Rating:  Summary: Classic Deveraux Review: Jude Devereaux is my favorite romance author and has been since I started reading her books when I was fourteen. I have read all of her books (a few times) and, while "Wishes" is not one of my all-time favorites, I really enjoyed it. This is the ONLY romance novel I've ever read in which the heroine is bigger than a size 6! Her books are always fun and full of crazy adventures. While I am a big fan of Jude's, I don't care for her more recent work, "Temptation" and "High Tides" to name a couple. She seems to be losing her magic touch.
Rating:  Summary: One of the sweetest stories!!! Review: I have only read a few Jude Deveraux's books and had very few expectations for this one. After reading the first few pages, I was completely hooked! The heroine in this story is not your typical damsel in distress. She is a "fat old maid" who looks after her selfish father and sister's needs, who catches the eye of a handsome stranger new in town. Jace is the ultimate hero. He looks beyond the superficial side and see Nellie for who she really is. If anyone is in need of a hero rescuing her, it's Nellie. After many years of enduring and believing the criticisms from her family and people of the town and being a slave in her own household, Nellie needed someone to show her that she is worth much more than what her father, espcially her sister make her out to be. I loved this story. It's really beautiful and is realistic in that most women don't look like the heroines in many romance novels. This story reminds us that we don't have to be "physically perfect" to find our true love. Read it, you'll love it. However, I was disappointed that Nellie's father and sister did not get what should have been coming to them for being such abhorring individuals.
Rating:  Summary: Found in a box in my attic! Review: You never know what you have in your attic until you have to move. :) I really loved this book. There are quite a few reviews on it, so I will not expand on the story. Surfice to say, some loved it and some didn't. If you like my other picks you will probably like this. It's different from what I usually read, but it was fun. Definitely a keeper!
Rating:  Summary: The best book I ever read Review: This book was an amazing tale of romance, laughter, and everything else. This is now my favorite book. I loved it and couldn't put the book down. I loved how Jace loved Nellie for who she was on the inside. I finished this book in a day. I reccomend it to anybody who loves a great nvel.
Rating:  Summary: Destroyed Deveraux For Me Review: Jude Deveraux was my favorite author until this book. I have read every Jude Deveraux novel and somehow had missed this one- Now I wished I had never found it. When I began to read this book I like others was overjoyed at the idea of the heroine being overweight- that was great- about time! Than everything she had done- every good deed she accomplished was destroyed for me in one simple paragraph. It wasn't enough that she found her man, he was good looking he was- a Montgomery! In Deveraux land you are either a Taggart kind of woman or a Montgomery, but neither is such a bad thing. But she had to go and explain his attraction because God know's he had to have a reason to like a fat woman!!!!!!!!!! It couldn't be that he was just a nice person or that he didn't see her outside, no it was because his mother was a large women and all the women he had grown up around were large or excuse me FAT! This has completly destroyed my opinion of Jude Devereux and that hurts'- this is the same women who wrote THE greatest romance novel in history with "Knight in Shining Armor" and who gave us a wonderful character like Michael Taggart in "Sweet Liar". It is a huge disapointment when someone you admire so greatly turns out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Rating:  Summary: If only fairy godmothers really did exist... Review: Nellie Grayson's sister Terel is the belle of Chandler, Colorado. That is until Jace Montgomery comes to town and becomes instantly smitten with Nellie. Nellie is for the first time on is the receiving end of a man's affections, and Terel does not like it one bit. In fact, she sets out to destroy any happiness Nellie could have. But Terel and Nellie do not know is that Nellie has someone on her side, a fairy godmother of sorts. And with the help of her fairy godmother, Nellie is able to find a lifetime's worth of happiness. This book was wonderful! A beautiful fantasy of a Prince Charming, a reluctant Princess, and an unlikely Fairy Godmother.
Rating:  Summary: This book made me hungry!! LOL Review: Gah, what are the words to describe this book? Wow, there was a lot of food and fun in this book, and just a change of pace that really grips a lot of women out there by the heart and touches lives. All women seem to struggle with weight-well almost all-even some of the average girls like us sometimes at somedays can hate our bodies, so this story really pulled me in. I love the way Jude mixes the magic of the wishes into the story and Berni is a hoot! I just wish to see another story with Berni doing something else romantic! A part two perhaps? Anyway, Nellie is a cute and pretty 163 pound women, which seems to me a healthy weight, yet soceity always has its drawbacks and what they "view" as the perfect woman! Well, same thing here! Poor girl has the worse family in the world and I wanted to thrash her sister the first moment she came into the story! How cruel she was! It just pulls the reader into the book and we can see the emotional ties and understandings of what many women, even some men go through! Plus, it helped open doors to understanding the struggle for many women and the ties to love-food. There isn't much sexual scenes-well after reading Virginia Henley who is the "Goddess" of all sensual detailed scenes into something more spicy and easy on the blood, this book was a treat. There was more eating than sex, but it was done in such a cute way. Well, don't want to spoil the end, but it's good! I just love that Jace! He is the perfect man by far! Cute, smart and he knows a good thig when he sees one and doesn't look to what the world "thinks" is nice, but what HE knows is nice! Don't want to spoil too much, but this book is worth every cent and you will not be disapointed! My first Jude book and I bought the rest! ^^
Rating:  Summary: A Depressing Let-Down Review: The first thing I thought when I started to read this book was, "Please don't let her lose weight at the end!" Of course, what happens? (Trust me- this doesn't ruin the plot or anything) Towards the end of the book, Nellie's fairy godmother makes her skinny. What point does that serve? As a plus-size woman (who happens to be engaged to a man who loves every ounce of me), it was utterly depressing to see that, even though Jace loved Nellie before she lost weight, that Jude had to make her skinny. I guess she just couldn't be happy being a "fatso," as everyone in the book constantly refers to her. No matter what any of the other reviewers here say, this book is NOT uplifting. It reinforces the horrible negative stereotype that women can't live happily ever after carrying a few extra pounds. I love Jude, but if you've ever had any sort of weight problem at all, skip this depressing, stereotype-promoting piece of garbage written by a woman who had obviously never known the feeling of being told, "She has such a pretty face... if only she wasn't so FAT."
Rating:  Summary: Another wonderful tale in the Montgomery saga. Review: Nellie Grayson was her family's slave, so belittled that she turned to food for comfort. Jace Montgomery, finally recovering from his wife's death in childbirth, has come to town to visit cousin Kane Taggert and his wife, Houston. Jace is immediately taken by Nellie, seeing a beautiful woman, not a fat, frumpy old maid. He must fight Nellie's loyalty to her family and their machinations to keep Nellie at their beck and call. Complicating the matter is a deceased woman's gift of three wishes to Nellie in an attempt to win her way into heaven.Although the "fairy godmother" seemed out of place in the beginning, her importance to the story soon makes sense. A visit with the Montgomerys and their extended family is always a pleasure, but to have a plus-size heroine who is admired by the hero is wonderful. Having her lose weight seemed silly and wrong.
Rating:  Summary: My All Time Favorite Romance Novel Review: This has to be one of Jude Deveraux's best books. I have read this book a couple of times and recommended to all my friends! The magical plot and laugh out loud fun in this book will have you wanting more. If you enjoy a little fantasy with your romance you will love this one.