Rating:  Summary: Pure Magic! Review: Gaelen Foley's Ascension trilogy (The Pirate Prince, Princess, and Prince Charming) is one of the best historical romance series I've ever read. Foley's characters are vivid, compelling, and human. Their relationships are complex, believable, and HOT. The setting is a Mediterranean fantasy land; after reading the books, I felt as if I had been on a tropical cruise! The plots are breathtakingly exciting. I kept thinking, "What on earth will happen next?" and couldn't wait to turn the page and find out. I read the three books as fast as I could, but was sad when my vicarious adventures in Ascension came to a close. Absolutely delightful!
Rating:  Summary: Being royal ain't all that! Review: Having now read all of the books in the Ascencion trilogy, you come away with the feeling that being royal kinda sucks! You get told what to do, when to do it, how to do it, forced into marriages you don't want and on top of all that there are the abduction and assasination attempts. Sheesh! Are the perks worth it? That's what Rafe might wonder as he struggles to assert himself as Prince in the shadow of his larger than life father, the god-like King Lazar. Rafe made a serious and careless mistake when he was 19 that haunts him to this day and makes him feel inadequate to succeed his father. As a tender young lad, he made the mistake of falling for an older, treacherous woman who wound up betraying Ascencion to the French based on information she stole from Rafe. Ascencion survived (thanks to the scrumptious Darius!) but Rafe has never lived it down or forgiven himself 10 years later. Now no one takes him seriously, so why even try? Poor baby - though a spoiled, self indulgent pleasure seeker, you just can't help but love Rafe! He's sweet, good natured, easy going, funny and a lot smarter than people give him credit for. You really root for him to finally grow up and get over himself and take control of his life. Lady Daniela Chiaramonte has lived a completely different kind of life. The life of former aristocrats who have lost everything. Her father ruined the family with drink and gambling after losing his wife in childbirth. Now Dani must find some way to make ends meet, take care of Grandfather and pay the taxes. So she becomes a highwayman robbing the rich carriages of the prince's idle, useless friends and sets about redistributing the wealth. But one night, she robs the wrong coach - the Prince's - and narrowly escapes with her life. But her friends are caught and she must try to rescue them. She is caught in the attempt and is brought before the Prince who had met and attempted to seduce Lady Daniela before discovering that she is the infamous (and popular) Masked Rider. He offers her a deal - marry him and she saves herself and her friends and helps the prince to improve his standing with the people of Ascencion. Dani is stunned by the offer but has no choice but to accept. Secretly, though, she is attracted to this golden prince who could have any woman in the world. How can she, an unsophisticated tomboy hold onto a man like that? From there, we deal with trust issues, court intrigue, blossoming romance, possible poisoning and Machiavellian plotting. Can the fragile feelings building between Rafe and Dani survive it all? I just adore all of Gaelen Foley's books. Her characters are realistic, flawed, interesting and lovable. I know some took issue with the parenting of Allegra and Lazar, but I think it was all the more realistic that they were not the perfect parents. Royal parents rarely are as demonstrated regularly by the royal families of England, Monaco, etc!
Rating:  Summary: HI READERS! A NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR... Review: Here are some early reviews of PRINCE CHARMING that I wanted to share with you: A TOP PICK OF THE MONTH from Romantic Times - 4 1/2 Stars plus a KISS Award! "A wildly adventurous, sexy tale. Pulse pounding adventure, thrilling repartee and breathless passion swirl around the reader as they devour another delicious morsel from the multi-talented Ms. Foley." --RT "A smart, dashing story that takes off like a shot. Rafe and Dani are wonderfully complex characters. Ms. Foley is a compelling storyteller whose vibrant images and scintillating prose capture the imagination of the reader and sweep them along on a grand adventure." --Rendezvous "Once you begin reading PRINCE CHARMING, you will not want to put it down." --WCRG "PRINCE CHARMING is a book I recommend to those looking for a slightly more complex and realistic romance. Captured my imagination from the start. The reason this book succeeds is because of Prince Rafie, and his transformation from selfish playboy to a loving man among men." --All About Romance "Gaelen Foley gives her readers a fast paced and sexy story with a hero who truly deserves the title PRINCE CHARMING." --Subversion Thanks for reading. Enjoy! Gaelen
Rating:  Summary: Truly Wonderful! Review: I adored this series and wish it didn't have to end. Please say it isn't so! Prince Rafael was simply wonderful and Lady Daniela made me smile. You will not regret reading this series!
Rating:  Summary: Un-put-down-able! Review: I applaud Gaelen Foley for writing this stunning novel. No way could I put this one down! For the past two nights I've been reading up into the wee hours, unable to stop (even for sleep), to see what would happen to Rafael and his lovely `ginger cat,' Dani. You know, from the moment they meet, that these two are destined for one another. They are so well-matched--in wits, intelligence, and cunning. Rafe is irresistible as Dani is adorable; and as the sophisticated rake takes in the virginal country bumpkin, the reader can only expect sparks to fly--which they do! Granted that there aren't enough love scenes, the romance is definitely there. I guess my only real pet peeve is when Rafe returns to his mistress. Although Foley keeps the encounter brief--and knowing that it plays a crucial role in Rafe's reformation as an incorrigible rake--it still was disturbingly graphic!
PRINCE CHARMING is my second Foley novel--with PRINCESS being the first. I have to say that out of the two, the former is far better than the latter. Perhaps my preference falls for Rafael's story, because I too find him so irresistible. Actually, that's half the truth; but really, it's the transformation that Rafe undergoes in this novel. He finally grows up and learns to take responsibility. Furthermore, he finally opens his heart and takes a chance on love. Rafe and Dani's relationship is really what drives this story and what makes it so poignant and compelling. I rate PRINCE CHARMING as one of the best romances that I've ever read. It's one of those stories that you never want to end. I wish I could give it 10 stars! It's a KEEPER.
Rating:  Summary: didn't want it to end! Review: I can't believe the Ascension trilogy is over! I simply adored reading all three books, and I was so excited to finally have read Prince Charming. The book was equally enjoyable as the first two, though I really flew through Princess even faster! This book has all of the intrigue, romance, and excitement that you've come to expect from Gaelen Foley. I can't wait until her next book comes out-who knows, with this trilogy so very popular, maybe she'll return to Ascension and write us another red hot novel filled with passion! I highly recommend the whole trilogy, though they do not need to be read in order. Happy reading!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent!!! Review: I could not put this book down! My housework went for 3 days because I wanted to go on reading about Rafe and Dani. I loved the characters. Dani with her secret dreams of Prince Rafe and then suddenly they are together....ahhhhh! I absolutely loved the writing. Gaelen Foley did a wonderful job with details of their lives, their childhood, their fears, their love. I was disappointed that I finished the story so quickly. I could have gone on reading and reading about these two. I even thought about re-reading it again...now that's pretty pitiful - I do have a life!
Rating:  Summary: Almost perfect Review: I enjoyed this book immensely. It has compelling characters, twisted intrigue and a very evil villain. Lady Daniela is courageous and loyal and prince Rafael changes very realistically from a bored peacock to a man you would like to be friends with. Luckily this book has less over the top melodrama then the previous "Princess". We can but hope that the author will continue to curbe this tendency in the future books.
Rating:  Summary: a writer to watch Review: I really enjoyed Gaelen Foley's first book, her second was good.. her third, prince charming I found to be a bit disappointing. (maybe to high of expectations..) While the plot was interesting.. I found the prose to be .. well rather sappy.. to many "my loves" and dearests.. etc. Briefly I wondered if this was the same author as the previous two novels, the style seemed so different.. (but the cover said it was.. so..) There also wasn't enough believable emotional tension and "conflict" between hero and heroine.. they fell in love so easily even though she robs him, he shoots her, she taunts him, he has her dragged to his rooms for a seduction(..humm..the perfect match) and its all resovled with a boat trip and an I love you..it just wasn't believable.. While I applaud Ms. Foley attempts to make the hero more sensitive.. I found his constant angst about his lack of responsibility a bit too much like whining.. There really didn't seem to be much substance to him.. until the last 5 pages.. Having said this.. I still think that Ms. Foley is a promising new author.. definintly better than average.. and worth watching.. For the romance addict.. this is not a "one- night" read.. for the casual reader.. its a good introduction to a "better" romance novel and a step in the right direction.
Rating:  Summary: THE JEWEL IN THE CROWN! Review: I'm exhausted because I stayed up until three a.m. to finish this magical book! PRINCE CHARMING is that good. If you like fast-paced books with well-developed characters and conflicts that are fun yet heart-tugging, you'll love PRINCE CHARMING by Gaelen Foley. The villain is very, very bad as well, not to mention facinating. I've read all three books in the Ascencion Trilogy and cannot imagine how this author is going to top herself. Rafael (Rafe the Rake) and Daniela Chiaramonte were meant for each other from the first moment of their exciting meeting to the last page. What's great about PC is that while Rafe and Dani have their differences, they also talk. And the big misunderstanding that's often problematic with romance novels is non-existent here. A truly exciting, magnifique read from rising romance star, Gaelen Foley! Don't walk, RUN out and buy all three books in this trilogy before they are gone: THE PIRATE PRINCE; PRINCESS; AND PRINCE CHARMING. You'll love them.