Rating:  Summary: Upsetting Review: I am appalled that starting with the title-"A Hot Fairy Tale"-was included. I am also appalled that this book has been okayed for children to read when the publishers have included in the introduction that there is a Little Sex in the story when there is none. It is misleading information such as this that has ruined this book as well as others by not allowing Junior High students to be able to read it.
Rating:  Summary: Fun reading for a sunny Saturday afternoon Review: I picked this book up at a sale to help the Lynnwood, WA library. One of those 25ยข a books type deals. I was interested mainly because "The Princess Bride is one of my favorite movies.Come to find upon reading the book that the movie and the book are nearly exactly alike. While the book doesn't have much more plot elements than the movie (save for a longer look at the characters younger lives), it does bring William Goldman's whimsical writing style. That style is approximated rather well in the movie, but is very fun to read. I especially loved the interludes where Goldman ostensibly interrupts Morgenstern's original story with some of his own commentary. Unfortunately, since the movie is so well known I won't rehash this much. The conclusion is that this is a wonderful story to read on a sunny Saturday afternoon with a glass of lemonade or iced tea in the park.
Rating:  Summary: Good Review: I thought that this was a good story and I loved the movie, but I found Goldman's comments quite annoying and even if he doesn't really have a son I didn't find his rude remarks funny. I did always wonder why Goldman's name was so large and Morgenstern's so small but now that I know that there is no S. Morgenstern I get it, I also get the rather modern twist on the classic princess story. I advise you to skip that Italic portions and just read that story. I also reccomend not buying the 25 anniversary edition, I did because I thought Buttercup's Baby was included but it was just the first chapter and even that wasn't very good. I recommend just buying the paperback or better yet get it from the Library because it is not worth the money. I really did like the movie though (which I thought was just as good as the book) and I think the story is great, but there are better books out there. My favorite line is "Life is pain Highness, and anybody who tells you differently is selling something." (not an exact quote) I also enjoyed Buttercup's dumb blond personality, sorry if I offended anyone by using the term dumb blond. I don't mean to sound to negative here I really did enjoy "The Princess Bride" I would probably recommend for some afternoon when you are bored and want some funny entertainment because it is funny, also skip the introduction chapter (I quit half way through and went to the real first chapter) it is not worth reading. E-mail meri_gilliatt@yahoo.com
Rating:  Summary: Life isn't fair! Review: The book was all about the unfairness of life, but to your suprise, after all your suffering along with the characters, it has a lovely ending. Well, actually that's up to you, much like "The Tiger or the Princess." Lovely book. Very charming. You won't get bored for a second.
Rating:  Summary: Fun and Exciting - a quick read Review: I absolutely loved this book! When I was forced to read it for English class, I was glad to find out that it was actually a good book for once! I found it hard to put down, and although it seems to be a long book, it was over before I knew it! The story keeps you in suspense, and is pretty funny too. I recommend it to people of all ages!
Rating:  Summary: Fabulous Review: Wonderfully writen. The book is best the movie is right in behind. Goldman's style of abrigement is uncomparable! But, (I'm not sure if I'm the only one) I want to read the unabridged copy too. If anyone knows where I can find one e-mail: UnaCeleste@aol.com
Rating:  Summary: It made a better Movie Review: William Goldman, the man who penned the screen treatments to such classics as The Ghost and the Darkness and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, had an interesting premise and wrote a compelling, fairy tale-like novel that is quite entertaining. However, I saw the movie first. I loved the movie, the characters, the concepts, etc. It was my favorite movie and still holds my cinemtic respect. The book takes a less-lighthearted, darker and more pessimistic approach than the movie and ends in a hurried, rather disappointing manner. Probably, had I read the book first I would have thought differently. For those who are fantasy enthusiasts looking to read a book that travels the road not taken, The Princess Bride is for you. For those who are die-hard fans of the exceptional film, beware: It's not what you'd expect.
Rating:  Summary: The Princess Bride meets Danger Close Review: That "The Princess Bride" has become a classic is obvious. Discussions about whether the book or the movie is better are a matter of taste, but surely without the book there would have been no movie. I watched the movie again last night, perhaps for the 25th time. This is only remarkable because I am neither "into" fantasy nor movies in general, and I like to fashion myself as a mature adult who watches maybe five hours of television in a month. But I am a writer who, when he occasionally stumbles upon a precious gem, likes to hold that gem in his hand, and examine its beauty from various angles and in different lights. Mostly I read nonfiction, and recently discovered another such gem of literature that I found actually alludes at times to "The Princess Bride." This new book is called "Danger Close," by Mike Yon and it seems destined for film. Overall, "Danger Close" is a serious book about a Green Beret who grew up in Florida, but this true story includes in real life many of the elements that occur in the fantasy world of TPB (True Love, fencing, fighting, torture). The comparison is by no means perfect, but at times the author, Mike Yon, actually winks at the readers that he, too, is a "Princess Bride" fan with lines almost straight from TPB. For instance, on page 31 of the 1st edition (there are three editions now so the pagination may have changed), the author described squirrels scampering through the trees as "rodents of unusual agility." [As opposed to ROUS's: Rodents Of Unusual Size.] At first you might think this just a coincidence, but the further you venture into "Danger Close," the more hilarious the secret references to TPB. This is made more remarkable by the fact that Mike Yon, for his creation of "Danger Close," received the very prestigious and rarely bestowed "William A. Gurley" award for creative nonfiction. And so, this is yet another example of how fans, at least one of whom, Mike Yon, is now an author in his own right, are placing "The Princess Bride" with the classics.
Rating:  Summary: A masterpiece! Review: And no, the movie ISN'T better (although it comes awfully close). The simple fact of the matter is that William Goldman wrote an amazing book. It is cleverly written (the whole S. Morgenstern thing itself is a crack-up) and made me laugh out loud as I read it. This book has everything: comedy, romance, adventure, true love, etc. I can't say enough good things about The Princess Bride. Just read it!
Rating:  Summary: Hilarious! A comment on other comments... Review: All right, as most others who have made comments have noted, there is NO S. Morgenstern. Several comments below speak of Morgenstern as if he were real, and indicate disappointment (or worse) in Goldman because of his adaptation. Personally I think those commentors were also kidding and playing along with Goldman's running joke. Laugh, and pretend to be indignant with 'em. This book has everything you ever wanted in a fairy tale, is eminently quotable, and I guarantee you will laugh long and hard. The movie is as worthy a screen adaptation as there ever was, with only the exception of The Godfather Saga. Read it, see it.