Rating:  Summary: Not an Impressive Lindsey Romance Review: "A Man to Call My Own" did not rank high on my great romances list. In fact, it is mediocre compared to some of Johanna Lindsey's other Western romances, like "Angel" or "Heart of Thunder." It can't even come close to competing with "Savage Thunder," JL's best Western romance and best novel EVER. It did have likable characters. Marion has gumption, especially in standing up to her obnoxious twin sister, Amanda. And the hero Chad has his moments of wit and interest. But they aren't fiery together. Alone, they aren't even that interesting (Colt Thunder or Chandos - two of JL's hottest Wild West heroes - could probably have entire novels about them ALONE, and I'd read it). I think the problem with "A Man to Call My Own" is in the narration. JL spends a lot of time saying this or that happened, but never describes the actual scene. For instance, pivotal to the plot is a train robbery that happens early on in the novel, but JL devotes perhaps two sentences to the entire event. She also says Amanda's a bitch and Marion is the sweet, sensible one, but we don't get too many scenes involving this. Just the statement. If JL devoted more time to fleshing out the characters, I would have warmed to them. As is, they are not that memorable. In fact, not a single scene in this novel stands out as great or exciting, which is a shame, since it had such potential with certain events and meetings. The other problem is that JL devotes this story not just to a happy ending with Marion and Chad, but also with Amanda and her beaux, AND with the twin's aunt and her beau as well. The ending is too tidy for me, too gooey happily ever after, especially following the not-too-intriguing storyline involving the dad's death. Added to that is the fact that "A Man" is a mishmash of older JL storylines. For instance, Marion wears glasses to make herself look ugly, just like Roseleen in "Until Forever" (Tanya of "Once A Princess" is more original by using makeup to hide her beauty). We also have twins changing places - just like "Joining," "Silver Angel," "Tender is the Storm," and "All I Need Is You" (which, coincidentally, involves an abandoned stagecoach, too). Then you have the plotline about the hero marrying the wrong girl, which we already saw in "The Heir." Throw in a shotgun wedding straight out of "Brave the Wild Wind" and "Angel," and you've got yourself a patchwork quilt of rehashed stories called "A Man to Call My Own." Altogether, "A Man to Call My Own" is all right if you've never read a Johanna Lindsey romance before. But serious readers would be better off going for any of the other JL's mentioned above. For a sensational Western JL experience, read about Colt Thunder and his Duchess in "Savage Thunder" or Chandos and his Cateyes in "A Heart So Wild."
Rating:  Summary: Not an Impressive Lindsey Romance Review: "A Man to Call My Own" did not rank high on my great romances list. In fact, it is mediocre compared to some of Johanna Lindsey's other Western romances, like "Angel" or "Heart of Thunder." It can't even come close to competing with "Savage Thunder," JL's best Western romance and best novel EVER. It did have likable characters. Marion has gumption, especially in standing up to her obnoxious twin sister, Amanda. And the hero Chad has his moments of wit and interest. But they aren't fiery together. Alone, they aren't even that interesting (Colt Thunder or Chandos - two of JL's hottest Wild West heroes - could probably have entire novels about them ALONE, and I'd read it). I think the problem with "A Man to Call My Own" is in the narration. JL spends a lot of time saying this or that happened, but never describes the actual scene. For instance, pivotal to the plot is a train robbery that happens early on in the novel, but JL devotes perhaps two sentences to the entire event. She also says Amanda is a bitch and Marion is the sweet, sensible one, but we don't get too many scenes involving this. Just the statement. If JL devoted more time to fleshing out the characters, I would have warmed to them. As is, they are not that memorable. In fact, not a single scene in this novel stands out as great or exciting, which is a shame, since it had such potential with certain events and meetings. The other problem is that JL devotes this story not just to a happy ending with Marion and Chad, but also with Amanda and her beaux, AND with the twin's aunt and her beau as well. The ending is too tidy for me, too gooey happily ever after, especially following the not-too-intriguing storyline involving the dad's death. Added to that is the fact that "A Man" is a mishmash of older JL storylines. For instance, Marion wears glasses to make herself look ugly, just like Roseleen in "Until Forever" (Tanya of "Once A Princess" is more original by using makeup to hide her beauty). We also have twins changing places - just like "Joining," "Silver Angel," "Tender is the Storm," and "All I Need Is You" (which, coincidentally, involves an abandoned stagecoach, too). Then you have the plotline about the hero marrying the wrong girl, which we already saw in "The Heir." Throw in a shotgun wedding straight out of "Brave the Wild Wind" and "Angel," and you have yourself a patchwork quilt of rehashed stories called "A Man to Call My Own." Altogether, "A Man to Call My Own" is all right if you've never read a Johanna Lindsey romance before. But serious readers would be better off going for any of the other JL's mentioned above. For a sensational Western JL experience, read about Colt Thunder and his Duchess in "Savage Thunder" or Chandos and his Cateyes in "A Heart So Wild."
Rating:  Summary: WILL THE REAL JOHANNA LINDSEY PLEASE STAND UP?!?!? Review: ... What happened? What is really going on? I have read all of Johanna Lindsey's book and I have not been this disappointed since "The Pursuit". This book was so slow and when it got to the end, I was left hanging. On an average if the book is good I can read it in under four hours. This book took me 3 days and the only reason i keep reading it is because I paid [$$$] for it. Johanna Lindsey is a great writer, I just think her publishing company is hold her back from the same writing style as the Johanna of old. To see her earlier more creative work? Read Fires of Winters. This book is a Johanna classic
Rating:  Summary: Four and 1/2 Stars for A Man to Call My Own. Refreshing!!! Review: A truly refreshing new novel from Johanna Lindsey. I know there are several readers who were quite put out with the "stable scene", but I think it did have enough lead to get to that particular scenario. Although, this book is nothing compared to Ms. Lindsey's previous offerings (Gentle Feuding, Angel, etc) but it sure is a refreshing change from the four stories preceding (The Pursuit, The Heir, etc.) "A Man to Call My Own".
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as others Review: As much as I hate to say it, I have to agree with the reviewers who would place this book into the wait until paperback category. I usually find the characters in Lindsey's books engaging and interesting. I wasn't particularly interested in any of the characters in this book. The good twin is depicted as a compassionate woman and a fighter who nevertheless hides her good looks in order to spare the men who are attracted to her the scathing tongue of her sister. Any man not capable of standing up to that kind of belittling probably isn't worth the time of day anyway, IMO. Then the good twin (sorry, she's so boring I can't remember her name) meets the man of her dreams, can't be honest to him, drives him a way, then has sex with him at the earliest opportunity and all of a sudden we're supposed to believe she "loves" him. I'm tempted to believe that I've just become jaded but I was rereading The Pursuit this morning and it's clear that this book is poorly written/developed in comparison.
Rating:  Summary: Wish I hadn't paid for a hardcover!! Review: Gosh,What happened to my fav Johanna ?? Has she lost her scruples and morals for her characters ? ..I really was not sympathetic to Marion, she was such a tattle and in a sneaky and underhanded "I'm concerned" type of way (I call that passive aggression) Also her I'm the "ugly" twin role-playing was lost on me and went on too long. As to the stable "lovin" she got... what was that ? Good Heavens. At this point I quit reading and frankly didn't even finish the book. Sorry I coundn't be more positive but I was disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: LOVED IT!! Review: I absolutely loved this book! I am a huge fan of Johanna Lindsey and she does it again with this book!!! I recommend this book to anyone who likes a light romance with some hot scenes included but also if you are like me and love those Cowboys then this is the book for you!!!
Rating:  Summary: Very boring book Review: I am a big fan of Johanna Lindsey except for this book. I thought it was very boring. I had trouble reading it because it just didn't hold my interest. The story line is sort of cute. Two sisters fighting for the same cowboy (or so it seems). The end is a surprise. It's a very expensive book for what we received. Maybe it should have been a paperback.
Rating:  Summary: This must have been written by Johanna 's no talent twin!! Review: I am a serious Johanna Lindsey fan and bought this book at the grocery store instead of my usual way - via Amazon. It is too bad I was not able to see the reviews beforehand. What a poorly written work and a barely plausible story. I am so disapointed in Ms. Lindsey. There must be something else happening here that we don't know about. Was she rushed through this by her publisher? Has she gambled away her writers fortune and desperately needed a quick influx of cash? Was somebody holding her first born captive while they forced her to write this? Who knows? I do know that you should not buy this book - it is a complete waste of money. However, don't ignore Lindsey. Her other efforts are nothing less than amazing! Come back, Johanna!! We'll pay for the little ones ransom!!
Rating:  Summary: Not bad, not good Review: I certainly will never give Johanna lindsey less than three stars,but I was sorely tempted to on this one. All in all, this was not a horrible book, it just had way too much thinking and not a lot of doing on the characters parts. The two lead characters should have had a lot more interaction together for me to honestly believe that they could fall in love. Rarely did they speak to each other in this novel, and when they did, they didn't seem to click together. Passion was lacking, and so was all emotion other than confusion over whether the hero knew who he was dealing with...the good twin or the mean twin. Still, I read this novel in one sitting so it did have some redeeming qualities. However, I would much rather read her regency novels on the Mallory's or her earlier works set in medieval times.