Motivational speaker and author Debrena Jackson Gandy offers 101 "Sacred Power Principles" specifically written for African American women. Each principle is presented in a brief chapterette, making this an easy-to-digest, fast-paced read. Yet beneath her warm, girlfriend-to-girlfriend style of writing, Gandy packs a wallop of wisdom, which is why this works so well in small bites. Most of the "Sacred Power Principles" revolve around the issues of internal self-care and self-love, arenas where black women still struggle, Gandy says. "We've been told to love ourselves and we know it's a good idea, but many of us haven't seen it modeled and it hasn't been 'exemplified' for us," she writes. "It exists as a good idea in our minds, but it is not yet a reality in our lives. Taught how to maintain and groom our bodies. Yes. Taught to love ourselves? No." Although the spiritual and self-empowerment principles explored in this advice-laden book are ones we've all heard before, Gandy manages to use fresh metaphors and offer original suggestions. Her 101 chapters explore principles such as "Suspend judgment," "Claim your gremlins," "Know your ministry," "No more jerky moves," "Create intimacy with sister friends," and "Be bold, bodacious, and succulent (BBS)." --Gail Hudson