Rating:  Summary: My favorit romance Review: Whitney my love, is my favorite romance. I loved the caritors and personalitys. Every one has their own substance and allthough you love Whitney and almost hate Claton and inevitably you love him. If you have a bit of a back bone you'll love it too. Its not a romance for those who like slopy and mushy. Its has substance and drama and the heart wrenching regrett that is the hallmark of all that Judith McNaught is known for. This book make's you cry and laugh and sigh. It is my favorit romance I storngly recomend it to those who like them a little rough around the edges and want to be taken away...........
Rating:  Summary: WOW! Review: Wow! this is the first book that I have had the pleasure to read by Judith McNaught and I'm telling you it will certainly not be the last. The characters in this story were just so lovable. Whitney is hilarious as a teenager and everything a girl wishes to be when she grows up. Smart, funny, beautiful, courageous etc. Whitney's stubborn streak clashes with the domineering Clayton. What a man! Stubborn and used to getting what he wants, this self-confident duke drips with sex appeal. When these two characters come together on the page they serve to give the reader a whole spectrum of emotions. I laughed, bit my nails in anticipation, cried, cheered, and even got angry when these two were together. Clayton's brother Stephen was a riot, and just as sexy, can't wait to read up on his story. Clayton sometimes got me angry, because he quickley jumped to conclusions without finding out the facts which lead to alot of heartbreak for both characters. But he redeems himself many times, so well in fact that I, along with Whitney, swooned at this hunk of a man. I personally enjoy books where the strong personalities of two characters clash with one another; totally oblivious to the obvious attraction they have for one another, it makes for great matches of wit and entertaining arguements between two people who are too stubborn and prideful to realize they love eachother. Whitney, my love is jam packed with humour, sadness, adventure, the glitz of paris society, the wonder of english life, love, hate, jealously, wit, and so many other things that I wouln't even have time to list. A must read for anyone who knows the english language or any other language *Whitney,..* is written in!
Rating:  Summary: Well-written, but not McNaught's best work. Review: Judith McNaught is a talented storyteller, there's no denying that. Perhaps that is the reason that I was so disappointed by this book, for which I had such high hopes. There were many aspects of the book that I liked very much, but there were others that left me feeling very disturbed and unsatisfied.The unusual breadth and depth of this book surprised me. The characters are very amiable, and I was gratified by the unique rendering of Whitney's character. Like many other heroines of romance novels, she is strong-willed and a little bit of an outcast. But she is not perfect in every way (at least not in the beginning) and those who she sets her heart upon do not always requite her emotions. The story-line was full of suspense, and I kept wondering how Whitney could possibly end up with Clayton, even though the synopsis makes the outcome very obvious. I admired the twisting plot McNaught used to deal with Whitney's conflicting feelings over her childhood crush on Paul versus her betrothal to Clayton, a situation that I found most unusual. Although I found most of the story to be a refreshing change in a genre often typified by predictability, I had some rather significant qualms about the development (or lack thereof) of certain characters. One Example is Whitney's father: a central character both to the story and to Whitney's character, he virtually disappears after his purpose as a plot device to bring Clayton and Whitney together is served. He appears when it is convenient, but Whitney never really seems to dwell on him in her thoughts, even though many of her earlier actions in the book were highly influenced by her relationship with him. Likewise, the character of Nicki appears and then disappears with equal rapidity, an injustice to such well-drawn figure. These instances, however, are not nearly so grave as the flawed character of Clayton. McNaught did a fabulous job of making the reader dislike Clayton. Unfortunately, her failure to win the reader over to his side in the latter part of the book is a major obstacle to the story's success. My bias most certainly comes from my views of his abuse of Whitney - not once in the book did he ever really confront what he had done. I realize the historical context in which the story is placed has some influence, but at the same time I couldn't help but doubt Whitney's character after the way she responded - she was far too easily won by his physical overtures, without promise of real reform. However, putting aside that rather distasteful incident, my real problem lies in the development of his character thereafter. Assuming that everyone makes mistakes and he was truly sorry, perhaps one could believe in Whitney's love for him to the extent that the reader could forgive him as she did. But Clayton never really undergoes any real penance for his crime, or any true reform in the end - rather, I was astonished to find that he was often depicted as the victim when the only real victim was Whitney, time after time. There lacks a balance of power between the two characters which would proclaim the partnership which Whitney declared early on would be the only kind of marriage in which she would participate, leaving only a relationship in which the male dominates the female. A far superior example of the convincing repentance of a man for a similar crime based upon lack of faith is depicted in Teresa Medeiros's Fairest of Them All. I was hugely disappointed at the end to see no real change in Clayton's conduct after his second incident of mistreating Whitney without evidence or explanation. How can a romance be all that good if I don't think Whitney should have ended up with Clayton? There are a few instances of Clayton's love for Whitney, but they seemed very few and far between. There was far too much violence displayed, and his tenderness always seemed to be calculated and manipulative. He treated her like a child, and I don't believe the he ever really stopped thinking of her as a possession to be flaunted rather than a person to respect. Nicki was a very touching, lovable character. Even if the story-line between Whitney and Clayton proved to be far more interesting and tumultuous, I never stopped hoping for Nicki to be the victorious suitor. I commend McNaught on her ability to draw such emotional support for a minor character, and perhaps even on her wisdom for creating a character so likeable as to create a rival for Clayton in the reader's mind. But by the end, the reader should want Whitney to be with Clayton at least as much, if not more, than with Nicki - which was not the case. Whitney was a gem of a character and I never really felt that Clayton understood her worth or appreciated her as a person, which the only way that he could really love her. There are extremes of conflicting opinions over this book. Overall, it is very well-written but is not something that I would probably read again. Its appeal is more for those with a traditional view of romance, which is often associated with violence. As a reader with more modern sensibilities, I believe that McNaught's greatest mistake was in placing an incident of rape in the story-line as if it were a crime of passion and excusable in the name of love. I found it horrifying and demeaning, and I believe that Whitney should never have forgiven him, no matter how much she loved him - especially if she loved him, in fact. If you have a similar opinion, then I would definitely recommend skipping this book.
Rating:  Summary: scary and sad Review: Whitney My Love was the first book I had to set aside for a day or two before I could actually finish reading it. I was extremely disturbed by the violence in the book. When Clayton spanked Whitney ( who was his love interest, not his child!) it completely turned me off the character. I have read many books where the hero is arrogant and rude and although irritating at times, I've never thrown a book across the room in disgust. The rape scene was very real and left me with my mouth open. I couldn't bleive that Whitney tried to comfort him afterwards because she felt bad he was feeling guilty. This story left me feeling completely outraged that I, as a woman was essentially being told that out of being spanked with a riding crop, and ruthlessly raped, some kind of love could actually exist. I also find it very scary and sad that so many women aren't bothered in the least by this book.
Rating:  Summary: Great! Review: Whitney is a very tomboyish hellion who is love (and making a fool of herself) over a local boy named Paul. Her father sends her to live with her Aunt and Uncle and she vows that she will come back a make Paul hers.... Little does she know that she herself has an admirer. A very handsome, rich and royal admirer. This admirer, the Duke of Claymore seeks her out and pretends to be a local man. She abhors him, but at the same time finds his touch stimulating and his mind intriguing! Maybe he isn't such a creep afterall. But what about Paul her lifelong love? Read to find out! Also, Nicki is very dashing and debonnaire...surely Whitney won't have to choose between all 3?
Rating:  Summary: good writing.. bad story Review: I remember reading WONDERFUL reviews about this book! I drove to every bookstore in my town looking for this "must have" book.. I finally found it in a used book store.. that should have been hint number one.. So, I go home and started reading it. Judith McNaught is a wonderful writer. She had me turning the pages to find out what would happen next, but the more I turned the pages, the more annoyed I became... I read a romance novel to get all mushy, to take myself away from everything for a couple of hours.. The last thing I want to read is a romance novel where there is so much tension between the characters, only in the end for everyone to realize.. "Oops! I made a mistake!" The misunderstanding plot was used a bit much in this book.. One misunderstanding is reasonable, then get on with the couple falling in love.. This was a good book. I reccomend that you read it.. As I said it will involve you.. It may also annoy you.. Ps.. I thought the rape scene was a little messed up as well...
Rating:  Summary: DONT MISS THIS ONE! Review: Whitney, my love. This was a great book. Whitney is in love with a guy from her youth, she does some of the most outrageous stunts to get his attention. Her father sends her to paris, where Whitney blossoms into a beautiful woman, and catches the eye of someone special. It may be a long book but you wont put this one down until the last page is read. You will laugh, cry, and get so angry you'll wanna spit nails. This is a book to read, DONT MISS IT, YOU'LL REGRET IT IF YOU DO.
Rating:  Summary: OUSTANDING Review: My friend had been telling me for months that I needed to read this book, and I finally did. My only regret is that I waited so long. Emotions simply radiate from the pages, and I found myself reading for hours on end, until I physically couldn't read any longer! A truly entertainig and refreshing love story, balanced with humor and tears, and a few unexpected twists. I was surprised to see how many people were angry with the rape scene. However, I'd like to point out that you can turn on the TV or go to the movies and see far worse. Not that this excuses the rape, but it is fiction, and should be taken as part of the story, nothing more. You will fall in love with Clayton and Whitney, just like the rest of us! A classic.
Rating:  Summary: This book is unsettling Review: I finished this book last night and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I found Clayton's treatment of Whitney to be unforgiveable. On both occasions he never once gave her a chance to defend herself. I find it completely unbelieveable that she would forgive him after his horrible treatment. I actually liked Clayton's character until he abused Whitney. I am surprised the author would choose to make her leading man such a Jeykl and Hyde personality midway through the novel. I really wanted to like this book, but is has left a bitter taste in my mouth.
Rating:  Summary: Just as Great 10 Years Later Review: I loved this wonderful book the first time around. This new edition is just as great as the first edition. All romance lovers should read this wonderful book. Whitney is one of the all-time great romantic heroines. As a teenager, she is a leggy, knobby-elbowed tomboy getting into mischief. She rides astride, to the humiliation of her father. She follows her true-love, Paul, about & moons over him. She is a feisty go-getter ready to pursue the man of her dreams in a time when ladies did not say boo. Her father totally does not understand her hoydenish ways. He is humiliated to have a daughter shadowing an older man. She is hustled off to Paris to live with auntie to become educated in the ways of becoming a lady. Fortunately, she is game and enters into this as a new game. She learns to walk and talk like a lady. As any lady must be, she is much pursued and offered after. At a masquerade ball, she is spotted by a tall dark stranger who becomes enamoured with her beauty and charm. He becomes determined to possess her. Naturally, the path to true love never runs smooth. Read this wonderful romance to find out whether Whitney truly finds her love. It has become quite the style for romance writers to go back and rewrite the treasured favorites and republish them. I am fairly okay with that as long as the book quite clearly states on the OUTSIDE (not in microprint on the copyright page) that it is a reprint or a rewrite. People should not be tricked or deceived into buying an eight dollar book only to get home and be disappointed that the book was published earlier or written under and earlier pen name. Judith has played fair by clearly stating this on the cover, so she gets thumbs up! And she has a new new book coming out, so double kudos!