Rating:  Summary: The Sherbroooke Bride its not Review: "The Sherbrooke Twins" is the lastest in the "Bride Series." Jason and James Sherbrooke are young men of London and joining them this season is Corrie Tybourne-Barrett a neighbor of the twins. But the Sherbooke family have problems, serveral attempts have been made on Douglas Sherbrooke's life and it looks like man from the family's past is behind it.
I loved earlier books in the "Bride Series" but the "The Sherbrooke Twins" did very little for me. Too me, it seem to me that Ms. Coulter had little interest in turning out a decent book. I loved earlier regency books by the author, but "The Sherbooke Twins" did very little for me.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but could be a little better... Review: After just finishing the book, I have to say I liked it, but am deeply confused. The title led me to believe it would be about the Sherbrooke Twins, when in fact it seemed to be more about their father and mother. The wording at times seemed confusing and the plot a little jumpy. But I did enjoy it once the plot got rolling. I can't wait to find out what happens with Jason.
Rating:  Summary: "NO MORE BRAT" Review: Another great book by Catherine Coulter. If you like historical romances, you'll love this. Had me from the beginning to the end. Can't wait to see what happens with Jason.
Rating:  Summary: The Black Sheep of the Sherbrooke Family Review: Coulter's recent historical romances have been pretty half-hearted, when compared to her "classics," but this was a true low point.This book, in short, has the flaws of her other work without any of the charms. These flaws include the strange, stilted dialogue which she seems to feel is endlessly witty (curses using animal parts, characters "hitting each other over the head" with zingers or suggestive asides, male characters insulting female characters' intelligence based on their "womens' parts," etc.) as well as the strange tendency towards sexual violence that Coulter has always been drawn to. Many of her erotic scenes over the years have been, effectively, rapes and the love scene in Sherbrooke Twins is no exception. While a little excess passion once in a while can be interesting, a lot starts looking kind of dark and unhealthy. Why does Coulter think her reader wants her heroes to turn every wedding night into a scary, sticky, sore, demeaning experience for her heroines? It's 2004-- it's okay for female characters, even regency females, to enjoy sex right off the bat now! They don't have to get through a gauntlet of pain and humiliation first. They don't have to get abused by hubby just so we can feel bad for them and then revel with them in hubby's guilty and sincere apology (and his generous peace offering of belated foreplay and tender lovin'). I just don't find that all that sexy time after time. In fact, I find it a little medieval and mysogynistic. Paging Dr. Freud! You'll also find some overused Coulter phrases in this one, such as the infamous "fat as a stoat." Catherine, a stoat is a weasel. A weasel is a relatively thin animal. Why must you use this expression in every novel? Why the constant comparisons to animals in general? And I have to say, though cat racing is cute, and I love cats, why bring it up in every, single book-- even when there is no actual cat racing of any kind taking place? Finally there is the problem that this book feels like both the Sherbrooke family annual Christmas letter "Dahling made a 1480 on her SAT's and Ryder got a big promotion at work!..." and an infomercial for the next book-- we're hardly interested in the characters of James and Corrie because they're fairly one-dimensional and we learn relatively little about them due to the fact that we're too busy wondering about Jason and worrying about our old friend Douglas. (And as it turns out, had Douglas ever had the opportunity to read any other Coulter regency, he could have figured out preeetty quickly who the "mole" in his household was-- to call the "twist" in this book unoriginal is no stretch.) That may, in fact, be the crux of the problem: the central crises in The Sherbrooke Twins have much more to do with the secondary characters than the primary ones. James and Corrie could have done with their own personal crisis to overcome, instead of an inherited one. We're a little more curious about Jason and his entirely-new dilemma than Corrie's/James' hand-me-down drama, and maybe I'm cynical but it seems like that's how Coulter meant it to be. Because of the very leading ending, it seems pretty obvious that we'll be seeing the twins again soon. Maybe we'll actually get to know them (and Coriander) in the next novel, which will be less a sequel to this novel than a tardy conclusion, but I'm not going to rush to buy the book and find out.
Rating:  Summary: Bookends Review: How could you go wrong with a pair of handsome twins--bookends! Just think of the possibilites, and Coulter DOES think of some of them. I thoroughly enjoyed this light, fun read and would highly recommend it to anyone. Of the three books I've recently read (Life of Pi, McCrae's The Bark of the Dogwood--not a romance book) and this, The Sherbrooke Twins is the best. No, it's not a page turner in the sense of Da Vinci Code or a family saga like Bark of the Dogwood, but it is loveable, well-written, and full of fun. Give me another one of these any day!
Rating:  Summary: Grade"S"for Sorry Review: I am a long time fan of Ms Coulter's all the way back to her early medieval novels. One of my favorite novels is the Sherbrook Bride and I am not a fan of her FBI thrillers so I was excited to see her revisit the Sherbrooks. The first part of the novel I found myself totally getting confused as to the point of conversations and who was speaking. Ms Coulter has a talent for writing whitty conversations but this was over the top. An example of taking a good thing way too far. Every character seemed to have to throw a whitty remark into every sentence it quickly got confusing and annoying. The story is mildly interesting and has it's moments but obviously a set up for that $20+ hard cover novel about the second twin.
Rating:  Summary: Confusing and blah Review: I am a long time fan of Ms Coulter's all the way back to her early medieval novels. One of my favorite novels is the Sherbrook Bride and I am not a fan of her FBI thrillers so I was excited to see her revisit the Sherbrooks. The first part of the novel I found myself totally getting confused as to the point of conversations and who was speaking. Ms Coulter has a talent for writing whitty conversations but this was over the top. An example of taking a good thing way too far. Every character seemed to have to throw a whitty remark into every sentence it quickly got confusing and annoying. The story is mildly interesting and has it's moments but obviously a set up for that $20+ hard cover novel about the second twin.
Rating:  Summary: Really bad material from an excellent author Review: I couldn't believe how much I disliked this book. I gave it two stars just because Coulter is such a usually fine author. However, she missed the boat on this one. I read about 100 pages (or less) at the beginning and maybe about 30 pages at the end just to get my money's worth.
Rating:  Summary: Clever story Review: I found this to be a clever story, and the author's handling of the plot to be outstanding. I see from other reviews that not everyone agrees, but perhaps it was because I came to this book totally unprepared and unbiased that I was able to fully appreciate it. You see, my wife brought it home and I picked it up, thinking it was going to be some sappy romance with little substance. And while it's not my usual cup of tea, I actually enjoyed the thing. Being in a book club allows me to read all kinds of novels, and I've actually recommended this one to go along with a few others we have. Lately we've been through DECEPTION POINT, TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE, and Jackson McCrae's BARK OF THE DOGWOOD, so I think we'll be able to handle this one as well, being the eclectic bunch that we are!
Rating:  Summary: Clever story Review: I found this to be a clever story, and the author's handling of the plot to be outstanding. I see from other reviews that not everyone agrees, but perhaps it was because I came to this book totally unprepared and unbiased that I was able to fully appreciate it. You see, my wife brought it home and I picked it up, thinking it was going to be some sappy romance with little substance. And while it's not my usual cup of tea, I actually enjoyed the thing. Being in a book club allows me to read all kinds of novels, and I've actually recommended this one to go along with a few others we have. Lately we've been through DECEPTION POINT, TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE, and Jackson McCrae's BARK OF THE DOGWOOD, so I think we'll be able to handle this one as well, being the eclectic bunch that we are!