Rating:  Summary: Angelique: The Marquiese of the Angels Review: I was a teenager when I first read this book. Over the next few years my mother and I would take it in turns of buying the new Angelique Book out and the other would wait impatiently to read it. Unfortunately with travelling I lost all of my Angelique Books and am now trying to get them back from anywhere and everywhere. The books are great and it would be fantastic if they could all be put back into print. If you have not read Angelique - beg, borrow or steal a book today and start reading, you won't regret it
Rating:  Summary: My all time favourite Review: This is the first book of my all time favourite series. I've read the lot (or at least the ones you can get in English) eight or nine times and I never tire of them.They're brilliantly characterised and written and the story is totally mesmerising them. I can't recommend them highly enough, from this first book right through to the 9th (or 10th, depending on the sountry), 'Angelique and the Ghosts'. The series is one, consistent tale of Angelique's adventures spanning 30 years, 3 continents, and innumerable adventures. Brilliant
Rating:  Summary: Angelique, the best historical fiction ever Review: Mid-17th century France: young Louis XIV is struggling for histhrone, beggars and thieves haunt Paris and brigands roam thecountryside... Fifth child of a impoverished country nobleman,Angélique de Sancé grows up in the Poitou marshlands, a region knownas the "Green Venice", halfway between the ocean and theforests. She is a free child, as one with the forest and the marshes,discovering nature's healing secrets with the help of the witchMélusine. Her logical destiny would be to marry a poor countrynobleman, have children and spend her life fighting for a meagresubsistence. Destiny has other plans in store for her. At 17, onreturning from her education in a convent, she finds herself betrothedto the rich count of Toulouse, Joffrey de Peyrac, 12 years her senior,lame, scarred and reputed to be a wizard. For the sake of her family,Angélique reluctantly agrees to the match but refuses the advances ofher husband. Peyrac respects her decision and does not pursue hisclaim to conjugal rights, wishing rather to seduce than use force.With the passing of months, Angelique discovers the talents andvirtues of her remarkable husband: scientist, musician,philosopher... and to her surprise falls passionately in love withhim. But Joffrey's unusual way of life is threatened by the ambitionsof the Archbishop of Toulouse -and soon arouses the jealousy of theyoung king himself, Louis XIV. Joffrey is arrested and charged withsorcery. Angélique will single-handedly take on the might of theroyal court and, survive murder and poison attempts on herself in asupreme effort to save Joffrey from the stake -to no avail...Instinctively, her whole being intent on revenge and her determinationto survive, Angélique, alone and desperate, plunges into the darknessof the Paris underworld... Wonderfully researched and written by Anneand Serge Golon, Angélique is an intricately woven tapestry of factualand fictional characters, recreating a world so vivid that the readeris enveloped in the scent of 17th century French history. Once havingread "The Marquise of the Angels" there is no other choicethan to continue to the end and experience the pain and pleasure ofthis unique fresco.
Rating:  Summary: The greatest romantic heroine in fiction Review: I first read this when I was perhaps 13 years old. I proceeded to read the entire series. Looking back, not merely were these enthralling books to read, but they actually influenced me in many of the choices I made in my life by convincing me that a woman could do anything, survive anything, experience everything. I do not believe that a better historical romance has -- or will -- ever be written and I mourn that these are now all out of print.
Rating:  Summary: Angelique, the never-ending story Review: I am French and living in Britain. I first read Angelique whenI was 19, after having seen the films on French television.Since then,I have read and re-read the whole series many times. Every time, Ilearnt something new, because Angelique represents life itself, as onereviewer already put it. Depending what age or what situation one isin, the story means something different to you. In fact, the charactermay be fictional within a historical context, but Angelique is acomposite of real women who existed in the 17th century, and it ispossible to draw comfort from reading the whole series. It is the sortof life-story that pulls you up even if you reach rock-bottom. I waslucky enough to read the whole series widely available in France, ofcourse, including La Route de l'Espoir and La Victoire d'Angelique. Ido not wish to give any hints of what goes on in the latest novels. Iam sure someone somewhere is preparing a translation for you Englishspeakers. If not, just learn French! I would gladly translate thebooks myself for you, but you would have to wait for a long time!...
Rating:  Summary: How do you say "Angelique rocks" in French?. . . Review: . . .I remember first seeing these books when my friends read them in high school. They looked like "bodice rippers" if you looked at the covers that Bantam Publishing Company gave them, and I figured my folks would never let me bring them into the house. Well. . .twenty years later, I rediscovered them via the Internet, and the old adage "never judge a book by its cover" definitely applies here. I have found all nine books that made it into English before going out of print, and am halfway through Number 6 in the series (Countess Angelique). You will learn about French history, mining, chemistry, and later in the series, sailing and settling in the New World during the early days of America's colonization. The research, care, and love that Serge and Anne Golon put into these books shows on every page. "Angelique: Marquise of the Angels" is the one that started it all. It's worth the price of the book just to read the wonderful chapter where she and her husband--who were not in love when they entered their arranged marriage--discover that love has found them and they finally become a married couple in every sense of the word. (Is it hot in here, or is it just me?) Throughout all her adventures, Angelique is sometimes up, sometimes down, but she's never ever out of the game. Like Scarlett O'Hara and Timex watches, she "takes a licking and keeps on ticking." Now, if we could just get those last three books translated into English. . .:)
Rating:  Summary: Angélique (all) Review: Je suis une lectrice de Mtl. Qc. Au cours des années j'ai lue tous les livres d'Angélique au moins une douzaine de fois. C"est une aventure fantastique. Je me suis même rendue voir le veil homme sur la montagne et la statue de Ticonderonga au Nouveau -Brunswick. J'aimerais bien que cette histoire se continue. Que sont devenus les fils d'Angélique? comment est sa vie au Qué.bec? J'aimerais bien communiquer avec Anne et Serge Golon. Je les remercie beaucoup pour cette très belle histoire. Marielle
Rating:  Summary: My namesake Angelique Review: This book is one of my favorites and just because it's how I got my name. It was interesting and a real page turner. It was one of the best books I've ever read even though I'm only 16.
Rating:  Summary: The best historical books ever written Review: ...Once you begin to read it you cannot stop until you read the last word...or the last book...I must have read this serie of books at least 10 times, and they are still wonderful!...These books were so popular that 5 movies were made in France... Please translate the last 3 books for English readers...
Rating:  Summary: Angelique Review: I'm from Mexico and I read this books like 5 years ago and I love them. I read the nine books in spanish but I wanna buy the collection I like to know where I can buy it. And Please! translate the last three!