Rating:  Summary: Amanda Cynster takes the plunge Review: I loved the characters and of course revisiting all the characters from the Bar Cynster series. Amanda was quite determined to get Martin as well as his love. Bravo, I love a happy ending.
Rating:  Summary: Terriffic! Review: Stephanie Laurens has lived up to her reputation with On A Wild Night. It was amusing, sensual, tension filled. Everything you would expect out of Ms. Laurens exeptional writing. I truly enjoyed this book from cover to cover. I can't wait for Ameila's story to come out. Great job Ms. Laurens.
Rating:  Summary: Couldn't put it down!!! Review: This was one of the best romances I've read in a while. The story kept me glued to the pages and the love scenes-wonderful! I did get a little frustrated with Amanda's drawn out refusal to marry Martin but the erotic rendezvous it generated more than made it worth while. Both characters were strong and intellegent and their mind games stimulating. I was also surprised at how easily Amanda was able to get around, but again, the story was so captivating I had little time to dwell on waht "reality" would have been. Fabulous read, my favorite Cynster novel yet. Can hardly wait to read Amelia's story.
Rating:  Summary: Unrealistic but lots of fun for fans Review: I was looking forward to the continuation of the Cynster series and also to the notion of a female Cynster. If you are a fan of this series, and I am, then you will enjoy this one even with its flaws. The biggest problem that I found is one several other reviewers remarked upon - the ability for a young woman of Amanda's class to venture safely through the less savory edges of society is highly unlikely if not practically impossible for the time period. There was just enough explanation/excuse offered to enable me to suspend judgement enough to enjoy the plot. However, the larger fault to me was the lack of character development and the dependence on the sex scenes to carry the day -Laurens can do better than that, and has! So although I enjoyed Amanda's story and will buy and read (an hopefully enjoy Amelia's) I'm fairly sure that I won't want to re-read it down the road!
Rating:  Summary: What a disappointment--I wanted to give it no stars Review: I had to struggle to finish this one. The Bar Cynster series has had its mix of good and bad, but at least you could sort of go along with the plot. Maybe I was expecting another hero like Chillingworth, not in this book. Yes Martin, (the hero) is big, strong, handsome, etc. but what a wimp. He has a murder hanging over his head for 10 years and does nothing about it! Amanda does all the running here. She is annoying, really. Not what I thought she would be like. She decides to go to the places in the ton where she will find someone like her cousins, not at the balls-at the gaming hells etc. Even if you go along with this, no one tells her male cousins she's there? You know the Bar Cynster guys have enemies and rivals that would love to let them know she's fooling around. This story wasn't even remotely believable. Oh, the sex--just about in every chapter--boring. I like to see sex in these stories, but as part of the plot, not instead of it. The best part of the book was on page 280 when Martin's cousin tells Amanda off. Way to go! What it really boils down to is that I wanted to like this book, tried and just couldn't. At a [money]cover price I feel cheated.
Rating:  Summary: Believe me, you've been here before. Review: I suppose that my biggest problem with this book is that the major characters never take the time to fall in love. Amanda meets Martin once and decides to pursue him. And the pursuit is so very predictable - rogue takes innocent to dens of iniquity. Then once Martin is "caught" the story is stretched out as Amanda tries to force him to admit that he loves her. Neither character receives more than surface development. This is book without Cynster fire and humor. Too bad.
Rating:  Summary: Cynster Genes breed true! Review: I had to wonder if it was possible to write a Cynster novel with a woman as the central character - after all, the Cynster men just about define the alpha/testosterone hero!! But Stephanie Laurens has risen to the challenge and succeeded admirably with this book. Amanda and Amelia Cynster, twins and terrors, are now eligible, beautiful adults (well, physically anyway). But they're bored with the current crop of potential husbands and decide to make their own lists. Amanda finds her future mate, Lord Martin Dexter, in the dark underbelly of society. I was a little puzzled by the freedom Amanda obviously enjoyed to visit such places, but the charm of the story and the delightful characters offset this minor plot glitch. Amanda is a Cynster, through and through, intelligent, independent and manipulative to her own ends. Martin is the perfect foil - handsome, sensual, and controlling - sparks between these two are inevitable. As we have come to expect from this fine writer, the sex is hot, the plot exciting, and the strong sense of family permeates the book. It's a delight for any historical romance fan - for Cynster-lovers, it's a must-read!!!
Rating:  Summary: STILL FRESH&WILDLY WONDERFUL!! Review: So often I have found even among my favorites authors a tendency to present a slightly weaker character with a bit of overusage of the same plots when writing series, sequels, etc.....NOT SO with Stephenie Laurens and the Cynsters. I have to admit that I have enjoyed the last three books in the series even more than some of the first. Amanda's story is fresh with a superb plot and wonderful charaters, both new and old. It was great to be reaquainted with Devil, Vane, etc. and meet Luc and Reggie. The next few days are going to seem forever waiting for Amelia's book.
Rating:  Summary: Smart and Sexy Review: So far, all we've read about are the Cynster men, the devilish rascals known as the Bar Cynster. Finally, we get to see what their women are like...Well, they're deserving of the Cynster name, that's for sure. They're beautiful, extremely intelligent, and determined to only marry for love. Only problem is, with six former rogues watching their every move, they're not meeting the sort of men they're looking for-men just like their cousins used to be. Now, at twenty-three, Amelia and Amanda have decided to take matters into their own hands. Amanda chooses to frequent the less-than-reputable haunts the Cynster men preferred in their hell-raiser days. On her first foray out she's "rescued" by Martin Fulbridge, Earl of Dexter, and decides he might be the one she's been looking for. Right away, she knows it will take a great deal of patience and all her wit if she wants to tame this particular lion. But she can play the game, and she's determined to win it. Accused ten years ago of a crime he didn't commit, Martin shuns the ton in favor of the demi-monde. However, his gargantuan protective streak makes him honor-bound to ensure that Miss Cynster doesn't land herself into any more scandals; grudgingly, he accepts that the best way to do this is to accompany her himself. Although it gets increasingly difficult each time they meet, Martin resists Amanda's charms-especially since he suspects she may be after more than a simple flirt. They have agreed to a certain number of outings, after which she is to return to the safe haven of the ton and he will wash his hands of her completely. Unfortunately, with Amanda, Martin is seldom in control of the situation. It was a pleasure to get to know Amanda, although she belongs more in the 21st century than the 19th. She is seductive, resolute and self-possessed. Unlike so many heroines in historicals today, she is never brainless or silly or melodramatic, neither unrealistic or a spoiled brat. She is a master of the social scene, and can run rings around just about anyone. And Martin isn't bad either. Together they create passages so sensual that they will leave you panting. There isn't much to the murder-mystery thrown in, but the appearance of characters like Lady Osbaldestone, the familiar old martinet, and impossible-to-shake Percival Lytton-Smythe, fiance in his own mind, more than make up for the paper-thin whodunit. ON A WILD NIGHT is also peppered with subtle hints about Amelia's pursuits, and leaves the reader little doubt as to her unsuspecting quarry. By the way, many who know her say that Amelia is just like Amanda, except quieter...and more stubborn.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful! Sexy! Hot! True Cynsterish! Review: Stephanie Laurens has done it again. I think this book about Amanda Cynster and the Earl of Dexter is probably the best book in the whole series. I can't wait to read Amelia's story. Amanda is definitly a true Cynster, down to her tiny little feet and Martin, the Earl of Dexter is so very like the Bar Cynster that the melding of the two was riveting. If you have never read any of Ms. Laurens books, and I can't imagine there are many who have not, start with the first book and read all the way to On a Wild Night. Makes you wish there were Cynsterish men out there for real today.