This anthology of interfaith articles, essays, and resources has a multifold mission: First off, it is a well-presented primer, introducing readers to 20 of the world's religions and spiritual beliefs--Hinduism, Christianity, African Traditional Religion, Taoism, Wicca, and Nature Spirituality among them. Second, this carefully edited collection offers suggestions for becoming a more unified community, one that tolerates and respects the diversity of spiritual beliefs on the planet. Finally, it addresses the common ground amid all this diversity, such as respect for human rights, environmental responsibility, and creating a culture of peace. Although the material is heady (e.g., discussions on "Scared Community at the Dawn of the Second Axial Age" and "Objectives of the 1893 World Parliament of Religions"), the essays are mostly written by accessible writers, such as Wayne Teasdale and Thomas Keating. Also, the editor, Joel Beversluis, offers excellent introductions to each submission, grounding readers in plenty of background, context, and insider's information. --Gail Hudson