Rating:  Summary: Cool Review: Typical story of a young woman in college trying to find herself threough every and any man she meets. This book details the silly mistakes woman make when it comes to men and what they think is love.
Rating:  Summary: Hmmm a great read! Review: This was a very good book....I couldn't put it down. I read this book in two days. It was well written. It seemed like one of my dear friends called to tell me "what was going on" in her life. I was very happy to have read a book about someone my own age. Keep up the good work girl!!
Rating:  Summary: Off the hook!!! Review: I thought it started out kind of slow but I ended up enjoying this book. It was pretty good for a first book. Many reviewers have commented that Kyla's image is not one that should be portrayed as that of black women. It's not about portraying an "image." It is portraying reality. Reading about reality even though it is negatve can be eye opening. If one does not experience certain things they will be naive to it. Once again reading about situations people face POSITIVE & NEGATIVE can be very insightful. Young ladies can learn from this book! It will definitely open your eyes to a lot of situations that you can face when dealing with men. Hopefully you will know what's up and won't make the same mistakes Kyla made!!!
Rating:  Summary: Back and Forth Review: In the debut novel Yo Yo Love by Daaimah Poole, we follow Kayla on her quest to find the perfect man. After a few disastrous relationships Kayla meets Wil who appears to be the man of her dreams. Kayla also meets Samir who she starts to like more and more. Watching her "yo-yo" between these two men brings to mind a popular phrase "if it's too good to be true, it probably is." After a series of events, Kayla is forced to make a decision between the two men. Who will she choose? I was impressed with Poole's writing. The character of Kayla reminded me of a lot of the college girls I knew. The dialogue was also reminiscent of my college days. However, I was not as captivated by the storyline. There were some issues that I would like to have seen explored. For instance, the relationship between Kayla and her mother. There seemed to be some underlying tension that was only touched on. Overall, this had the potential to be a good story but something was missing. I would recommended this novel to people of college age and those who want to revisit the college scene. Reviewed by Nicole APOOO BookClub
Rating:  Summary: Go get this!!!... Review: A college girl who thinks that she will never find Mr. Right has been to hell and back. She goes out with a lot of guys but none of then seems to be the right one. A couple of guys have played her and did her wrong. In the end she has a boyfriend, Will. She thinks that he loves her and she knows that she loves him. But this boyfriend of hers ends up having a wife. So she decides to have it her way and goes out with two guys at the same time, Shamir and Will. She gets caught. The one guy that might have been Mr. Right had left her because of what she has done. While Will ends up leaving her for his wife and she ends up alone. "I took my shirt off so he could oil me down; mmm I thought I could get used to this. Then I noticed that Shamir had stopped and suddenly I remembered the tattoo. I was busted." Kayla that same day got a tattoo of Will's name on her arm. It was her birthday and she had just turned 21. She claimed that she was drunk. Will had tricked her into getting this tattoo and he was not going to stay with her. To my peers Yes, I recommend this to my peers. Especially to a girl because as they grow up and go into college they can see what it really is like out there. They can also see how guys can be at times. To adults Yes, I recommend this to adults because it is very interesting and exciting book and it will sow adults what teens or young adults go through in life. To other schools No I would not recommend this book to other schools because I don't think that this book is in any way a school related book. I would say for the students that if they want to read this book to read it on the side.
Rating:  Summary: strung out for love Review: I would recommend this book for any young female.This book was great. I read it in a day & a half. Kayla has a real problem, it does seem like she's in love with love. she gets played out by many men, especially Wil. They had it good 'til some chick called her up sayin' that she was his wife and he had a child. Kayla was too dumb for staying with him, she was asking for heartbreak. She really met a good man, named Samir, he was looking to do good. She dogged him out. The book ended in a sour note but it makes you crave for a sequel.
Rating:  Summary: A must READ!!!!!!!!! Review: I just want to say that this book is the BOMB!!! I read it at work in less than 8 hours. The character Kayla was something else, and the men she dealt with were as well. If you enjoyed The Coldest Winter Ever you will fall in love with this as well. It is a milder version. I have learned so much after reading this book and I often found myself talking out loud about what was going on in the book. I could not believe that the author Daaimah Poole is only 23. I must say that if you dont read this you are totally missing out. Courthney L. Calvin
Rating:  Summary: Urban Modern Flavor Review: This Story centers around the main character Kayla. She is a 20 yr old female attending Temple University in Philadelphia. Kayla is constantly trying to find her 'true love. In the interim Kayla ends up meeting every fast-talking player in Philly. First, she meets Earl, a basketball hotshot at the University; this relationship was based mainly on sex, sex, and more sex. Then she meets Terry who can only be described as crazy -- during one of their excursions, he calls her a not so ladylike name when she refuses to have sex with him. When she meets Will, she feels he is the 'true' one. Only to be disappointed and find out that he is married. Yet, that doesn't stop her from going back to him three times after he lies and says he has broken up with his wife. The story ends when she gives up all hope on [them] and tries to get with her newfound man, Samir. The language of this novel possesses an urban, modern flavor enjoyed by young people. I give it a 3.5... Reviewed by Sylvia S
Rating:  Summary: Yo Yo Yes, But Love No Review: Yo Yo Love is the debut novel by Daaimah S. Poole and tells the story of Kayla Johnson. Kayla has decided at the ripe old age of 20 that she is tired of being by herself and that she wants to be in a relationship. The story that is told in Yo Yo Love is a parents nightmare. Kayla flounders from one unhealthy relationship to another with the thought and hope that the current man will finally be the one. She lacks a mind of her own and is easily persuaded by the men in her life to do foolish things. Some of the things Kayla did include having sex a few hours after meeting a man , getting a mans name tattooed to her arm, spending a weekend away with a virtual stranger, and a plethora of other unwise choices. Kayla is irresponsible and immature and she is placed in situations throughout the story where she must serve as an example to her younger sister. Considering her behavior, this seems unconscionable. When I started reading this book, I thought that the problem was me and that I wasnt the target audience. However after dicussing this book with a few people of various ages, I concluded that the story is simply careless. I think it condones reckless behavior and shows little growth in the main character. Towards the end of the book, Ms. Poole throws a lesson in there, but its too little too late and it is negated by actions of Kayla. I think Daaimah Poole has great writing potential. I can see her talent in this book, but the story simply lacked substance to me. I got what she was trying to say and I acknowledge that there are women like Kayla in this world, but I simply dont value reading about the insanity of their behavior. Reviewed by Diane Marbury.
Rating:  Summary: Cool Book Review: I read the first couple of pages of this book at a bookstore and was feeling Ms. Poole's flow, so I decided to get it. The author did an excellent job of capturing a slice of the essence of that late teen/early twenty-something hip-hop set. Also felt she did a great job bringing across the pain, frustration, and naivete of the main character, Kayla Johnson, when it came to her dealings with men. Looking forward to watching Ms. Poole's growth as a writer.