Rating:  Summary: my favourite Review: To me, Pride and Prejudice is the best of all Jane Austen books. I must have read it a dozen times at least. It is really something of a fairytale, happy end and all. The characters, whether lovable, quirky or frustrating are recogniseable. You are sure to know someone just like Mrs Bennet or have a Mr Collins or Miss Bingley in your family. It is easy to sympathise with Eliza and Mr Darcy. Eliza in particular must be one of the most interesting characters in literature. Jane Austen gave her a mind of her own in a time when such was the last thing a woman was supposed to have. Besides, as lovestories go it is surely one of fiction's best.
Rating:  Summary: The ultimate romance Review: I read this book when I was 12 and because I had watched the Wishbone show and did not believe that the main character could be a dog. The words were a bit difficult but I read it and was really surprised. It starts out a bit slow, but after the middle, it became really interesting and after the book, I felt really good. I actually read the end a couple times again. The characters are really charming, especially Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. I guess you could say it was the ultimate miscommunication. It is an adult fairy tale, is what I can describe it as.
Rating:  Summary: Pride and Prejudice Review Review: The Bennet girls are having a problem with primogeniture. They feel that it isnt fair that the first male in the family gets to inherit the estate after Mr.Bennet has passed away. Since there are five girls and no men there cousin Mr.Collin's gets to inherit the estate. Mrs.Bennet takes it apon herself to find gossip on all the men in the town that are making a reasonable amout of money and hook them up with one of her daughters. This continues on thoughout the movie. Mrs.Bennet and all of the Bennet daughters get tangled up with all of the gossip and mishap,and this complicates everyones lives. Towards the middle of the movie one of the Bennet daughters(Jane) gets introduced to one of the wealthies men in the town, his name is Mr.Charles Bingley. Mr. Bingley has his eye set on her and they begin to like each other. Mr.Bingley's best friend Mr.Fitzwilliam Darcy also takes a liking for one on the Bennet daughters(lizzy). Mr.Darcy is hard headed and does not show his liking for lizzy at first. He is rude and does not show much respect for her, in lizzy's eyes. Mr.Darcy is jelous of something and tries to break Mr.Bingly and Jane up. This creates lizzy to have more dislike for Mr.Darcy. The actors that were chosen to play in this movie were very perfect. They understood and comprehended what they had to do and did the job quite perfectly. I really admired how well the plot and characters where chosen. The scene designers and director chose the perfect places to shot the movie. I liked how the two wealthies men's estates in Pemberly and Netherfield Park were placed. This made it seem very realistic. I would defintley recommend this movie to others. It kept you wondering thoughtout the whole movie whether or not Mr.Darcy and lizzy , and Mr.Bingly and jane were going to get together. I feel it was more a chick flick,but would also suggest it to males as well. It might teach them a thing or two on how to approace a woman, and make them feel wanted and loved dispite what others say. Throughout this movie "Pride and Prejudice" was a really wonderful message. I feel the message was not to give up hope and try to persue your dreams. If something was ment to be it will always work out at the end.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Review: I have just read a description of this book calling it boring, and hard to comprehend, very far from the truth. As a highschool student, I had to read this in my leisure time, b/c it is a lightweight classic. It has so many great characters. Subtle hints of sarcasm, and the stereotypical attitude of some characters, give the story a comical twinge. However, if you do decide to read this for a class, I personally think the story is most interesting as far as plot and drama goes, and unless the class is bent on feminist views, I found it hard to extract any valued literary elements.
Rating:  Summary: best Austen book and one of my favourite books ever Review: I absolutely loved this book!!!! I don't understand how anyone could call it boring. Granted, the people in the books talk a little much and sometimes I'm just like 'Get on with it' but I've sort of learned to skim those parts. This book is a comedy making fun of the English society in the early 1800s. It's making the womens'(woman's?) quest for a good future into a vicious man-hunt and it's hilarious. I agree that there was not enough written out dialogue. I really would've liked the scene with Elizabeth and Darcy played out a little more. But it's a GREAT!!! GREAT!! WONDERFUL!! book. Read it!
Rating:  Summary: ........Yawn.......Yawn.........ZZzzzZzZzZzzzZZZzzz Review: I thought this book would be a lot better than what it turned out to be... for my summer reading requirements i came across this book title and went to this site, amazon.com to see what it was like.... all reviews seemed to be saying that it was an excellent book, yet when i picked it up, i had the hardest time getting past the 10th chapter, i didn't really understand it or discover all that others had... if you have this book on your list for high school reading, be sure you have a lot of free time because you need to read it over quite a few times to understand all aspects of the language, trends, and characters of the story, a modernized version would be a much better one to understand.... this book was written a bit too long ago for me!
Rating:  Summary: Too feminist? Review: I was surprised to read that a previous reviewer expected to find P&P "too boring and feminist". I wish it was either more boring or more feminist. It was so witty and well-written that I couldn't put it down. But I felt uncomfortable with the underlying assumption that a woman's ultimate fulfillment is to marry a rich and gorgeous man. Of course it has very strong female characters, and was a very progressive novel for its time. The fact that it is still so popular makes me wonder how far we have come. I preferred Eliot's Middlemarch - a similar type of novel with a more balanced view of female ambition, morality and emotion.
Rating:  Summary: I don't normally give 5 stars Review: But for this book I have to. I first picked up Austen's P&P when I was in middle school and it failed the 3 chapter test. (You know the test: if you aren't interested in the book by chapter 3 put it down.) I picked it up again a few years later and simply fell in love with the wonderful story.Austen may have written the book over a century ago but the themes that play out within its pages are universal today. Pride, wealth, and station in life are still as important today as they were when Mrs. Bennet was hoping to find husbands for her daughters. In P&P Austen writes about falling in love, how we view it, and how we don't always understand it. Is mutual regard enough for a lasting marriage? What about passion? And does passion or regard equate to love? I reread this book every time I need a reminder that love isn't always fanfares and fireworks.
Rating:  Summary: delightful :) Review: This is probably one of the wittiest and most delightful books I've read in a long time. I recall reading Jane Austen several years ago with Northanger Abbey and I absolutely despised it. But after, adoring the miniseries for Pride and Prejudice, I figured it would do justice to read the book. Pardon my disastrous attempt to sound sophisticated, but it is sometimes amusing to mimic another author's style while reviewing her book. I can hardly wait for Burgess.:P The book certainly renewed my love for the movie as well as literature of the Victorian era. I've never been a big fan of literature from that time period, despising books like Oliver Twist, Phantom of the Opera, Wuthering Heights and Frankenstein because they dragged on and on with melodrama. Jane Austen varied in the sense that her book was light-hearted and full of comedy and wit. Her characters were lovable. Elizabeth was well-rounded and respectable and if I could have but half her wit in her replies, I would be much indulged. Jane possesses good nature beyond what one would deem natural. Mr.Bingley was good natured as well. And finally, Mr.Darcy who had that air of mystery about him soon grew warm in my heart with his charitable acts. And as the book progressed, I became more and more interested in their well-being and future happiness. However, the most memorable characters would be the secondary characters. Mrs.Bennet was absolutely hilarious. I was equally embarassed as Elizabeth of her mother and her immaturity and lack of understanding. Mr.Bennet on the other hand, with his odd and wry comments provided even more amusement. He has the dryest sense of humour. Lydia is virtually insufferable with her youth and fails to understand any of the pain she has caused her family. Poor Miss Bingley seemed to be such an annoyance to Mr.Darcy with all her attempts to win his attention. And Mr.Collins was a laughable mess. I could not help but love to hate him. Unfortunately, having seen the movie first, I had an irreversible tendency to think of the scenery and the characters in terms of the movie. However, I found it rather pleasurable since this was perhaps the first time I've read a book with a concrete image of the characters and the scenery since I usually ignore such facts and descriptions. The descriptions were never excessive either as they tend to be in Victorian novels. Scenes were never described beyond half a page. Comments were often made on the characters but they never dragged on for pages on end. Usually, at most, they lasted about half a page. As for the emotions of the characters, Jane Austen did not linger on them for long. Enough indications were given to entice the reader, but not excessively as to bore. The dialogue was the most memorable and quotes of Austen popped out everyone. I was disappointed to find that at certain places, Austen merely described the coversation instead of actually carrying it out through dialogue. I find the book is still nevertheless romantic in nature and more redeeming to females as it would be to males. But I suppose all you guys are just missing out! I'm not normally a fan of romance but the book pursues it with such intelligence that I could not help but like it. I'm still a bit unconvined of the actual plausibility of the marriages in the story but they seem so satisfying, you might as well take them to be true. Romance books are nice in the sense that in the end, that undeniable happy ending is always guaranteed to be there to satisfy. And overall, Pride and Prejudice and satisfied me at the end with a warm and happy ending but nevertheless leaving me wanting to know more of the characters. It is book whose charm lies in the style and the characters and could be easily read over and over again. This book definitely will be one of my favourites. My goodness, I am embarassed by my own review. I sound like such a ...!
Rating:  Summary: Classic at its best... Review: My sister's been raving about this book for years. It's not until months ago did I have the guts to pick it up. It's been sitting in my mini-library since I got it too... Then my sister once again kept asking "Have you read 'it' yet?" So, to stop this question from coming up in every turn, I decided to read it. I honestly expected this book to bore me to death considering the author is from the late 17th century. What fun could a writer be of that time, huh? Oh not to mention, the author was unmarried. What does she know about romance, right? Well, I was mistaken. I enjoyed this book sooo much, I ordered the DVD movie of it. There was some "slow" moments in this book however, I think it's the over-description of everything. But once you got through that, the book flows with lots of humor and intensity. I liked Elizabeth from the start. Mr. Darcy was kindda hard to like in the beginning but as soon as the book progress, you would love him and would want him for your own :-) The Dialogue in this book was my favorite of all. Uppity, Humorous, Lyrical, Heart warmer and truly of its time. I have read more than 80 historical romance novels in this year alone and I honestly think most of the ideas and formulas (marriage mart) were derived from this book (did i dare say that?). I couldn't believe this book was actually written at that time period. Amazing! Truly Classic at its best.