Rating:  Summary: Is there anything better? Review: In college, Iw as supposed to read this book. But I never did because I just assumed it would be boring. Three years later, I tried it again... and I kicked myself for not having tried it sooner.I think my vision of reading Jane Austen always has me curled up in a chair while it's snowing outside, but in truth, the real memory of reading this book was sitting in the waiting room of a car mechanic while my car was being worked on. That day stands out because as usual, the mechanics only had the usual things to read: "Guns and Ammo" and "Field and Stream". Add the requisite gumball machine in the corner with stale gumballs and you have the idea. I brought the book with me to read, but didn't really think I would get all that much reading of it done. True, I was reading it for fun, but it was Jane Austen after all, and I wasn't sure if I could really concentrate on her. Well, 200 pages later, bringing that novel with me was the best decision I ever made. 4 years later, I still rememebr how into this book I got. (I even had to take a walk around the block before I read the last chapter just to prolong finishing the story.) Once the story did end, I felt like I was saying goodbye to my friends. This book is riveting, it's fun, it's hysterical (wait for the rewarding confrontation between Lady Catherine deBourgh and Elizabeth...it's not only a battle of tongues, but a great clash of the "refined" yet uneducated upper classes, and the middle classes of Regentry England. This is by far my favorite Austen novel of the bunch (with Emma coming in a close second). So, this winter, wait for a snowy day (heck, choose any day, you can't have a bad Austen day) and get ready to be taken away. And no.. this book is not solely the domain of high school etachers and academians.. you'll be surprised how much you may enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: Great book for teens + Review: I read this book recently as an SSR book for my Honors World Lit class. I'm a sophmore in high school. I found this book very interesting, although it was a bit hard to translate at times. I would recommend the book for any teens who want to read a challenging classic. :)
Rating:  Summary: Don't delay in reading this classic (like I did!) Review: I know, I know. How could I have let 19 years of my life pass by without reading this classic and constantly-alluded to novel? Yes, I delayed reading it for far too long, but it did not disappoint my anticipated expectations. In the opening chapters of the novel I was *gasp* - bored with the plot and characters. I was blasphemously thinking, "Why has everyone made such a hype about this book for the past century or so? It's just a bunch of prissy girls wasting their lives away by waiting around on parties, dates, and personal Prince Charmings to whisk them away". However, as the novel went on, Austen's prowess at prose whisked me away, and I was totally intrigued. The Victorian world was opened up to me, and I tossed all former feminist theories momentarily aside as I became immersed in this setting, yearning for that time and place, where icould have lived like a princess and been loved by all, simply for being born female. I loved Austen's depiction of the relationship between Elizabeth and Jane, and I saw the closeness of my own relationship with my sister reflected in it. I was amused by Mary's disgust in boys and her blatant disregard for most people. Lucy and Kitty's attempts to capture the eyes and hearts of possible suitors were timeless characterizations of so many girls, at that time period and today. Most of all, I loved Mr. Bennett's sense of humor, and his remarks (especially those directed toward Mrs. Bennet) made me laugh out loud throughout the book. Count me in: I am the newest Jane Austen fan, and the one who deserves to receive the Procrastinator of the Century award for waiting so long to read her. For any of you who are putting off reading her like I did, there words of advice: do it, now. You will not be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: I think I am a little obsessed over this book... Review: I drive my parents and friends crazy with by many references to this book. It's incredible I cannot read it without putting it down to breath again, otherwise I might axphixiate myself from holding my breath in suspense. I love the latest movie that goes with this too. it is the most wondeful book in the world!
Rating:  Summary: Consider another publisher/edition Review: As a die-hard Jane Austen fan, I believe that one can never own too many copies of "Pride and Prejudice." It is an engaging novel and my favorite among her works. This particular edition (Chapman edition), however, is not appropriate for the average reader. A Norton Critical Edition, for example, will footnote and explain certain concepts that are unfamiliar to contemporary readers. The Chapman edition focuses instead on correcting the mistakes of previous editors. Also, my copy has a recurring typographical error--the first word on each page has been accidentally duplicated on the previous page. This edition's main merit is the essays in the Appendix. They are excellent.
Rating:  Summary: I felt this book was not for me. Review: Imagine being in a world where every girl's main concern is getting married to a handsome, rich man. That's the main point of all the character's in Pride & Prejudice. Pride & Prejudice is about the Bennet's 5 daughters who need to be married off. Unfortunately all of the Bennet women are poor judges of how to act towards men and how the men feel about them. (Both cause many problems in the book.) One person understands, Mr.Bennet, but he seems to kind of humor them and leaves the job of matchmaking to his wife to deal with that. Mr. Bennet did seem to pass on some of his knowledge to the so-called heroine of the book, Elizabeth, a character who seems to be the light at the end of the tunnel for Mr. Bennet. Sadly, at times her wisdom fades and she shows her true colors as a Bennet woman. The main reason that all of the girls (with the exception of Elizabeth) are so silly (as it was put in the book is mostly due to they're mother, Mrs.Bennet. I assure you that Mrs.Bennet will irritate you. Even though she always tries to do the right motherly things or what she things is best for her daugters she causes many problems you may not realize until you finish the book. You can see her ingorance in her first statements which she bases on the fact,"That a single man in possien of good fortune must be in need of a wife." All in all, I really find the book and the statement above shallow. All though I understand that British society at that time diplayed courting as the top of the list for females, but this book makes women appear as empty-headed, man-hungry, child-like people that bow down to man's and society's every wish. I have found that a lot of British and other classics diplay courting as a high priority, but in other books, like The Inheritance and Little Women there was more on thier mind than finding a husband. I also find this book unrealistic for many reasons, mostly because the complete personality of the charcters change in the blink of an eye. I really feel that this book is not pleasurable to read, though it may benefit you to read it so that you can learn to find the good and bad pionts of a book and compare it to other literature like it or during that time.
Rating:  Summary: Classic Literature At Its Best Review: My favorite book in all of English literature. Many people have criticized me. I am an English major, who is supposed to love Ulysses, but instead I love Jane Austen with a passion, and this is the best of her books. Austen is why I am an English major. Elizabeth Bennet is who I aspire to be one day-she is the heroine of my romantic dreams. And Darcy's gradual warming throughout the novel, especially his warming to Elizabeth, is charming and beautiful. The language is extremely engaging. And I beilieve Austen was a proto-feminist. Elizabeth Bennet is truly an independent female with strong opinions, at least for her day. And the older Bennet couple are just perfect foils of each other, which forced a couple of chuckles. There were also very fascinating characters, such as Bingley and sisters, and also the younger Bennet sisters, especially the one who elopes. Aaaah, I think I have read this book hundreds of times, and I still find beauty in every single passage in every single page. Yes, it may not be very deep by literary standards, but it is something that appeals to my heart more than to my brain. I allow myself the pleasure of rejoicing at the end, although I know every single word of the ending. But as in all Victorian novels, it leaves a lingering hope in my heart: when will my hero come along?? AAAh, one can hope. Well, I've exhausted this book, without giving up too much hope. Read this book, and read it again. It's worth it. And why don't you try Emma or Sense and Sensibility? Mansfield Park-eh, not that great, but truly the best of Austen lies in Pride and Prejudice, no matter how trite that may sound.
Rating:  Summary: The Marriage Mart Review: Mrs. Bennet was a simple woman, with but one goal in life: to get her daughters married. She went about this task in a dedicated manner, pouncing on every man that comes by, from nobles to officers. Marriage was the only option for a respectable girl and the husband had to be chosen with care. We usually automatically make the assumption that the love and marriage go hand in hand. But at one time a marriage was thought of as a business transaction. Wealth and social standing were thought of first and foremost, love and happiness could come afterward. Any wealthy bachelor was "considered the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters." Elizabeth Bennet thought she knew better, for a happily ever after there had to be love and understanding. We follow her misadventures in search of happiness with a range of comical characters from her assertive, matchmaking mother to her arrogantly, meek cousin. Marriage, it seems, is more than both an economic decision and an emotional rush. We are given examples of each of these extremes through Elizabeth's sisters. Through this and Austen's humor and wit, we are given a delightful satire of the British matrimonial arrangements.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Novel Ever Written Review: First of all, let me start out by saying, I love this book! I'm 17 years old and Pride and Prejudice has been my favorite book for years. It was the first work of Jane Austen's that I had ever read and it prompted me to read her others. In my opinion, Pride and Prejudice and Emma are her two very best. Her characters are so well-developed that you feel like you actually know them. Elizabeth in P&P is an amazing and intelligent young woman. She has so much spirit that it's admirable. Darcy is intelligent as well and he has a self-confidence that makes him very attractive. The plot is always moving, always interesting. I've read P&P so many times and I never get bored. Everyone should have this book.
Rating:  Summary: jeff Review: it is a nice book for all age group.