Rating:  Summary: Keep them coming, but more focus, please Review: While this book is fast-paced, sexy and has likeable characters, I never quite fell in love with WildCard and didn't like Savannah as much as I wanted to. Jones and Molly stole the show. This time, I could have done without the WWII thread. It was interesting but really made the plotline heavy and busy. While I enjoy the various storylines, I find myself longing for focus on the main characters. I might have loved Ken a little more and enjoyed Savannah better had I gotten the opportunity to spend more quality time with them. As a sidenote to the author, I've been waiting (along with everyone else) so long for Alyssa/Sam to hook up, that when you eventually get to their story, please keep the other plotlines down to a dull roar so their story can really sing. Still and all, Suzanne Brockmann has a deft hand with weaving together the various strands of plot and creates memorable characters with distinct personalities within a book packed full of them. I recommend this book to Suzanne Brockmann fans and newcomers alike, as well as her other SEAL themed books. Jones and Molly turned out to be the real standouts here. As always, I look forward to the next installment.
Rating:  Summary: A well-written book Review: I continue to be amazed by the way in which Suzanne Brockmann weaves her stories together, combining history and the present and intertwining the action/adventure and romantic stories. I don't know how she does it, but this was one in another great stories in this series. I loved the relationship between Molly and Jones better than the main couple, Savannah & Wild Card. They could have been a book unto themselves. The only disappointment to me is the development of the Sam/Alyssa relationship (or the lack of one). So a warning to anyone that is a fan of this couple-- It seems clear that while the entire SEAL division will find their true loves, these two will not. I am very annoyed that Brockmann continued to string us along and now seems content to put Locke with Max and leave Starret with an unhappy marriage. I hope I am wrong and Brockmann has an exciting twist ahead. I know I will keep reading to find out, but it does lessen my enthusiasm for her next one. And unless Sam and Alyssa get together, even the best written plot won't excite me.
Rating:  Summary: ANOTHER SOAP SCRIPT FROM MIZ BROCKMANN Review: I have previously written a review for this book, and continue to reveiw the other ones from other readers. I am a member of a book review club and it is usally down to me to review any new authors and books. In my first review I mentioned how Miz Brockmann's way of writing is simular to watching a soap opera. We have over five hundred member's in our club, and are constantly looking for new authors. I must say I thought we had found one in Miz Brockmann, but alas I find myself unable to recommend her books for future reads. My first review was missing something and I coudn't put my finger on it. I kept comming back and reading my own and the other ones that had been posted. And then it clicked the FEEL GOOD FACTOR!! it's not there. If like me and most of my fellow members you are a housewife who at the end of the day loves to curl up with a good book and a hot cuppa, and get lost in the story and the characters in what ever book you are reading Miz Brockmann is not for you. My reading is as diverse as anyones, my book collection includes, Miz Cole, Mr Leather, Mr Grisham, Mr robbins ect, and as hard hitting as these authors are there is always a beginning a midddle and essentialy a End. Miz Brockmann as the first two off to pat but always managers to leave things up in the air. Many people have wrote about the Starret/Locke saga and I agree totally the story line is now turning back on it's self. Locke would not get involved with any one she worked with, now we are to belive she is with her BOSS!!. give us some credit, and Sam, in this day and age he would of looked after his baby but marry while he was deeply in love with Locke NEVER. There are so many characters that she really has not given a ending to Kelly/Tom what happend to them? did they marry are they still together? again no END, Gina/Max is that now going to string us a long for another few book's. Maybe Miz Brockmann thinks that these " will they wont they " will sell more books, I think going by the reviews from my members and reading the one's on Amazon it is doing the exact opposite, the feeling you are being strung a long is one you come away with after one of her books. I will review her new book In To The Fire but if like I say that essential ingredient for all book's THE FEEL GOOD FACTOR is missing. Miz Brockmann will be left on the shelf.
Rating:  Summary: Yet another wonderful story Review: Suz just keeps on putting out the hits! I really enjoyed this book as compared to her last one, Over the Edge. Typically the multi storylines keeps me a little frustrated, only becuase I don't want to seitch gears in the middle of the stream LOL!! While I would really like to see Suz write a story with no more than two storylines, her characters are just fabulous and you can't help but fall in love with them. Wildcard and Savannah were great to follow and the other storylines were strong and well thought-out. I will say, that as far as her books go, I would not recommend this to a first time Suz reader right off the bat. There is a lot of strong language, that doesn't bother me, but someone less familiar with her SEALs may take offense. Thank Suz for another great read! Can't wait for Sam and Alyssa's story!!!
Rating:  Summary: Questions on the series Review: Before I start - I have to say, I loved the last two books. Defiant Hero I only liked for the Sam/Alyssa story, Unsung Hero was pretty good and the last two have been excellent. But, I have some questions on the series. 1. Why aren't these Seals ever in the water on their missions? Seems they never use their specialty. 2. How about some follow-up on the previous stories - primarily Tom & Kelly. I found this story to be good because Kelly refused to marry him. THAT I believe. In the last book it seemed it might be because of his job and the fact that he's gone all the time - again, very believable. 3. I liked the fact that the historical part in this book was much less than in prior books - I always skip that part anyway. 4. Why doesn't Alyssa ever have to do any work? She seems to be sitting around waiting all the time. While I'm sure that's a part of her role, it doesn't seem like she's all that necessary to these missions. While in the prior books it's been eluded to, I'm missing her stunning skills and performance. She's great, I'd like to see her in a stronger role. She keeps being given babysitting duty. I think I'd tire of that very quickly. 5. Why are all of these women incredibly wealthy? Well, okay, maybe not Nils wife, but Terri, Kelly, and now Suzanne. I'm missing the point of this. Again, can't wait for the next installment, maybe some of this can be addressed.
Rating:  Summary: An action-packed romance/mystery that is hard to put down! Review: I loved this story! 'Out of Control' by exciting storyteller Suzanne Brockmann is definately a book the reader will not be able to tear themselves from. I read the story in two settings, it was that exciting! From the moment Savannah and Wild Card first connect through Jakarts and into the perils of the jungle in Indonesia this is one adventure the reader will not soon forget. An enticing tale of selfless bravery, romance and intrigue. A definate story not to be missed!
Rating:  Summary: Too much going on Review: Ms.Brockmann has too many stories going at once. The main characters Wild Card or as I call him CryBaby and his love interest were interesting. The grandmother who was a spy during WWII was interesting. But the missionary and the opportunist drag the story down. Perhaps I am being a bit harsh because I couldn't figure out what the hell happened to the Starlett story line. How does this make him a good man when more people are miserable than happy? I guess I am asking for too much. I just thought the story was sophisticated and perhaps it would continue to develop its characters without cliches but I was wrong and i will say it again sadly disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: OUT OF CONTROL Review: I have been a fan of Suzanne Brockmann since Prince Joe in 1996. She has a phenomenal ability to make her characters come alive and to make you really care about them (maybe too much). Out of Control's story of Wildcard & Savannah was wonderful...absolutely top notch, as were the stories of Molly/Jones (a real 5 star story) and Rose/Hank. Unfortunately, the Sam/Alyssa and brief mention of the Max/Gina situation left me with a feeling of depression after reading the book. She made us really care about these characters in previous books. Realistic it may be, but depressing and a real downer it also is. There is nothing better than finishing a good book on an emotional high and, in my opinion, nothing worse than finishing a good book feeling emotionally depressed. And Over the Edge and Out of Control both left an overall sick feeling of depression which overshadowed the other excellent stories involved. Brockmann made us care too much for these characters and then stuck it to them, and us. I'll still buy her books, but with a definite feeling of trepidation. She's a fantastic writer, particularly for those who can distance themselves from her characters and enjoy her overall writing excellence.
Rating:  Summary: exciting romantic suspense Review: Her friend told her that her best chance of rescuing her Uncle Alex resides with US Navy SEAL Ken "Wildcard" Karmody. Desperate, Savannah von Hopf is in San Diego hoping to persuade Ken to help her with the ransom exchange in Jakarta, Indonesia. She met Ken once while in Yale so how does she explain the "coincidence" that has him changing her flat tire near his home unless she tells the truth. Savannah and Ken are immediately attracted to one another, which makes her cowardly and unable to request what she must. They even make love that night. When she finally tells him why she is there, he is angry that he was sucker punched by a beautiful woman again. Still, he cannot allow her to go by herself. Soon the duo is struggling to keep alive, unable to differentiate between terrorist attacks and friendly fire as other American operatives propelled by Savannah's grandmother make a rescue attempt. OUT OF CONTROL is an exciting romantic suspense novel that first builds up the cast so that the readers know whose whom before going into an incredible warp speed. The flashbacks through Rose's autobiography add depth, but also jars the reader from the prime plot. Still, the story line is fast-paced, but it is the details that make this an exhilarating tale such as the audience trekking along with the stars in the jungle. Though a wild spin, Suzanne Brockmann never allows her novel to spin OUT OF CONTROL so that sub-genre fans have an exuberant experience. Harriet Klausner
Rating:  Summary: Out of Control, Susan Brockmann Review: Truely a good book! Can't wait for the sequel to this one. I want to find out whatever happens to Lys and Sam! You've got to read this high energy and great story lines