Rating:  Summary: awful Review: I'm sorry, this book was not what I had expected. I was really disappointed with the whole thing. I bought this book after reading many of the reviews from the others who have read it. The story was truly weak and the only part that did interest me was towards the end. It usually takes me a day or so to finish books I really enjoy but this one took me a few days. I only finished this book to put it away. If I had my way I would only put half a star.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best I've ever read Review: I've read many many historical romance books over the last 15 years and I loved this one! I could hardly put it down and when I finished it, I was disappointed it was over! I loved the love story between Alex & Lauren and I loved the humor. I can't wait to read A Devil's Love! Keep writing Julia! It was an excellent book!
Rating:  Summary: Good romantic read! Review: In spite of the fact that I had to skip a few very boring pages here and there - for the most part I enjoyed this story of Alex dealing with duty and honor verses following his heart to the only women he has ever loved Lauren Hill - the beautiful country miss that is all he has ever wanted in a woman -- I especially give high praise to Hannah Alex's mother - so often the mom's of this era are potrayed as stodgey mean and nasty only caring about tradition and family - this mother actually wanted her son to know love and be happy!! Looking forward to the other books in this series.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely terrible! Implausible, tedious, unreadable Review: It was all I could do to finish this book. Leaving the plot aside for a moment, I couldn't take the characters seriously, much less like them. Lauren and Alex did nothing for me, and their behaviour was silly from start to finish. Why would the Duke of Sutherland introduce himself merely as Alex? He wouldn't; he'd have said, 'I'm Sutherland'. So I couldn't accept the misunderstanding about his identity, to begin with. Lots of period and factual inaccuracies; London makes so many mistakes with titles that I don't know where to begin. Characters are far too familiar with each other. And what on earth is "a'tall", something she has one character say? The 'word' does not exist. Ultimately, the story drags on for too long - about twice as long as was necessary. In order to prolong the angst, characters behave stupidly - afer all, once Alex has told Lauren that he loves her and that he'll find a way to end his engagement, what more is required? Yet we're only about halfway through the book at this stage. And speaking of his engagement, ended a bare couple of days before the wedding, doesn't London realise that gentlemen - if they wanted to retain their honour - never ended an engagement? Sutherland would have been called out by his fiancee's father or brother, and ostracised. I was jerked out of this story by errors far too frequently to have any interest left in the characters, even had I not also found the plot itself tedious. I think I'll be giving Dodd a miss in future.
Rating:  Summary: Triumphant! Review: Julia London delivers another page-turner with an enchanting heroine and compelling hero who are both torn between duty and desire. I loved and laughed and struggled right along with Lauren and Alex from beginning to end.
Rating:  Summary: A Rising Star! Review: Julia London delivers another winning story in Wicked Angel. This page turner will leave you breathless from all the action. You'll feel as though you've struggled side by side with these well defined and wonderfully written characters. The writing is so fresh and original, it's sheer pleasure from cover to cover. Splashed with humor, lively dialogue and vivid scenery, the reader is drawn into the world of Alex and Lauren with such ease. Julia London has mastered her craft with a distinct voice and will rise quickly into the upper echelon of her genre. No doubt, the battle cry of her loyal readers will be "keep 'em coming!"
Rating:  Summary: Great read! Review: Julia London has done it again. She has made the characters of Alex and Lauren come alive. I laughed at Alex so many times - London has captured that uniquely male perspective on females head-on! Lauren is charming, witty, a bit bumbling at times, but always wants what's best for those she loves. It is refreshing to see real characters who grow and develop as you turn the pages. Eagerly awaiting the next release!
Rating:  Summary: unbelievable Review: Julia London is quickly nipping at the heels of Judith McNaught. This book was a refreshing change from the overused plots of most other novels. The character's had a real depth to them and while reading my heart REALLY hurt during the most touching moments of the book. And just when you think she's gonna wrap things up because there is only a few pages left, Julia throws another curve ball in there! With out a doubt one of the best books I have ever read!
Rating:  Summary: Top Quality Author Review: Julia writes deep, moving stories that will win awards, if they haven't already. This is not a light, refreshing read. Be prepared to go through some heart-wrenching, gut-wrenching sadness. It is too much sadness and angst for me -- I wish she did not heap that much conflict upon the character relationships, but she does write a good long happy ending with an epilogue. I will go back and read more from her after I recover by reading a few lighter novels. <grin>
Rating:  Summary: This book is an all-nighter! Review: Julia's newest book proves that she is at the front of the pack in romance. The characters are real and well drawn. The story keeps you turning from page to page and you won't want to put this one down!