Rating:  Summary: It's just a book people! No reason to start WW3! Review: Ok all... I understand that you have your own opinions, but there is no reason to bash Diana Gabaldon's Companion. We all know what the book was about. It was in no way supposed to be the next enstallment of the series. It was for people who really loved the series and wanted to know more about where Diana got her ideas, what the sayings meant, and to answer any questions. The horoscope was for fun people! It wasn't supposed to start a review war. It is a fun book that lets you get in touch with other people and groups who liked the series as much as you did. We all pretty much had an idea what the Companion was about when we bought the book. If you don't like the companion, then you shouldn't have bought it. I think Diana Gabaldon's work is great and I for one look forward to the next 2or 3 books and another companion. For you that don't like this one... don't by the next companion. Give the woman a break... it is just a guide to her books after all. She isn't trying to create world harmony... just something to tide us all over till the next book. I for one would like to thank Diana for all the effort, reasearch, and hard work that goes into her stories. Keep up the good work!!!
Rating:  Summary: A must have for Gabaldonaholics! Review: I have been following the reviews below with interest and even though I never have done this before,I felt the need to throw in my two cents!I bought this book for what it was a companion.I enjoyed the excerpts,the descriptions of the book covers,and yes even the horoscopes!The Companion made Jamie and Claire all the more real! As for someone's comments on websites dedicated to Ms Gabaldon being "time sensitive" so the info is old huh? well have you checked out any of those sites? Some of them are quite lively! And I dare say the information on them is definitly current.I say Bravo to DG and to her Marvelous companion!And lighten up folks it's just a story!(well to most folks at least!)
Rating:  Summary: I Understand the Critisisim Review: Yes, I understand where you're coming from. I was kind of dissipointed too. I thought the horoscopes were inapropriate. Even though I was not as impressed as many other people I am still a true Gabaldon Fan and love her work.And who knows, mayby she did want a few more dollars in her pocket.
Rating:  Summary: A wee bit o' fun, not somethin' t'draw steel over!<g> Review: I didn't read the Outlander series. I devoured it.Normally, I'd rather be strung up and dunked head first into a vat of cold parritch than be forced to read "romance" novels, but Ms. Gabaldon's books went straight to my Celtic heart. I bought used copies in paperback to share with friends and hard cover editions for my library--that's a wee bit of change, but well worth it. Before ordering the Companion, I spent time flipping through a copy at the bookstore--and that might be a good idea if some of you aren't sure you want to spend the money on this--personally, I was laughing out loud and one lady even asked me "Is it good? What are you reading?" Grinning, I stuck a copy of Outlander in her hands...and yep, she bought it. I keep running into Outlandish people everywhere, and it's great. Diana--thank you so much for the many, many hours spent in the pleasurable company of the Fraser clan. Okay, put up your swords and stop hagglin' over the book.<g> Check it out first and buy it or not. Mine is on order right now.... (PS: I KNEW she had to be a Doctor Who fan! I mean "Fraser Hines/Jamie McCrimmon"? Had to be!)
Rating:  Summary: FIVE STARS FOR DOING IT YOUR WAY DIANA!!! Review: Oh for cryin'-out-loud!!! I's a companion book and we all knew it before it even hit the stores! It's not supposed to be an 'order out if you want dinner 'cuz I'm too busy reading Diana's new book' kind of deal!! You buy it because it belongs in the series and you read it because you like Diana's sense of humor(Warped though it may be at times)and her style of writing as much as you like the characters. I bought the book not expecting much in the way of a story line and I don't give a flyin' fat rabbit's behind if she did make money. More power to you, Diana, for having a career, a family and a talent you are willing to share with the rest of us (who would probably do the same darn thing you have done; make a living). There are SO MANY people who love your work that the critics don't even coun't anymore. SALUTE!!!!
Rating:  Summary: humor at a price Review: I enjoyed the Companion for its humor, but for me, things like character horoscopes brought the integrity of the series down a notch. Nevertheless, avid Outlander fans will most likely enjoy the Companion, especially the footnotes.
Rating:  Summary: Just What the Readers Ordered Review: All I have to say is that it is a COMPANION and it is EXCELLENT! Thanks, Diana!
Rating:  Summary: Designed to make you part with your wallet Review: Well, it looks pretty. But what do recipes and horoscopes have to do with the books I do not know. Gabaldon's sure got her "skit" done, though. The same words used on the web site are used in the book and on her speaking engagements. Word for word. I thought the whole point of being a writer was that you could say things a bunch of different ways, but I guess once you've made your million you figure you can rest on your laurels. I was a Gabaldon fan, but honestly, Nora Roberts is not putting out a Companion to her excellent "in Death" series. She lets the books speak for themselves, which is what Ms. Gabaldon should try to do in the future. We have another companion to look forward to once the series is over, she says, plus there is a chance there might be three more books, not two, so I guess fans are going to be strung along however she pleases. Amazon had almost 200 reviews before the book came out, which is baffling. They should not be open to reviews until a book is out, for god's sakes. Then they erased them all, leaving only one from a Gabaldon friend, who'd gotten the book in advance. Then there were about 40 reviews, including a rant by Gabaldon herself who doesn't care for people who do not appreciate her moneymaking, apparently. Then THOSE disappeared, and now we only have about fifty reviews again. Sure, fans do not care how much money they spend for a book that lists web sites dedicated to the author and a glossary that is not in alphabetical order. But still, this is surely a sign of how attractive money is, isn't it?
Rating:  Summary: ????????? Review: What happened with Diana's comments? I found them interesting and pertinent and now they are gone. I have not bought this book yet because I don't want to even be tempted to reading chapters from the next books. I am planning on buying it after the next book comes out because it will be a good resource when I reread any of the Outlander series. I recommend this series to anyone and will recommend the Companion to people if they promise not to read ahead!
Rating:  Summary: Up To Snuff Review: As usual, Ms. Gabaldon presents clear, crisp reading. The novels are soul-satisfying in their very evident imagination, research and hard work, and the Companion only fleshes out their creator, her hectic lifestyle and remarkable ability to assemble puzzles. I'm sure the input and assistance of your on-line friends helped tremendously in putting the right edge on scenes that were problematic for you, Ms. Gabaldon, but, if I may ask, why did you feel it necessary to defend yourself to them when they asked their pertinent questions? Of course you adhered to historical fact as much as possible, but it seems that creative license needs no defense if used as you so impressively have. Thank you for the Companion. It is firmly ensconced on my "favorites" library shelf with its cousins. I look forward to The Fiery Cross in late 1999 (?)