his first proposal to her and his behavior toward her until that proposal. Since both Jane and Elizabeth have been proposed to, the entire neighborhood hears of the engagements, and both Elizabeth and Jane recieve congratulations. This is my favorite chapter because this is where all the conflicts are resolved, and thus begins a happy ending.
Rating:  Summary: A Love Story Review: In pride and Prejudice my favorite chapter was seven because I thought it was hilarious how Mrs. Bennet wanted to send Jane to Mr. Bingley's house in order for her to get closer to him, even though it was raining and she had to go alone on the horse. I thought that was really hilarious because it determined that Mrs. Bennet just wanted her daughters to marry her no matter what. I think this book is appropriate for teenagers like me who could understand the meaning of the book, and in some situations be connected with the characters. It relates to me because just like Elizabeth didn't marry because of the money, I know that when I marry, I'm going to marry for true love not because of the wealth the man I marry has. A literary device that I appreciate was that Jane Austen used imagery. She helped her readers feel as if we were with the characters. For example when Jane was sick, Elizabeth went to visit her on foot trails and she arrived with soaked and dirty stockings to the house. I like this novel because it made me realize that you should not judge a person with out knowing them. I recommended this book to anyone who enjoys reading love and realistic characters.
Rating:  Summary: comments and personal experience on Pride and Prejudice Review: I thought that this book was a great book. I liked the characters and also the plot. My favorite chapter was chapter ten of volume three. This chapter is about Mrs. Gardiner writing to Elizabeth and telling her about what Mr. Darcy did for his sister. This letter showed Elizabeth Darcy's true character and how much he really cared for her. I think that because of the letter Elizabeth was able to confirm the feelings she had towards Mr. Darcy. This book is appropriate for teenagers and up because Pride and Prejudice has characters with these ages. Elizabeth, Jane and also the Darcy's and the Bingley's were around their twenties. Elizabeth younger sisters were teenagers. The other characters were around their thirties, forty's, fifty's and maybe sixties. Their actions and some of the events that happened with them can be related to some of the things that sometimes happen to us. A literary device that it is used in the story is allegory. Allegory is a story in which the characters, settings and events stand for abstract or moral concepts. Allegorical references are made towards the moral issue of marriage when the Bennett family is disgraced because Lydia has run away with Wickham without the benefit of marriage. I really liked this book because I was able to picture in my mind everything that was going on in the story. Jane Austen is able to bring images and pictures to my mind because she was descriptive, and she also used long dialogues for the characters. I liked the romances and misunderstandings about the main characters because it made the story interesting and it made me wonder what was going to happen in the next chapter. I enjoyed reading the story and also learned about some problems which women confronted in the 19th century such as entailment, which was the main conflict of the story.