Rating:  Summary: Cop Out! Review: Someday I will hear an argument for "polyamory" that will sound reasonable and will not resort to emotional blackmail and childish uninformed put downs of monogamous relationships and those who prefer them. This isn't it.
Rating:  Summary: This book belongs up there with Dianetics and all its spawn. Review: That a great many people have trouble committing to or remaining in a serious monogamous relationship does not in any way make controlled infidelity a respectable institution. What bugs me about this book is not so much its attempt to legitimize promiscuity but that in order to achieve validation for her behavior the author finds it necessary to imply that we monogamous people are somehow "limited" in our ability to love. Oh, spare me. This isn't "new" or "revolutionary," whether you accept the Gospel According to Heinlein or not. It's not the wave of the future; it's a regression to pack behavior.I find it an interesting coincidence that both polyamory and Mormonism are on the rise.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty limited appeal, but may be relevant to some Review: The author is surely correct to point out that in modern cultures, strict monogamy is minimally practiced. Deviations include extra-marital affairs and serial monogamy, that is, divorce and remarriage. Based on this reality, the author actually advocates for responsible non-monogamy, or polyamory, which involves a wide range of sexual relationships involving at least three individuals in the same period of time. The author assures the reader that polyamory is not the equivalent of "swinging," but the differences seem to be negligible. She suggests "coming out" and joining polyamory groups, the sole purpose of which is to gain intimate partners. However, generally, loving relationships are not dependent on being formed in groups where sex is obviously foremost. To the author, polyamory is an honest approach to life. Negative emotions like jealously have to be overcome. And there is some truth to that. But she downplays the realities of life in maintaining even one relationship. For those who work fulltime with countless family responsibilities including the raising of children, the demands of establishing and maintaining a second relationship without severely impacting the first would be daunting to say the least. Furthermore, it is asking a lot of the other partner to accept extra-marital relationships regardless of any attempts at honesty. The difficulties go way beyond jealousy. It is no wonder that in the interests of self- and marital-preservation that most affairs are kept discreet. It is difficult to see where the concept of polyamory has a whole lot of validity for the general population. A general life-style of polyamory would seem to appeal to those with strong sexual proclivities, with few real-world, time-consuming commitments. Needless to say, this book is not going to be the basis of a surge of uninhibited, multi-partnered individuals. Most people are just not that obsessed with sex.
Rating:  Summary: So much more needed to be said in so many more words. Review: The book is a very helpful resource for those interested in nonmanogomy. But it seems to lack some of the convention, get the ball rolling material that Ethical Slut presents. But what makes this book by far better is the the series of pages where it asks you to examine yourself and see if you are prepared to embark on this adventure of growth. It's too bad though, that the way in which those pages are handled. The material is written so ligthly that I would imagine people would simply read through them and assume that they are prepared and can handle such things. Those pages that ask if you are ready, are the marrow of the book for me. I would have loved chapters devoted to each of those page long statements. But instead, you get the classic chapter on jealousy. I could tell that the author knows quite a bit about what she is writing about. However it doesn't ccome across in the arrangement of the book or the language that she uses to express the information. The sentences and messages seemed so trivial and didn't carry with it the weight that I feel the book needed.
Rating:  Summary: So much more needed to be said in so many more words. Review: The book is a very helpful resource for those interested in nonmanogomy. But it seems to lack some of the convention, get the ball rolling material that Ethical Slut presents. But what makes this book by far better is the the series of pages where it asks you to examine yourself and see if you are prepared to embark on this adventure of growth. It's too bad though, that the way in which those pages are handled. The material is written so ligthly that I would imagine people would simply read through them and assume that they are prepared and can handle such things. Those pages that ask if you are ready, are the marrow of the book for me. I would have loved chapters devoted to each of those page long statements. But instead, you get the classic chapter on jealousy. I could tell that the author knows quite a bit about what she is writing about. However it doesn't ccome across in the arrangement of the book or the language that she uses to express the information. The sentences and messages seemed so trivial and didn't carry with it the weight that I feel the book needed.
Rating:  Summary: very good Review: This book always comes up in discussions about polyamory and its many forms. It is a great intro to polyamory, as well as a good reference for people already into the poly lifestyle. I found some important parts to be geared more for later in the relationship rather than introductory. But all in all, an excellent resource for polyamory.
Rating:  Summary: Been there, Done that Review: This book is for people that like to sleep around. It is a sad & poor try for them to try to convents (to Brainwash) the people that love them into thinking it is ok for them to sleep with anyone they please any time they want. Do not be fooled by these people or this book. The book is a try to make you feel less of a loving person & a person that is not deserver a loving relationship, If you yourself cannot or will not accept this slutish behavior. The Polyamory people, the lifestyle, & this book Labors under the belief that they are some how are better then The rest of us. And have all the answer. Because, they like to sleep around with anyone that will give them half a look. The Book attempts to brainwash you into the Idea that you are not Evolved enough as a human, Or are too childish if you do not to let them sleep round. The LIMITS that are in this book are true commitment to a person & the Respect the ones shows there lover. The Basic is if you love me you will let me sleep around & be Ok with it & be there for me and MY needs when there is nobody better around. No matter how much it may hurt you. Because, the Polyamory person only thinks of themselves and this book shows them how to justify it. Also you will let me sleep around even if you hate the other person or even If they carry STD's. The only thing that gets in the way of a Polyamory relationships are morals & commitment. This book is a handbook for these people that are too chicken and/or too lazy to have a commented relationship. This book try to show you how to throw any morals you have out the window for good. And to get your lover to also do that. This book is a "how to" on how to sleep with a different person every night of the week and how to try and justify it. How to get your lover to be ok with it & I'll see you when & if I can. And if nobody better comes along in the meanwhile. I can even abandon you over seas for a drug dealer,I just meant. Be ok with this....... Chapter 8 on "Relationship skills" Steps to successful Polyamory relationship; It shows ways on how to brainwash people into believing it's all ok . And there is something wrong with you if you do not think the same. It however does not tell you what to do when you get your heart broken or get a STD or even AIDS. Because, that is what you are going to get. In a Polyamory relationship however the polly people think they are too smart to get any of these STD's ("I won't get a STD I know too much about the people that I am bed popping with" (Doesn't that fall under famous last words?) The author being a Dr. must know a lot about manipulative Behavior. And this book is a textbook case in manipulating someone into looking the other way as the Polly person sleeps their way around the world and right into the CDC. However,it does not work. Because, most of us have morals & do not want to be sluted around on. That is were the book falls short. The number one book to buy with this one is "The Ethical slut" That alone should tell you vol. about the polyamory lifestyle. If you are so unfortunates to be in a relationship with one of these moral bankrupted people &/or in with Aids By Graubard, The Truth about Herpes By Sacks, Everything you need to know about Sexually Transmitted disease By Woods & Rosen, 52 ways to mean a broken heart By Gordon, Healing a Broken Heart By Nelson. I am staying anonymous Because I am to ashamed to let people know that I was taken in but one of these sluts. And let her ruin my life.
Rating:  Summary: Definitive, but also try "Future of Love" Review: This is the classic, definitive, somewhat intellectual book on Polyamory. However, if you want to know why polyamory is important for everyone to understand, read "The Future of Love", by Daphne Rose Kingma. She is a mainstream "relationship book" author who discovered that her own advice was lacking and gives the clearest explanation of why conventional monogamous relationships are now in upheaval and what the alternatives are.
Rating:  Summary: Great information to help you decide... Review: This was really a wonderful book! Monogamy is not the only relationships out there and many people do and are entitled to ployamorous relationships if they so choose. This still by no means doesn't mean you can't have a committed primary relationship, this is something that can be shared within that relationship between both. There are so many different ways to be considered polyamorous and this book does cover that. There are helpful hints for being compassionate and how you deal with the jealousy. This book gives you a lot of realistic information very helpful and useful and discusses the pros and cons. I highly recommend this book
Rating:  Summary: A Must Have For Those Considering Polyamory Review: When I fell into the idea of polyamory years ago, I just kind of made up the rules as I went along. If I had had this book, I wouldn't have made the mistakes that I did....but it was also reassuring to find that I'd gotten some things right by pure instinct. This book is a fantastic primer for anyone just considering a polyamorous relationship, and yet still a great help for those of us already involved in the lifestyle. I know that my husband, Chris, and my wife Gena, and I, couldn't do without it, it really helps us get over the rough spots of poineering a new lovestyle. Especially helpful are the chapters about jealousy, and coming out of the closet to friends and family. I absolutlely, completely reccommend this book not only to polyamorous families, but their friends and birth families as well. It explains in detail all the things that one needs to know. A must have!