Setting: Isle of Ascencion, 1816 Sensuality Rating: 8 On the eve of his 30th birthday, Crown Prince Raffaele Giancarlo Ettore di Fiore feels more like a prisoner than a prince. With his every wish granted and no real work required of him, Rafe is bored. Fate intervenes when his coach is set upon by The Masked Rider, a mysterious highwayman adored by the common folk for his Robin Hood ways. Rafe foils the bandit's attack only to later discover that he's unmasked a lovely young noblewoman. Lady Daniela Chiaramonte is as strong-willed and brave as she is beautiful and when she's drawn into Rafe's world of luxury and power, she becomes an invaluable ally in the storm of events that threaten his once predictable life. With an unknown assassin plotting against the royal family, Rafe's wit, courage, and endurance is tested beyond reason. Perhaps no one but Rafe and Daniela believe that he can save the kingdom; in the end, even the powerful prince might not be able to save the woman he loves. Convoluted political intrigue, an evil villain, trusty companions, and a fascinating hero and heroine make this action-filled romance an entertaining finish for the trilogy that began with The Pirate Prince and continued with Princess. --Lois Faye Dyer