Rating:  Summary: EJD went "THERE," one more time!!! Review: Eric Jerome Dickey continues his line of creative illustrations of modern relationships in his latest book. Between Lovers discusses what it must be like to be in "sexual purgatory." It also strives to describe what the others in the triangle feel about the entire situation. The main character is in a constant power battle with his former fiancée's female lover, and while they both rally for the love of the same woman, they battle each other, determined to convince the other that what they have to offer is not sufficient to keep the one they both love truly happy. Men and women have such different perceptions of what love entails, and the questions the book raises are "Do either [Men or Women] have a true vision of what love actually is, and does one have more insight on the subject than the other?" As usual, his colorful language and references to real life locations makes the reader want to visit the city to meet his characters. The subject matter may be a little racy for some, but I enjoyed the style of his writing, as well as the way he presented a very sensitive subject.
Rating:  Summary: Another winner by Eric Jerome Dickey.... Review: Between Lovers is a straight-no-chaser (excuse the pun) novel full of passion, excitement, and much drama. The dialogue is rich, and will definitely draw you into the tension of these conflict-bound lovers; you won't want to stop reading until you've reached the climactic ending. Simply put, Between Lovers is about love, passion, sexuality, and the realization that your lover's life is not always as it seems, nor will it be what you think it should. With his one-of-a-kind style, Eric Jerome Dickey takes us on a sensual roller coaster ride with absolutely no inhibitions. Our reward is a uniquely touching story! A must read for anyone's list!
Rating:  Summary: CONTINUES TO AMAZE.... Review: EJ Dickey has done it again. WIth each book he continues to draw on fresh material and amaze me. Between Lovers, in my opinion, is simply an excellent book. I went to the library and thought I would read one or two chapters and be done. Not the case. I read the whole book (took me about 4 hours)...and THEN bought it to read again and support him. Dickey has not lost a thing, rather I think he may have gotten BETTER. You think you know what will happen but then something out of the blue is thrown in. This book does not have as much drama as compared to other EJD novels, but it is definitely more provocative and erotic. I'm not going to say what the book is about because you can read the preview for yourself. Other authors need to take notes from this man. My #1 (or 1a and 1b)books from EJD are FNL and Cheaters. Well, Between Lovers may just be 1c and another certified classic from EJ Dickey.... J Carter........
Rating:  Summary: Extremely DESCRIPTIVE!! Review: I have had the opportunity to read all of Mr. Dickey's books and with all honesty I can say this book left me with my mouth open! I just didn't expect the subject matter to reach such heights. The book was just so extremely descriptive, almost too descriptive in some parts. I truly enjoyed the fact that there was a limited number of characters in this book as compared to some of his previous books. This book will certainly bring out the best discussions in book circles/clubs throughout. I can't wait to read other reviews!~
Rating:  Summary: Thin plot Review: I finished this novel in a day. Not because I liked it so much, but because I could not wait to get free from the torture of reading it. It was bad. This is EJD's poorest novel yet. The plot was thin, and the characters unrealistic. Compared to Dickey's others, this novel is sub par. The novel takes place in the span of a few short days. I felt that there were myriad unresolved issues and many others were left unaddressed. I can't find enough ways to express my disappointment. Short of pointing to specific scenes and giving away the plot, I can't give examples so I will stop here. This novel was a waste of money. I don't say that lightly b/c EJD is one of my favorite authors and I have always had great respect for his talent.
Rating:  Summary: IS THREE A CROWD? Review: What would you do for love? Have you ever loved someone so much that you would sacrifice your true feelings for theirs? Have you ever loved someone so much that just to have a piece of them was better than nothing at all? Well, in Eric Jerome Dickey's latest novel, Between Lovers, we come full face with a love triangle at its worst...and its best! We are introduced to Nicole, Ayanna, and our narrator, an established author. At the apex of the triangle we have Nicole, a self-sufficient, hard working and hard loving woman who's torn between her two lovers, Ayanna (possessive and aggressive lawyer that Nicole lives with) and the narrator of the story who is Nicole's ex-fiancé that she left standing at the altar. He also happens to write about her in all his books. From the first scene we're taken into Nicole's world as she juggles both lovers from day to day and instance to instance; ensuring that she remains aware of who's "dime" she's on. We are thrust into the world of this threesome in a hard-hitting way that leaves you breathless, wondering what will happen next, and a bit intrigued with the whole situation. Nicole is adamant about loving both of them and doesn't plan to give up either, so she tells them that if they love her, they will all come together as one and allow her to continue loving both of them. Both of her lovers are hesitant and combatant at their first meeting, yet they throw aside their caution and dive into a relationship of one man and two women with Nicole setting all the rules and demands. Will this arrangement work? Better yet, who gets to go first with Nicole and what affect does it have on them all? And, will the two lovers settle with pleasing Nicole only or will they venture out and try to test the waters of a full-blown threesome by loving each other? This is definitely a book that I would recommend to others and it is my favorite Dickey book to date, of the three I've read. The writing is smooth, sensual, and written in a manner that makes you wonder if an arrangement of this sort can survive. Dickey also does a great job of personifying the characters allowing a glimpse into the all- around aspect that makes them who they are and why they act and react as they do throughout the book. I must admit, in this type of book, you have good guys and bad guys, but I can honestly say that I hated all the characters at times and then other times I loved them. I didn't know who to root for to end up with Nicole or if she deserved either of them. To this novel Dickey also adds a cast of supporting antagonists in the form of Nicole's Bible-Thumping, Chicken-Carrying, Perfume- Wearing Mother, the narrator's Father, a famous Activist and Minister, and also the narrator's best friend, a comedian with a "player" mentality. All of these characters add to the book in many ways, bringing both humor and sadness to the forefront. And, while I'm being honest, I will admit that I did not expect nor necessarily like the ending, but I did love the way Dickey told it and I found myself smiling and reflecting on all the things that go on "between lovers." I would definitely recommend this book to others and would also list it as one of my best reads for the year. Reviewed by Tee C. Royal
Rating:  Summary: Exceptional writing Review: Between Lovers is the story of one man and two women who agree to an unusual love triangle. A man and woman openly and willingly divvy up the lips, bed, mind, and soul of another woman and they believe that this arrangement is doable, acceptable, and something that they're willing to endure because of their love for that one woman and her love for them. The center of this emotionally fascinating, yet disturbing relationship is Nicole, a woman who loves deep, loves hard, and if she has things her way, the two people to whom she wants to give all her love are a nameless male writer from Los Angeles, and an aggressive woman named Ayanna. The man is actually Nicole's former fiancé and Ayanna is the individual whose existence caused Nicole to change her mind about marrying him.
I really enjoyed this book for a number of reasons. For one, the story was written from one person's point-of-view, which is a different read for me from Eric Dickey. However, the writing wa!s detailed and thorough enough so that you're given a complete picture regarding the characters: the writer, Nicole, Ayanna, and especially Nicole's deeply religious mother, and the writer's father, a civil rights activist.
I also really liked the fact that the main characters have living parents. Sometimes their presence helps the reader to understand the main characters a little better. The novel is structurally sound: no noticeable gaps, great intensity, everything was done very well. I enjoyed the setting (Oakland) and the vivid writing makes you feel as if you're walking alongside the characters.
One other thing I was happy about is the word orchestration/combination of long and short sentences (as opposed to a lot of short sentences). To me this gives the novel more of a lyrical or poetic feel and I loved that aspect.
I truly believe the readers will enjoy Between Lovers once they settle down and begin to read...it is the type of story that takes you! to another place and that's what novels are supposed to do.
On the constructive side: the writer might want to watch those spellings of celebrity names...(Atlantic Starr). Sometimes those misspelled words stand out like a cop car sitting in front of your house. :)
In summary, I love that Eric's writing is evolving & going to an even higher level, and Between Lovers is wonderful evidence of that growth.
Rating:  Summary: Not his best .... by far!!!! Review: What a let down. I love Eric Jerome Dickey's books and I couldn't wait to start this, but now that I have, I can barely continue and I'm only up to page 40. I've struggled thus far and I don't know if I'll read on much more. It's a completely different style than books like Milk in My Coffee and others, but not in a good way. I am going to be very cautious about getting another book of his if this is his new way of writing. All the characters so far are idiots and it's a tough read. Don't rush out for this one. Please try harder next time, EJD!!
Rating:  Summary: not your typical EJD book Review: I usually love Eric Jerome Dickey's books, but I HATED this book. Nicole was portrayed as very selfish. I recommend any other EJD book but THIS one.