Rating:  Summary: Solid book. Review: A.J. did a good job writing this book. The book is an insperation to a man to not only get involved better in Wicca, but to treat his female counter part better, and vice-versa. This really sets the equality back into the religion, as it may be hard for men to go into a female dominated religion when we grow up in a male dominated world. It puts equality back to this life. There are some...'interesting'...views in the book about creation. I really enjoyed the book, and reassures the reader there is no one 'right' way. It gives examples for a coven, but reassures one that it can be used for the solitary Wiccan. I think A.J. did a great job on this book and look forward to getting his Spell Craft for Men book soon. Also I recomend heading over to his site neo-pagan.com as it also is a good community. This book will be on my recomendation list, and in my library for a very long time. Thank you A.J for this book.
Rating:  Summary: Creative ideas, not so male Review: As a male pagan seeker I purchased this book by A.J.Drew. It is nice to read, it has some great very creative ideas and thaughts on making tools and preforming rituals. He confuses wicca and witchcraft a bit, by giving other terminology. His suggest for casting of the circle to first call the gardians, then the drawing. But there first has to be a circle, so the watchtowers can protect it from the outside! Guardians are not guests IN the circle, but give protection around it. As an artist I found it a nice ...By the way, the books doesn't include gay spirituality. The material is not exclusive for male wicca's. Its doesn't say anything (or creates a myth) on the male witches in the 18-19 century, in East- and Northern Europe. This I find important to mention: 90% of accused witches in Iceland, 65% Russia ect where male witches: NOT FEMALE.= New perspective Witches aren't always female
Rating:  Summary: Reconciliation of Goddess and God Review: I find myself trying to break away from the unforgiving, intolerant religion of my fathers, only to be shunned by the largest, fastest growing pagan religion in the U.S. It seems that after several millennia of abuse from the "patriarchal" religions, women have taken the only religion that does not oppress them or make them look like Jezebels and tried to make it their own. Thing is, they made it almost exclusively their own, projecting the same attitude toward men as has been shown to them for so long. Well, this book sets the record straight by pointing out that there is a room a plenty at Gods (esses) table. This book embraces all that is male (The Horned God) and introduces HOW TO EMBRACE THE GODESS AS WELL. This book is a true reconciliation between the two sexes. I started reading this book to affirm my place in the Wiccan religion. Only to find out it had already been done, and now know the real difference between a REAL witch, and these scissor-happy, man hating, neo-feminist "earth mothers" I always seem to run into. This book not only points out the incorrect way many Wiccan covens practice this religion, but also assures the curious and spiritually destitute man that Wicca, in fact, means MALE WITCH. (Sorry, ladies) However, this book takes it one-step further. I now realize the true beauty in seeing a gender duality in divinity because I found out that the Goddess (portion of Divinity seen as female) has never hated me nearly as much as I feared her. Guys, I am happy to report that SHE IS NOT A THREAT and will welcome you with arms open, not closed. She loves and cares for our father and the reverse is true. THEY ARE THE SAME. I feel the Gods rage in this book as he explains through the author the hurt and outrage he feels to this day when it came to be that man had forsaken his wife, his partner. His best friend, his soul mate. OUR MOTHER. Now that I have digested and assimilated this new philosophy and religion, I see God and myself in a very different light. In doing so, certain things have happened almost literally overnight. I have come to know a peace I have never known before and it is through tears of joy that I can now release a lifetime of bigotry, sexism, rage, hate and pain. Simply put: The Goddess has helped me heal. Now I understand the conceptual philosophy of gender duality attributed to all things divine and profane, I feel that I know now who my mother is. And she is so...very...beautiful. I have been shown that to accept my mother DOES NOT MEAN I MUST FORSAKE MY FATHER. It is the piece missing from the myriad of one-side confusion myself and others have been raised to believe. I now see women in a completely different light as a result of seeing myself differently the product of seeing The Almighty differently. This book IS NOT MEANT as an affirmation for men to reassure them that their conception of divinity must be REPLACED, but EXPANDED. Things began to click with me instantly while Ishtar smiled. All she wanted was for me to know who she was. Moreover, to know that although I may have never known WHO or WHAT she was, she has never forgotten who I AM. More is the pity. Better late than never I suppose. This book is a calling to all male pagans Wiccan and non-Wiccan alike, to now join our sisters in reuniting the planet as a family and not strangers. Though I would venture to say that a reference to the Goddess as the "consort" to the God would be met with equal disdain from the True Wiccan Woman and earth-mother alike, it also serves to show them how equally distasteful it is to us to have the God referred to by the same title. Unless of course, you mean consort as "partner," that is. That IS what you meant, right? THIS BOOK IS FOR MEN AND WOMEN BOTH. To enlighten the man about the Ways of the Wood, while setting the record straight with our fairer counterparts as to equality and "practice what you preach." Ladies, I love you all. Please know that we (men) are coming from the same battle torn, madhouse that is modern religion and we are just as bruised, bloody and hurting as you were when you left. We are glad you have capitalized on a little known secret and exposing it to the world, but please remember that those who started this ball rolling in the 20th century meant to re surface something beautiful and a LOT of those pioneers... WERE MEN. Buckland and Gardener to name but a few. Remember the witch who helped repeal the anti-witchcraft laws of England in 1951? O.K. that, my dearest sisters was a MAN. Quite a few of these guys were in fact, freemasons, like myself. And it is by no means a coincidence that our initiation rituals are so similar. No coincidence at all, ladies. So when you see one of us staggering toward your camp, hungry, beaten and torn, understand that a kind word, a hot meal and a warm bed can do more for a person in that condition (male or female) than a closed door ever could. See what I have come to understand is that the God (or the conception thereof) did not do this to all of us. HIS INSANE FOLLWERS DID. They took off his horns and replaced them with guns. THIS IS NOT THE GOD. This wrongful conception of masculinity must stop and this book subtly points that out. Even if you are a soldier and have been to war, you want to show me how brave you are? Try changing a diaper tough guy. Lets see how bad you REALLY are. We are not just soldiers and conquerors. We are husbands, fathers, lovers and protectors. We are the hunter, the farmer and the Holy Man. When did we loose sight of our roles and responsibilities AS MEN? When did the farmer become the executive, the warrior a soldier? When did the hunter become a poacher, and the father a deadbeat dad? When did the husband become a tyrant and the father become just a picture on somebody's wall. But most importantly: What about Mom? WHEN DID WE KICK HER OUT OF THE HOUSE? When we did that, we kicked out our wives and mothers as well, tossing out the baby with the bathwater, turning our women into slaves and thus begun the Ruination of the World. Read this book. Because it can change yours. Blessed Be :-}
Rating:  Summary: Covers pretty much everything. Review: I picked up this book after considering it for quite some time. I am glad I finally did. This is a good book for males or females interested in the Wiccan path. A.J. Drew starts his book by reviewing the history of Witchcraft, which I really thought was enlightening. Though I had heard it all before, he puts in ways that I hadn't. This book would be a good beginners book, so I think the title is misleading. It's not just about male Pagans. This book could really be a book for all Pagans seeking a spiritual path. I do think it is unfortunate how a few Wiccan groups have gone to embrace only the Goddess. I suppose that is just because of years and years of male-dominated religion. This book does help bring it back into balance. It also contains some sample spells, and rituals for the eight Sabbats. Very good read. Enlightening and Informative. Blessed Be!
Rating:  Summary: I read the second first - Loved both Review: I read his second book yesterday and his first book Wicca for Men today. I thought they were both great, but read this one first or it will be a bit confusing. This is because Drew presents the introduction to Wicca as a ballance in this book, boldly challenging the female dominated presentation that most authors present. What can I say, I loved it.
Rating:  Summary: Read it second Review: I read this one after reading Wicca Spellcraft for Men. Watching how some Wiccans act, I had always thought Wicca was a bit too hokey for me. After reading Drew's books, I have a new interest and love of Wicca. Drew explains things in a person's voice more than an author's voice. When I read his books, I feel I am being talked with and not too. I would recomend this book for anyone who is finding an interest in Wicca or anyone who has been active but hasn't felt that "born again" feeling. The only complaint I could offer is that they should have been
Rating:  Summary: An excellent book for beginners - and a fresh viewpoint... Review: I recommend this book to men (AND women) that are curious about Wicca and would like a good general background on the Craft - especially those who are attracted to Pagan ideas and concepts but are put off by the sometimes overly female-oriented direction of many books on Wicca (an understandable reaction to Patriarchal Monotheism, but...). Wicca is an old (perhaps the oldest) religion, re-emerging in the modern day. It is growing explosively - and is evolving at the same time...it is good to see a viewpoint mature enough to realize that Goddess and God are equal sides of Creation - and brave enough to say so in public! This book fills a true need within our community. I wish this book had existed fifteen years ago, when I first encountered modern Wicca - it would have been of great assistance to me then. I think it is a great read for all beginning - or considering - the Wiccan path...male AND female. And for anyone in or out of the Craft that has an interest in being exposed to a fresh and insightful viewpoint on contemporary Wicca and one of the directions in which it is heading. I may not agree with everything Mr. Drew says, but I am glad to have read his book...it made me think, it made me laugh....and it reminded me WHY I chose this Path. Blessed Be and Live Free!
Rating:  Summary: Introductory leval Excellance! Review: If this was the first book I had ever read on Wicca, my entrance into the community would have been so much easier. The author's laid back approach is excellent at making the reader relax about a touchy subject. If you are a stuffed shirt, you might not like this one. But if you are interested in an Earth Based religion and aren't afraid of a little mud between your toes, you'll love it. This is the first book I have seen that offers a playful approach to God and Goddess. Written from a male viewpoint, the relationship between men and both God and Goddess are explained in a way that never really sunk in before. I loved it. Oh, by the way.... Gardnerians should probably NOT read this book.
Rating:  Summary: wonderfully balanced Review: not to bash all feminist wiccan books,but there are a select few that do insult men and make them feel inferior to the female gender.(i am female). however this is a book for male wiccans and it does not insult or bring down the female gender what so ever. plus this book had some very good info and it. this is an excellent book for any wiccan to read or anyone that is interested in learning about wicca.
Rating:  Summary: Wiccan book reviews and more at modernwiccan.com Review: Personally, this was one of the first books that I bought on the subject of Wicca. It is a fairly small book, but I thought is was very appropriately themed, being a man just then learning about Wicca, what seemed (at the time) to be a very female dominated religion. It was nice to find, however, that the book would be very useful for anyone reading it. The author does a very good job at forming the base philosophical and theological concepts of Wicca for the reader. The author has a very supportive and informative tone throughout the book, making it a useful resource without getting a know-it-all tone. This book is especially useful for Wiccans just starting. It provides multiple Wiccan philosophies, and allows the reader to choose what he/she is most comfortable with. In addition, it includes sample rituals for each of the major holidays, as well as some basic reference tables. This is a very well thought out book with a good tone, enhanced by the author's individual perceptions. I consider it a welcome addition to my library.