Rating:  Summary: A MUST READ! Review: Adrian is such a tortured soul in need of unconditional love. Yet he has no idea that when he marries Lilliana out of revenge he is getting just that. Lilliana has got to be the best heroine I've come across. She endures being ignored constantly and manages to get attention by all means necessary! I highly recommend this book!
Rating:  Summary: Teetering over a fine line Review: Adrian Spence was abused by his father as a child, as was his mother. He is conscious of the preference of his father for his younger brother Benedict and knows that his father is simply waiting for an opportunity to disinherit him - not that wealthy Adrian will be left a pauper, but he is very fond of the entailed family estate. Sure enough, one of Adrian's best friends, Phillip, who has been on a downward spiral for some time, manages to manipulate Adrian into defending his own life by taking that of Phillip's. Although clearly self defence, Adrian's father seizes the opportunity to replace Adrian with his brother in the succession. Adrian is already weighed down with grief and guilt - now he can add rage to the mix. In retaliation, Adrian marries the woman his brother is about to offer for - Lilliana Dashell. Lilliana has long held Adrian as her ideal, and it doesn't take much for her to be persuaded to marry him. After the wedding the mask is off, and Lilliana realises that the ideals Adrian was spouting when he proposed were not how he really feels - indeed she begins to wonder if her new husband has any feelings at all. Adrian recognises the mistake he made in marrying a `country bumpkin' to get back at his brother. Benedict shows up with his own agenda to influence the two. And then Adrian lets Lilliana know the real reason for the marriage - revenge, and that only.All this and we're probably only a quarter into the book. Adrian is a very complex, damaged character. Contrast this with Lilliana, who is open, kind and compassionate, and is it any wonder Adrian lashes out at her? It is only after Adrian is blinded in an accident, he comes to truly `see' the value of his new wife. He has often regretted how badly he has treated her, but can't seem to stop himself. The book shows well the effects of grief, anger and guilt. The treatment of Adrian is very well done - his character is undergoes an essential change and growth by the end of the book, so that he is finally able to feel and express himself. Lilliana also grows from a rather naive country lass into a more assured woman, able to see (at last!) the potential motivations of others and to dip below the surface to discover the truth. Adrian, however, is genuinely damaged through most of the book. He says some truly appalling things to the woman he persuaded to marry him (no one forced him), and it's a testimony the excellent writing that I felt the blow of his words myself. Physically, too, he intimidates his wife in one bedroom scene in particular. It is in these two aspects of Adrian that treads a fine line between highlighting how Adrian is guilt ridden, hurt and full of suppressed feeling with no healthy way of expressing it, and having him lash out at his wife and not losing the reader's sympathy. Personally I felt that sometimes the line was crossed - even when Adrian knows he has tender feelings for his wife, he seems unable to stop verbally hurting her. And he knows it. Both of these characters grow over the course of the book, especially Adrian, and it is this that made the book worth reading for me as the action of the plot was pretty transparent. There is much about the relationship I found disturbing. But I felt that especially Adrian was a well written character, a believable individual who truly lived between these pages. The book is also an interesting look into conventional Regency life - the behind the scenes neglect and abuse that unfortunately probably was a part of life for many of the time. There is much to think about in this book, it's not your standard Regency romance.
Rating:  Summary: Teetering over a fine line Review: Adrian Spence was abused by his father as a child, as was his mother. He is conscious of the preference of his father for his younger brother Benedict and knows that his father is simply waiting for an opportunity to disinherit him - not that wealthy Adrian will be left a pauper, but he is very fond of the entailed family estate. Sure enough, one of Adrian's best friends, Phillip, who has been on a downward spiral for some time, manages to manipulate Adrian into defending his own life by taking that of Phillip's. Although clearly self defence, Adrian's father seizes the opportunity to replace Adrian with his brother in the succession. Adrian is already weighed down with grief and guilt - now he can add rage to the mix. In retaliation, Adrian marries the woman his brother is about to offer for - Lilliana Dashell. Lilliana has long held Adrian as her ideal, and it doesn't take much for her to be persuaded to marry him. After the wedding the mask is off, and Lilliana realises that the ideals Adrian was spouting when he proposed were not how he really feels - indeed she begins to wonder if her new husband has any feelings at all. Adrian recognises the mistake he made in marrying a 'country bumpkin' to get back at his brother. Benedict shows up with his own agenda to influence the two. And then Adrian lets Lilliana know the real reason for the marriage - revenge, and that only. All this and we're probably only a quarter into the book. Adrian is a very complex, damaged character. Contrast this with Lilliana, who is open, kind and compassionate, and is it any wonder Adrian lashes out at her? It is only after Adrian is blinded in an accident, he comes to truly 'see' the value of his new wife. He has often regretted how badly he has treated her, but can't seem to stop himself. The book shows well the effects of grief, anger and guilt. The treatment of Adrian is very well done - his character is undergoes an essential change and growth by the end of the book, so that he is finally able to feel and express himself. Lilliana also grows from a rather naive country lass into a more assured woman, able to see (at last!) the potential motivations of others and to dip below the surface to discover the truth. Adrian, however, is genuinely damaged through most of the book. He says some truly appalling things to the woman he persuaded to marry him (no one forced him), and it's a testimony the excellent writing that I felt the blow of his words myself. Physically, too, he intimidates his wife in one bedroom scene in particular. It is in these two aspects of Adrian that treads a fine line between highlighting how Adrian is guilt ridden, hurt and full of suppressed feeling with no healthy way of expressing it, and having him lash out at his wife and not losing the reader's sympathy. Personally I felt that sometimes the line was crossed - even when Adrian knows he has tender feelings for his wife, he seems unable to stop verbally hurting her. And he knows it. Both of these characters grow over the course of the book, especially Adrian, and it is this that made the book worth reading for me as the action of the plot was pretty transparent. There is much about the relationship I found disturbing. But I felt that especially Adrian was a well written character, a believable individual who truly lived between these pages. The book is also an interesting look into conventional Regency life - the behind the scenes neglect and abuse that unfortunately probably was a part of life for many of the time. There is much to think about in this book, it's not your standard Regency romance.
Rating:  Summary: Waste of Time Review: After reading this book (well, reading the first half and skimming the second half), I was curious to see what other reviewers have written. Honestly, I can't believe how many good reviews she received! I've read all of Judith McNaught's and most of Andrea Kane's historical romances - and they blow this book away! In a nutshell, Adrian was a jerk and Lilliana was stupid. Adrian's friends, the two other Rakes, could have potenitally added some much needed humor, but they were only allowed in a few brief scenes. I repeat, a complete waste of time.
Rating:  Summary: Keep them coming Julia! Review: After reading Wicked Angel, I eagerly awaited her next novel...... I read it in its entirety the very day I received it in the mail - I have to admit I wondered how she'd be able to top Wicked Angel... Well- here it is- Although WA is still my favorite, I loved this book as well. The plot was so unique... 3 friends (handsome young rogues!) try to go on after one of their dearest friends has been killed by Adrian in a horrible duel that should have never taken place..... The character development was amazing... You know when you read a book and you feel like you really KNOW these people? Your heart ACHES when theirs do? Well- this is that kind of book! Isn't that what a good book is all about! What a refreshingly spirited heroine Lilliana is - (she reminds me of Whitney in Whitney, My Love by Judith McNaught). Her antics to get Adrian's attention had me grinning the whole way through - I love it when she paints a picture of him on a mule! Not only is she witty, beautiful and caring, she is a deep, strong person - just the woman Adrian needs to make him whole - IF HE EVER COMES AROUND! It is so touching how Julia shows us how Adrian, a MAN (in every sense of the word!) who is so determined to keep his feelings locked away, consumed with self-pity and guilt over what he has done, slowly learn to trust, love and give his heart to his spirited, country-bumpkin hoyden of a wife! This is a BEAUTIFUL love story- definitely a keeper... save this one for when you have time to savor and enjoy - and get lost in this book without any interruptions....
Rating:  Summary: The Dangerous Gentleman Review: Feeling responsible for the death of his friend, what amounted to self defense, Adrian is tormented by what he believes is his fault, the death of his friend. Spurned by his father all his life and seeing everything given to his half brother Adrian is bound and determined to have revenge on his father...[Adrian is] definitely a sexy hero to die for.
Rating:  Summary: The talented Ms London has done it again! Review: I absolutely LOVED The Dangerous Gentelman! What a wonderful story of love, hope, the ability to trust...*sigh* all the things a great love story is made of! The characters are complex, yet simple enough for us to see our own vulnerabilities in them. This book made me laugh, it made me cry, it filled me with hope... it even gave me a character to dispise! I've enjoyed all of Julia London's books so far, and I am anxiously awaiting the next one in this triology! (okay, so I'm anxiously awaiting BOTH of them! what can I say, I'm greedy!) I think the thing I love the most about reading Julia London is watching the growth of her talent. Each new book is another step beyond great...I think that we have not just found a new author writing really good books, but an author with staying power, one who will be writing great books for a long time to come! I'd read anything with Julia London's name on it!
Rating:  Summary: An disappointment Review: I bought this book for the favourable reviews of other readers but I was disappointed. The relatively more entertaining part of this book was the outrageous things that Liliana did to get Adrian's attention. However, it went all the way downhill from there. I couldn't understand why Adrian considered his father's estate was his 'rightful inheritance' when he thought himself the bastard son of his mother. It is alright to have a brooding hero but not a petty one. What was there in that man for any woman to fall in love with ?
Rating:  Summary: True, McNaught is good but Julia London is refreshing Review: I can understand Lilliana's need to escape from her strict repressive life and when an opportunity presents itself in the form of her long-admired-from-a-distance take-life-by-the-throat neighbour Adrian, she takes it. You go girlfriend. So everything isn't roses and sunshine at first and Adrian has a few issues to settle, isn't that what romance novels are about? There were a few scenes in "Whitney, My Love" that were unsavoury and still Whitney ended up with him. The conflict in "The Dangerous Gentleman" pales in comparison to McNaught's famous novel. I liked this book, probably not my favorite Julia London novel so far, but as I've said before, the woman has talent.
Rating:  Summary: Is it 4 Stars or 1 Star? I know it's not 5! Review: I couldn't decide what to rate this book - it was a toss up between 1, 2, 3, or 4 stars. All I knew was that it wasn't 5, and I'll tell you why. First, what's good about the book: 1) It's very well written. I can't say enough good things about Ms. London's skill as a writer. I'm relatively new to the genre (it's been less than 9 months since I've read my first "romance"), and I've found some atrocious writing along the way. Even stories that I have enjoyed have been rife with poor editing, insipid dialog, poor grammar/sentence construction, and overworked clichés ("Rake with a capital "R" apparently is some sort of requirement to get published!) This book is truly well written. 2) The dialog is believable, if not authentic to Regency manner of speech. Conversations between characters ring true. Although the style of speech is a bit modern, it "works" - it doesn't feel as if you are listening to a conversation of today. 3) You do get a feel for what motivates the two main characters (Adrian and Lilliana) and how they became the people that they are. 4) The subplot, revolving around Adrian's birth, is a good one. I really didn't suspect what the truth was until it was revealed. Now, let's get to why I would never give this book 5 stars...basically Adrian is a jacka** through most of the book. I don't think I'm spoiling the end when I reveal that he does find "redemption" through Lilliana's love, you just gotta wonder if a year later, this guy is back to obsessing, brooding, seeking revenge, and emotionally abusing his wife and family. But this is fiction, right? We can believe he's seen the light and changed. I know it's a fairly common plot device to set the two protagonists up to be at odds for the majority of the book, but this is the first book I've read where the two characters are just truly hateful to each other - where the primary motivation to hurt the other person is just that, to hurt the other person. By the end of the book, Lilliana isn't much better. Ironically, the thing that Adrian does that really sets her off is the ONE thing he does that I can understand (I won't reveal what that is)! So, if this novel was so awful explain this to me - why did I start reading this at 10PM on a Saturday night and stopped at 2:30AM Sunday only when my husband stumbled out into the family room with this look on his face that said, "Get to bed, idiot!" I got up early to read a few chapters before I had to get everyone ready for church then rushed back home to finish the last few chapters before noon on Sunday - in other words, I couldn't put the book down. AND, although I had just placed a big order with Amazon a few days earlier, I went out on Sunday to buy the sequel, "The Ruthless Charmer" and by Monday AM, I've already made quite a dent on it. Go figure. My final analysis - if you don't mind the idea that the "hero" is anything but, if you don't mind reading about how two people who love each other can still work pretty hard at destroying each other - get this book. It's very well written and will certainly hold your interest - but it's not a pretty love story.