What is the Big Plan and how does it guide us? Voyage to Curiosity's Father, the fourth installment in Bruce Moen's Exploring the Afterlife series, delves into one of life's key questions. As it turns out, there are indeed workers behind the scenes, laying down our personal "eventlines" and even creating protective detours and opportunities to steer us fumbling humans here on Earth, according to Moen. Newcomers to the series should know that Moen bases his books on dialogues with beings who have lived before and who offer insights from the other side. Although Moen's books often include an ambitious blend of quantum physics and metaphysical beliefs, he has a knack for making complicated theories easy to understand, using snappy dialogue and down-to-earth stories. Bear in mind that it's best to start at the beginning of the series before attempting this one. Moen clearly assumes that readers are already familiar with the series' lingo. It's not uncommon to find passages such as: "To give myself an edge I dug out the Hemi-sync tape handed out at the Exploration 27 program." Longtime fans of the series will gobble this one up, as they return to the enticing realm of crystals, coded programs, and ultimately discover the Creator's master plan. --Gail Hudson