There's a new breed of spiritual seeker emerging in the world, says author and teacher Gloria Karpinski in Barefoot on Holy Ground. "I call them disciples--awake, aware, committed, and global in their worldview," she writes. Nonetheless, no matter how spiritually sophisticated we fancy ourselves, we are still works in progress, which is why Karpinski compiled this contemporary guide to spiritual growth. Drawing from numerous traditions, she offers a vast holy ground for the new breed of disciples to walk upon. The book's organization can seem disjointed, as when it jumps from "Opening the Heart Chakra" to "Breaking the Should Syndrome" in the same chapter. Yet Holy Ground is certainly comprehensive, with chapters covering spiritual topics such as love, will, faith, and creativity. In every chapter, Karpinski offers minilectures and numerous exercises. When she delves into "shadow work," Karpinski provides a solid Jungian discussion about facing one's dark side, then slips into her seminar voice, listing 21 signs for "Recognizing the Shadow," including "You need to ridicule anything" and "You have a well-defined list of pet peeves." Fortunately, these shifts in narrative are only mildly distracting, and and the blend of theory and application ultimately serves the reader well. --Gail Hudson