Rating:  Summary: Wow - This was Great! Review: I also hadn't heard of Suzanne Brockmann but was looking for some type of fantasy reading and picked it up at the drug store. I absolutely could not put it down. I was up too late last night and got up too early this morning to get through it. The story was wonderful (although as an aside - I'm afraid, that a story like this just reinforces the idea that men and women shouldn't be in combat together). Like everyone else, I'm dying to read about Sam and Alyssa. And, like several other reviewers - I didn't care for the WWII storyline. There was plenty to keep this book interesting and, after about half the book, I skimmed or skipped the WWII part. I'll have to go out and read the book that starts Sam and Alyssa's romance. And, I'm a little disappointed that it seems WildCard will be the next installment (although, it sounds intriguing). It seems that Sam and Alyssa deserved their own book, but by the end of the next one, what will be left for them? Suzanne Brockmann - Thanks!
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Suzanne Brockman's best to date! Review: Interesting characters, plenty of action and suspense, steamy and believable love scenes.....what more could a romance reader ask for? Suzanne Brockman's SEAL team men are the most realistically written romance heroes in quite a while. Not perfect, and with all the quirks of "real" men. Her female characters are strong and easily have you rooting for them. There are 4 different storylines going in "Over the Edge", and they are all worthy of their own book. The pain of lost love and aging are treated with respect and dignity; their toll on Helga is bittersweet. Teri and Stan are the main story here, but the romance of Alyssa and Sam moves forward as well-don't worry, I don't think their tale will finish with this book! I also have to say, I'd love to see Gina and Max get a story of their own. Both are wonderful characters I really want to visit again. I literally couldn't put this one down. Started and finished it in one day! Hopefully Ms. Brockman will have the next installment of the SEAL series out earlier than planned!
Rating:  Summary: This book has everything Review: This book is absolutely fabulous. It has everything, Love, action, danger, humer, history, romance! I could not put this book down and my husband even wanted to know what was happening (and he hates books). This book also has the most tender storie that occured durring wwII. I have to get the rest of these books!
Rating:  Summary: Best Romance Novel I've Ever Read Review: I went through a phase in junior high school where I'd read romance novels all the time. I must have read at least five hundred. And they were all awful with weak, stupid women and Neanderthal men. Yet I kept reading them because I felt they should more than what they were. I stopped reading those pieces of garbage but I came across excerpts of Suzanne Brockmann's novels last year. So I picked up The Defiant Hero and Over The Edge at the library. I liked the Sam and Alyssa story in The Defiant Hero but it's this book that made me a Suzanne Brockmann fan. This book is what I expected from a romance and what those hundreds of novels lacked. I enjoyed the multiple plotlines, interaction between all the characters, and the characters themselves. One thing about other romance novels I hated was that each "hero" was the baddest, best, toughest man around. It got laughable after awhile. In this book, although each man is the best and toughest in his own way, they're not in competition with each other. Stan is amazing. He can seemingly do everything yet he doesn't feel the need to be overbearing. And Teri is the one to chase after Stan, which is also a welcome change from other romance novels. Sam and Alyssa's story is bittersweet and addictive. And Gina and Max were a pleasant surprise. I've started buying copies of this novel to give as gifts to friends.
Rating:  Summary: First book - Never Again Review: This is the first Suzanne Brockmann book I've ever read. The story was interesting & the characters seemed real. That said, I didn't like the ending with Sam & Alyssa. I can see why she didn't write a story just about them, the ending [wasn't very good]. I don't normally write reviews, and never any bad ones, but I was so annoyed with the ending of this book I decided to vent a little of that here. I'm sorry I invested time & money in this book & I will definitely NOT be buying another of her books. I know a lot of people are fans of her's & I'm sorry if this review offends them. I just personnaly don't like to read books that drag you down emotionally. I suppose that says something about her writing skills, that her characters can effect me that way. I don't expect this review to influence anyone, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who likes a happy ending.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book , i love it but .... Review: I really love this one , Stan and Teri they were perfect , wonderfull for each other . I would have give this one a 5 stars but there was something about other caracters i disliked . Since the first book ( The unsung hero ) i get to know Alyssa and Sam ; and i've been waiting for their story to develop into something real good . Now i've got to say i'm very disapointed ; Sam is such a wonderful man , fun , very atractive , kind ,etc ...i mean i think he doesn't deserve to marry someone he doesn't love and be unhappy !! I don't like it .I hate it !! I don't like Alyssa as well , she's so cruel , so cold , so stupid !!!! She doesn't deserve to be loved by a man like Sam . I haven't read OUT OF CONTROL and INTO THE NIGHT but this week the books should be delivered and i'm looking forward to it , i just don't know if i'm going to purchase GONE TOO FAR !!<
Rating:  Summary: Suzanne Brockmann's Navy Seal Team Sixteen Series Review: I've read all of Ms. Brockmann's Navy Seal Series and they are absolutely wonderful! Her books usually have two or three different threads going in each book and the way she ties them all together is great. These Navy Seal books also give great insight as to how the Navy Seal teams work and will leave you in suspense from beginning to end. I'm looking forward to the next book in the series (hopefully more will be forthcoming)!
Rating:  Summary: Not a romance fan... Review: I picked up Brockmann's "Into the Night" mostly judging by the first few sentences on the back cover. If I'd known it was a romance, I probably wouldn't have read it. The cover is not the traditional bodice ripping illustration, and that tends to make the book look like it's not in that genere. After I started reading the book, I was drawn in to the world Brockmann created and began to read the rest of the series from the first book. So far, "Over the Edge" stands out as the best book in the series. Although Brockmann's plots exist secondarily, in place only as background for two characters to get together, this story of the hijacked airliner really kept me turning the page to see what would happen next. The character of Max Bhagat really shines in this one. I'd like to read more about him. In many ways he is more intriguing than any of the Navy SEALS who make up the crux of this series. I could do without the World War Two stuff though. I've gotten to the point where I skim it rather than actually read that part. Brockmann's strength is in her dialogue. Dialogue is difficult to make real, and some authors never manage to get it right. In this case, the words the characters say are what make me keep coming back for more. I'm not a romance fan, and I could care less about reading love scenes, but some of the things these guys say to each other have me laughing out loud and smiling to myself whenever I think about it later. I'll keep reading Brockmann's work on the strength of her conversations between characters.
Rating:  Summary: I LOVE THIS BOOK! Review: I loved this book so much! It was in a pile of books my mom had been given and i needed something to read, so I took it. It only took me a day to read through it. I loved it so much. Ms. Brockmann is definitely a great writer. At times I wanted to jump for joy, cry, smile....just every emotion possible. I love romance/suspense novels and this was definitely it. I immediately fell in love with the SEALs of team 16. I wish I could meet them in person.(dont worry, I know they're not real..I just wish they were so I could) I literally cried from joy and sorrow and the book took my breath away at times. When I finished reading I could barely see a thing cause my eyes were so blurry for reading for so long.
Rating:  Summary: Loved it, loved it, loved it!!! Review: Wow!!! This was my first Suzanne Brockman book, and I literally could not put it down. I'm very demanding when it comes to romance thrillers. So many authors overemphasize either the romance, or the thriller, yet Ms. Brockman delivered capably on both fronts. I liked the fact that she was chronicling several romances at once. These relationships were so believable, written with a lot of humor. My favorite scene is where Stan tells Muldoon he must be crazy if he doesn't think Teri's the sexiest woman on the planet. Stan's description of Teri was down-to-earth,yet eloquent, beautiful and moving. Also, the scene where Teri FINALLY makes the move on Stan was delicious. I loved the fact that Stan and Sam, although obviously strong men, weren't afraid to be emotional in front of their women. This is so unusual in romance novels, and I applaud Ms. Brockman for it. I did have a few complaints, though. First, Teri and Stan did a little too much waffling with each other. It made want to ask, "Are you two adults, or not? Get on with it, already!!" Yes, drawing out the conflict can create yummy anticipation, but at some point it gets tiring. Second, the character of Helga Schuler, who was valiantly battling Alzheimers, seemed out of place to me. She served almost no purpose in the book, and her connection to Stan and her "save-the-day" moment at the end of the book seemed concocted to me. Therefore, although her recollections of the romance between Annebet and Hershel were moving, when reading them I found myself repeatedly asking, "Why is this here?" Third, There was so much emotional drama going on between the characters (WildCard hit the nail on the head when he joked that their military mission was looking more like an episode from the Love Boat)that I didn't find it credible that these characters could still concentrate and perform well on the mission. They all seemed a little too adept at moving from emotionally wrought lover to ice-in-their-veins military mode. Other than those minor quibbles, I thought this book was sensational. I'm definitely going to read the prior Navy seal books!!