Rating:  Summary: Yes, "S. Morgenstern" is William Goldman Review: I found and read "The Princess Bride" when I was a teenager (many, many years before the film version came out). I immediately fell in love with it and considered it to be my secret treasure, because no one else seemed to know about it. Years later, I loved the movie too; I consider it to be a brilliant *adaptation* of the novel. Readers like Pooky should understand that Goldman's original novel was always meant as a satire. His comments and abridgements are part and parcel of the structure of the story. S. Morgenstern's "The Princess Bride" does not exist outside of Goldman's pen.
Rating:  Summary: My favorite book Review: Every time I read it, I'm amazed. A lot of people seem to prefer the movie. I think they're disappointed by Goldman's supposed abridging of the book, with his many asides about cuts that were made. Some people seem to dislike the lack of the movie's sappier ending. I think the book is genius. I guess some people feel betrayed when they find out that there was no original book by S. Morgenstern. I think that's what makes it so brilliant. If the book didn't have the extra stuff about the supposed original author, the glimpses of Goldman's supposed family life, I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much as I did. The story would still be great, but I was glad to find the extra commentary by Goldman in the book as opposed to the movie. It's one of the funniest books I've read. It never gets slow. It's one of the most moving books I've read. If you haven't read it, read it already. Goldman's just such a gifted, imaginative storyteller. I also recommend _Control_, _Magic_, _Marathon Man_, _Brothers_, and _Heat_. They're all so interesting and a far cry from _The Princess Bride_.
Rating:  Summary: S. Morgenstern= William Goldman?? Review: I love this story. I've been watching the movie since I was 2 years old. Recently I bought and read the book after searching for a book by S. Morgenstern. I read this abridged version and I hated all the extra comments. Not to put down William Goldman or anything because I do love the story, but I've heard that he actually made up S. Morgenstern. And then there is a 30 page intro. about his life, which I realize he has the right to put in there and I also have the right not to read. But all throughout the book there are little comments and parts where he cut out stuff. I wanted to read the original version, without all his comments and without parts cut out. Now I don't know if he actually did make-up S. Morgenstern as I've heard, and if he didn't than it isn't his fault, but I am still upset that I can't find the original version. And if he did indeed make up this person, then I don't understand why he did it. All it gained him was me not enjoying the book as much as I might have and a 30 page made-up story about his life and how this made-up book affected it. As I said though, I don't know if S. Morgenstern really exists. I would enjoy reading the original verison much better, although I love the story.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie, Amazing Book Review: The Princess Bride is a hilarious satire. To anyone who is tired of romance novels, daytime soaps, and sappy chick-flicks, this book is a must-read. Everything about the book -- from pretend author S. Morgenstern to Buttercup's Stupidity -- is calculated to make readers laugh and remind them that fairy tales do not exist and life is not fair. The Princess Bride is a true classic.
Rating:  Summary: Humor, Adventure, Love, Revenge, Innocence, TPB has it all!! Review: Oh my, Mr. Goldman is one amazing writer!!! Full of humorous scenarios, characters, dialogues and one amazing imagination!! I can't wait to watch the movie version, and well, since the screenplay is also written by William Goldman, its gonna be excellent!! Anyway let's discuss the plot!! Westley is a handsome farm boy who works for Buttercup (the love of his life) 's father. When Buttercup tells Westley that she is in love with him, he decides that it is time for him to go off to America and earn money so that he and Buttercup can settle down nicely. When he doesn't return, and gossip is spread by word that Westley has been killed by a pirate, Buttercup's heart dies too. She then is forced to marry Prince Humperdink. At this time, Buttercup is the most beautiful woman in the world, so it is not odd that a Prince would want her hand in marriage. As the days are counting down for the couple to marry, Buttercup gets kidnapped by three men. Scared, well not really scared, but worried as to how long this kidnap would take, a man in black comes to the rescue, however Buttercup does not really know this, since she is blindfolded. Well anyway, to get to Buttercup, the man in black has to surpass the three men - one at a time! First up is Inigo, one of the skinnest men out there, but an excellent fencer (he is the man that wants to revenge his father's death). A genuinely nice guy, honest, and sweet, just confused on who is the good guy in this case. Well anyway, the man in black conquers Inigo (does not kill him!!!) and moves on to the next man. Up next is Fezzik, a humongous giant, who is 100% innocent, and adorable. His strength is... well strength/power/muscle. He can knock down trees, and his arms will never get tired! Somehow, someway, the man in black surpasses him (I won't say anything it will ruin the plot!) And last but not least, is the man with the smartest brains. This guy is pure evil, not nice at all! Well the man in black is one courageous guy, and manages to outsmart him!!!! Amazing. after he saves Buttercup, she soon realizes who it is, and she is terribly happy, and soon they are trying to escape the Prince who is hot on their tail. They run into the swamp (a fire swamp - no one can get out of there alive) and come across many R.O.U.S (Rodents of unusual size), and how they still survive is wonderful and terribly romantic. However with honor and duty, Buttercup returns to Prince Humperdink, and the man in black, whom we now know is Westley is put in jail, where he is tormented by the Prince and his subordinate, Count Regen (the evilest man of all!!) How Westley and Buttercup find each other again is so sweet!! Inigo and Fezzik come back, save Westley, and all three of end up working together to beat the evil forces!!! Can't say no more, read it! You will be glad you did!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Princess Bride is a classic Review: The Princess Bride has been my all-time favorite movie since I was 4 years old. It wasn't until years later that I discovered it was actually based on a book by Morgerstern. The Princess Bride is an epic tale of heros, villains, monsters, true love, kings, farm boys, and princesses. Although very different from the movie, the book contains the same continuous humor, action, and romance. I highly recommend this book for all ages.
Rating:  Summary: Loverley book and this is not an abridgement Review: I have loved this book for years (I think it may be my favorite) William Goldman is a talented author especially with dialogue. This is a wonderful spoof/homage to old fashioned swashbuckling romance. I noticed that a lot of people believe this book is an abridged version of the "original" S. Morgenstern book. Actually, Morgenstern does not exist, just try looking him up on the library of congress. He was just made up as part of the joke. Think about it, isn't a bit ironic that Morgenstern and William Goldman write EXACTLY the same way. This is supposed to be abridged, not rewritten. Plus, if Morgenstern existed, then Florin must too. Actually, Florin and Guilder were coins, the names were just borrowed. You'll never find the countries in your history book. This is the Spinal Tap thing, the joke is done with a totally straight face so that there are always people who aren't exactly sure if it's the real deal. That was the reason Rob Reiner was chosen to direct the movie version. Read this book, enjoy it, it is one of the best you will ever experience. The diaglogue is unforgetable (every sylabub!)
Rating:  Summary: Best Book I've Read Review: This book was absolutely amazing. I had seen the movie and wanted to read the book to see if it compared. "The Princess Bride" truly is a Classic Tale of Love and High Adventure!
Rating:  Summary: If you loved the movie... Review: You've got to read this book! You'll recognize the characters and get to learn even more about them. This is a great book that delivers the "True Love and High Adventure" that it promises along with lots of laughs!
Rating:  Summary: Great Book! Review: I think this book is a great novel. I am not usually interested in longer books, but since my class was reading it I was kinda forced to! Now that I am almost done I am loving it and I encourage people everywhere to read it! If you have any interest in books at all you will love this one written by William Goldman.