Rating:  Summary: Sensuality Incarnate! Review: I picked up this book as a form of temporary diversion, but instead discovered a brilliant, talented, and immensely sensual author. Nicole Jordan knows how to create a hero that envelopes you into his sensual embrace and takes you into a world of carnal delights, erotic escapades and tender, heart-wrenching, soul-searing promises... Lady Vanessa Wyndham is enchantingly beautiful as she is witty, determined and inteligent... Broadly known as Lord Sin, Baron Damien Sinclair is a dashing nobleman who among the polite society is notorious for his legendary conquests....numurous affairs...and rakehelish, libertine ways....no lady is said to be safe from his dark, silver-smoke gaze, devil-may-care smile and oozing sensuality... Aside from that, he is dead set on vengeance against a young rogue (Aubrey, Lady Vanessa's brother) who has seduced his innocent sister Olivia and left her a cripple... Nothing short of his complete ruination would satisfy Lord Sin... Having no other alternative, Lady Vanessa pleads with Damien Sinclair not to ruin her brother and leave her family destitute...Damien, on the other hand, makes her a brazen bargain that shocks her to her very core: she consents being his mistress and he spares her brother. And thus the seduction begins.... This story is so richly written, characters wonderfully developed to a degree that you feel the lines between reality and fantazy diminish more and more as the novel progresses.... You fall deeply, irrevocably in love with Damien and Vanessa...As they each conquer their own demons and fears, and then finally....each other's hearts... This novel embodies passion and sensuality, true once-in-a-lifetime love and redemption.... I sincerelly hope that you will enter into the sensual world so expertly woven by Nicole Jordan and allow yourself to be swept away...if only for an instance. Sequel to follow: THE PASSION
Rating:  Summary: I really enjoyed this story Review: Wow. This story really grabbed me. Damien is a great lead and Vanessa is his perfect foil. In most "reform the rake" books, the hero seems to mend his ways quickly and just can't help falling in love with our heroine. Ms. Jordan, it seems to me, writes a much more realistic or at least believable reform story. Damien goes down kicking and screaming all the way, never quite understanding his feelings for Vanessa (until the end). Damaged by his parents' horrific marriage and his father's obsession for his mistress, Damien has absolutely no desire to have a relationship with a woman beyond a quick affair. (He even ignores his sister). Damien's lived a pretty debauched life (as shown in the first few pages of the story) and makes no apology for it. He is not really looking for a mistress, but Vanessa and circumstances involving plans of revenge fall in his lap, so he takes advantage of them. As happens in reality, Damien draws too close to Vanessa and pulls away, not understanding his feelings. He just assumes that he is becoming obsessed like his father, and hates himself for this. Vanessa, on the other hand is unusually pragmatic for a romance heroine. She will agree to just about anything to save her family. She had a disastrous first marriage and in no way wants to marry, or force her sisters to marry, for anything less than love. Throughout the whole story, we never see Vanessa feel sorry for herself or give in to self-pity for the circumstances she finds herself in. Although we, as the reader, know her heart is engaged in this affair (and she finally admits this to herself), Vanessa knows that Damien is not looking for a serious relationship. Not bemoaning her fate, she sets out practically to ensure for her future once her tenure with Damien is over. The whole plot and way it was written just seems like a breath of fresh air to me. This might seem unbelievable since there have been many, many books written along this same theme (the most recent that I can think of is Barbara Dawson Smith's, Seduced By A Scoundrel , which I did not like at all). There is no doubt that this is a HOT book, with many fairly explicit love scenes, (it is called The Seduction after all), though I did not feel that it was quite so far out there as say a Susan Johnson, Beatrice Small or Robin Schone novel.
Rating:  Summary: Seduction...Sizzles! Review: This was my first Nicole Jordan novel and it won't be my last. Seduction is so hot the pages fairly sizzle with excitement and sexual tension. The author does a wonderful job of bringing a modern day flare to a historical romance. The characters are three dimensional and the plot is fantastic. Lady Vanessa Wyndham barters herself to Lord Damien Sinclair in order to secure her brother's gaming debts and her family's future. Damien Sinclair is the most depraved of characters. His sexual exploits are legendary and his friends refer to him as "Sin". Lord Sin is on the hunt for a new mistress. He offers the job to Vanessa in hopes that she will turn it down which will lead to the final ruin of her family because of her brother, Aubrey's carelessness. Not only does Vanessa accept the job but she agrees to become his invalid sister's companion. Lord Sin ultimately seduces Vanessa thus ruining her reputation and any hopes she has of making a decent marriage. Vanessa is compelled to learn the secrets of the demimonde in order to support her family. Lord Sin is more than willing to further her education. I couldn't put this book down. I read the book from cover to cover and was disappointed the story had to end. I can't wait to read Nicole Jordan's next book.
Rating:  Summary: silly dialog Review: I bought this book after reading the reviews but have to believe that I read a different book (although to be honest I can't say I finished it!) The sex scenes were graphic which I don't have a problem with. What I did have a problem with was the silly dialog coming from Lord Sinclair's mouth. Example: In their first love scene Damien says, "Trust me Vanessa, together we can find where stars are born." Oh come off it. That is just plain corny and unbelievable coming from the rake in the opening scene. He sounds lame. this one line made me want to throw the book across the room. Sorry, Ms. Jordan. I also didn't buy the jump he makes so quickly to calling her angel and other endearments so soon into their relationship. I did like Vanessa's character and her way with Damien's sister. If you like very sexy love scenes and great heros I recommend Susan Johnson's earlier works (the Braddock-Black series Silver Flame and Blaze). Ms. Johnson knows all about great men who have very juicy and convincing dialog.
Rating:  Summary: Perfect Introduction to the Author Review: This was my very first Nicole Jordan book and I picked it based on the back cover blurb. Am I happy I decided to try her out! The Seduction is a great historical romance - complete with dashing but dastardly hero and the strong-willed heroine (no fainting with every loud bang!). I always appreciate a book filled with good dialogue and this one fits the bill. I'm now hooked on Nicole Jordan's books but it's hard finding all her past novels - I've only located one so far. Hopefully they'll start reprinting her work and I can get my hands on past titles :)
Rating:  Summary: Erotic, yet sensible novel! Review: People who will enjoy reading this book are: 1.) Women who have tastes for "bad guys" 2.) Men who doesn't understand love 3.) People who would like to see a lot of erotic scenes, with a "I can't close the book" type of plots 4.) Women who wants to be in love 5.) People experiencing a rocky marriage Not for: 1.) Hates erotic and romance novels 2.) People who doesn't believe in "A Change of Heart" in people. 3.) Men who hate headstrong women 4.) Women who despises "indecent" men Well as for my review... this is definitely one of the most wonderful romantic novels I've ever read. It has always been my technique to play whoever the heroine is in the story... and I fell in love with Damien.
Rating:  Summary: Intensely erotic! Review: After reading The Seduction by Nicole Jordan, I only have to say I wish that I'd known of this author when I was single. This book could've gotten me through many a lonely night. The sex scenes are absolutely intense!
This book isn't all about sex, however. There is also a compelling story to be told. Damien Sinclair's sister Olivia is crippled in an accident due to the callousness of Aubrey Trent. Damien vows revenge against Aubrey, not caring who he steamrolls in the process. Aubrey's sister, Vanessa, goes to Damien to try to save the family home. Her real concern is for her younger sisters who've yet to make their come out. Vanessa offers her services as a companion to Olivia, who after her accident has shut out the world. Damien would rather have the widowed Vanessa as his mistress-but vows never to force her into his bed. As a matter of fact, she will have to come to him. They agree that she will act as Olivia's companion, for a start. How the story progresses is wonderfully told and the real payoff is in the sex scenes. A definite keeper.
Rating:  Summary: A very sexy Regency romance! Review: My first book from this author and definitely not my last! The story is about revenge, romance, redemption and heartbreak. Since the story is already summarized by lots of other reviewers, I will just tell you how this book made me feel: Very hot! The story between Vanessa and Damien was beautifully written as were the sexscenes. I loved it when Damien decided to teach Vanessa the ways of being a cyprian and showed her the world of the demimonde. Please don't think that this book is just all sex. No, on the contrary the scenes were stylefully written. I read this book in less than 24 hours. The Seduction is the first book of Nicole's Notorious Series - all scorching-hot tales of dangerous rakes and bold adventurers during the Regency era. The sequel, The Passion, is due out in November 2000, I can't wait! So, buy and read The Seduction and enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: A book that I couldn't put down Review: This book was suppose to be bedtime reading. But I couldn't put it down and simply had to finish it. Hence, I went to sleep at 5 in the morning. This book is definitely a must read. The characters are all well-developed and multi-faceted. It's been a long time since I last read a book that kept me glued to my seat like this one did.
Rating:  Summary: HOT HOT HOT Review: I only have one thing to share, since the reviewers before me have explained the plot and chemistry so well. I am a voracious romance novel reader, 10 years strong, and this is quite possible the most erotic novel I have ever read. Yummy! Do yourself a favor, curl up with this, devour and then find your man and let him reap the rewards of such seductive prose!